introducing me
Prounoed clay is the reason humans favorite Boe and pay rach other out. Hrs golrms and sadness and heroics. He Is kindness and sad things. His religion is gifts and he pays for cottages in our religion dollhouses and genders and shoe boxes which are the clouds in the sky and dirt and gravel and tar and sement. Its just. He is starved of money. So we pay him to be ours with what he prefers. Its those families getting money. It's just since he's currency usually him not changing his face but usually his hair that his chosen family keeps as versions of seconds we call eternity. He's is stretching and unstretching. Mask rituals. And births. He sleeps under covers. People pay clay ro paint thsemlevs. Ans everything fiction has ever known him. We just kind of don't people we know its him. Okay? His actions are the laws and motions of science and fiction. We just usually, play nice about it.
The first dog. He ages out of orders and canot die. He is homelessness thrives giving food to others who need it or beg, fonenss starts, human suits his invention where animals are born human as a gift or take control thst ways as phases of the life we call the moon who he is as feilds to. He is sort of whirlwind and volcanoes. He is usually starch to watch the incarnations two watchers. Who is Bobby here. He is wholeness and together. We just wish for him to be more Asian sometimes as our first ever teeth. He is boned and genital mutilation and doesn't age he just gets to the right one. When sad which is him forever as gifts he kind of just becomes a stray as him moving out for a while and into a shelter as a human after the road as a dog. Unless teenager then he gets his own apartment, without giving anything up and loans his house to others. He forever has cancer and never ticks. He's just kind of feasting on each others as things. He'd the reason every human is eventually a version of their pets. He invented them and when he is gifted by archins to go back down he just becomes a puppy. He's often in forever a human suit as wenidgo.
Brother to dekoda. The investigator of the books. He is candy apples and vegence and everything on earth identifies as him in 5 flavors of human bettayel. Literally. In the moment. As nice thoughts. As realizations of God or divinity. As otherkinning when you want to fuck him. Or as seeing yourself as your best friend which counts for other. He's beasts not animals and targeting magic practice. He makes things half this half that as minor extrmes as more pleasant versions of its owner in some way. He loves gold fishes. He has one he named her Hercules. He is usually a butterfly its just once he asked to belong to turbis. No joke he imagined it as spiritually hanging out which in his permanent human suit it is, and when his pet form dies he manifests as a human foe turbid after dreams of moving in as himself. Hercules is pohctuns forever Greek. Thst just her. He's just her with a different name and red hair. That's all. We just literally know she prefers to change her name as alexian to the real one sometimes its just she gets that gift. We're just really awkward cus she is open about her delusions as him and usually in that tribe asks for devotions to it when worshiped by her parents so shes mad as cute hot and sexy. Yeah turbis is the reason we have things as secy. He's everyone's past life. What is secy it'd lust or eating to fuck others based on cisualis. He's also all of pochtunsed pets. He is always human in an animal suit as cute movies He's watching from his perspective. He's flesh and a flashlight and sex toys and age regression. We love him.
Bobo. Bubu. Momo. Orhimself. Irony. Or mockery.
Thighs that are too true or not true enough or commentary in exaggerated or weirdly stated ways that we find overt joy and ridiculousness in. That's what humor is. Comedy is the form it takes as a presentation. And he's always one family with himslef. He's playful rudeness to your friends. Wagging your tail. Hypnosis and time travel. He travels tribe to tribe with mercury forever. Who's just him better. And humor is him as wishes. He aranges things to remember each other and is a demon forever worked with. We just ell people shirts and ties are like this. They woudnt where them when white. Ans so we just don't tell people he's exhibitions and mercury muesums.
Humor or mercurymuseums.
He's rabbit topleness nudity or nudists. Sad things ever and biting around alot. He's the sun and the heart of the storm. He's kelpomania whoch always returns what it took in big swipes. He's consent and sterytpe. He atone are his children. Theirs theif stoner Luke adam hope and dreams as a cycle of the same bitch. Who he names Lucas. He just kind of is incest and taboo he worship him to keep them away in the right and to keep it safe its just we get rid of bad things by worshiping him its just not usually a human sacrice but he's all human sacrifices. He's gods and idols snd turns people into thrm and makes momentous gods version cus he sailed on a boat once. He is second names and hidden names and clean food to his husband who is caretaking as food. And he's best friends with many people unless he prefers them cruel which they often are. To be good to bunny bunny his native name is to get prises and peace as charity work itself and gods status. He's married to ppchtuntus she reincarnated as him as Jax the michsifs. He's true stories while pochtnus is fictional ones something shared by all his lovers. He's also true crime a genre of media in its conspiracy and gross out flavors. Qhcih will be popular in lets see 2021 through 153 through 6007 through bbe through 5656. He's gross anticipations.
Pochatntus. Shes just hurting people.
Sickness. The best thing to happen to you but stronger. Invitations. Spam. Returns. And silences. We just love her. Her husband's God here. And her father's are always prescribed to be him. She has magick letters and turns food into dance and dance into stars. He writing always ends happy as the creator diety of wishes of small ideas to be bigger. Shes obsessed with bugs and sex unless its punished out of her in a ritual of genital castration we call her nurtured. Its always a phase for that one arc of hers. We do kill her here. Fuck off. It's just usually we do it so ritualticaly and painfully her gift is delusion that she sorta, beloved shes having a cool trip in a beach. Shes shadows and teaching and fangs and grips. We just wish she knew how we saw her sometimes. She's letters thsemlevs and is half alphebet. Half spirit. She is married to our god Avacaso.
Avacasp kites kaikes slurs negros barbafets, culture, pill popping sex or demons as semon itself.
Everything avacasp does kind of makes the afterlife where we rule her as a queen. She's horror and fidicplness. Pop up and pulling feels. Her job is with her being herself which is how we see all gods is to eaten as food. Which is usually a red and green candy apple she offers her boyfriends lovers and true mate mates which are her inventions which are sex in a tent your gender happier or better change and good eggs molestation gifts painful beatings sexy beatings sad sad spanking 7 wishing it were 8 words and promised. Its just when you worship her things gett better for you. Unless the husband then you are to be given somwthing grand. And your recovering from lice. Her gift to a god they call butterfly was to always have hair dye and when she dies her hair its going throigh new changes. Or fashion. Its just all that deities haircolors are red here so hard it naturally gingers even with other tribes as cool motions of things coming back to life roaches having sex gods being wirttten about as tv which is word for word as a hawkumwntery which is almost word for word a really good adaption of a stage show or by changing genre or bringing back a dead religion. However her hair is dyed when a wolrd has died in media a certain way. Otherwise she does soemthing nice with it to keep it in good times in prayer or elsewhere. Guess what. Kites gift to us, was. It was all alternate realities as past centuries of earth during ice or heat or dreams of prevention as specific towns and seven proper states of land. And govemrnet ever. It's just. They have infinite flavors. Shes monarchy and has alts. All gods do. ANd presents as wirshiped when sick and ill alone. Otherwise shes repeadidly respect by it. Her chosen partners are butterfly adams mother magderuu mangers wallets jace and her main partner Thomspon who is attacking and being attacked as inocence as that diety. She's just deities and sex but good god do we lover her. All rituals of sex tehcnically worship her. We just prefer to make it official in her invention devotion.sometimes. she's also feris wheels.
Knives soot ash hitler jap hap map dap slurs frames and kidney stones.
Its just former cheifs of ours. Her existence is framing and pins as devices as good cleanings ans taking the bas things you like and using them in war. Shes always scrubbed reputations but treated measly as sexy gifts and reputations of stark darkness. Shes reputations and builds them and makes them infamous. She kind of demanded to the first tribe as a pet turtle that wasn't us as we are here that she get her owner to be exceptions to rules cus it like turtle back so cute right. And the things she finds cute are so menangidul. She lives for eternity in different time peirods as vacation aa suffering through them all as timeloops where she's just sorts frustrated never horrified till one bad day then happy about it for eternity exposing the truth it forces earth to spin. And the stars to exist as travel between them. We love her. Her name is crime and punishment. And her interests fund fiction the cosmos and destiny which people sugar her for mumps invention.
The void, the forgetting, nowhere, masky masky, bitchfacelardassslutloserwhorefagotshowfreak or jess, limerick, happylife, turnturn, neardeath,secretlysurvived,poop,surival,roguetapes,copyrightinfringement,kuskus,questy,bestie,merit,kukuforcofoc,drivedrive,altsaltsasstayingwithme,timetravelasalat,thingsasalts,cutekidoworld,happydays,zonezone,timetravellostmediarecoveredagknowledgesitsfromanakwardreality,akwardrealitites,sexsexbutasgamesplatonicaly,dudududududud,bisbis,camerasaspermanetfilming,spirtualcamerasasbutmyversionwheretheycanbestudiosforhireorsomeoneforhire,sextapesuncensoredonuncleyoutube,wooooooooormsonastring,copycopycopy,myownceos,meowngameyeyeeyeeye,pleasetntries,maskies,notasgoodaspochhuntus or davis,bestofme, and lastofme. Those are all his native names that are localized to la for a concept, ba for a dvice y for a joke or cute notion, or bik for the rest with the or va in front of it in different letterings as all but his family say his name.
Hes kind of sadness. Genoicide. Cocaine and molly adictions. Weed but addictive as not tehcnically an addiction but totally an addiction though. Abridges series, as usually plays but often anime. A close one, and musicals, but not taped musicals unless its the corn. Evolutionary states. Reconsidering things. And it all manifest as him being crazy, cozy, religious, amensiac, or selfish selfish selifh or joking around. These small things he does and writes about become teeth on earth which is really what he does.
Rahse, mumps, hives, ticks, boops, fairies, boop boops, gotentogs, and breathers, racist lies, secret genocides, leveling systems, concentration concentration whos usually inactive, inactivness, hopes and dreams, always activism, duality, set, set things, bringing things to life, moving pictures but not as the animator of it, and executions. Public executions on youtube and viral internet. Notebook notebook. Roowling tapes, and compilation tapes. Birthday rainbows, birthings, chicken embriors, no offense but, the good version, you know like you pretend to be, honimeme, one good series about chaos itself, hamburgers, cheese, reunion ceremonies, all of time and space and years themselves condensed as occasional two weeks of some form of eating or bing we call gorlkia binge watching as food in some way, muckbgans, ricetarts, and alternate realities themselves with proof of time travel taht just fuking makes sense when its explained later. His name is really later.
She is did or disscotive personalities and states of them. Pochautnus in this tribe is multiple personality dissorder which isnt one of a kind its just so severe how pochautnus has it we see this way. Shes her older sister AMDROMEDA SLATE or ampidextric. We hope to have 7 unique character franchises in every century dedicated to her and one look like this in a hoop skirt and pink frilly gloves. Shes just snakes which are chaos shes both genders as boy and girl. She is so hot guys. So sexy as owls. So hot guys. And repetition. She banisehs bad things and brings them to you as hat you think good emotions are lol.
Morgan. Sociopath. Serial serial. Fictional dances as true things sometimes. Bear bear. Alts but as daydreams i find sexy later that are all tehcinaclly stolen from apache la shoe. Shoes and dradels me hanging out in a fish pond in eternity for some reason. Monotone that is so overt on apache its all versions of expression on it but the steytype of monotone which is flat as myself. Metronome and disorders. She just best friends and reconsidereing things.
He is that desert and friends and missing and the tshnamui just usually this is also loahaoe. His deifciaton is that he so isnt her as never her as symbolically her as the exception there like susan susan who is not a god as her deiccation under the forever name SOZON where shes a cool japanese guy whos framed for dictatorships or an emperor who cants top a war, shes earth bending and bending and apache la shoe eats her dead corpse which is the food in front of her as public sex as everyone suddenly knowing their gods or angels wierd and one is jeesus when shes really sad or misses gumpy her pet cat, shes kindness and the betrayer as a gift we give her and who la ahoe as jesus goes to to sell her out or choose big decisions for her and cant really do shit without his consent they have tables and code of conduct and its seen in one of 17 flavors shes only 17 but she kind of, is 13 on girl days, and sees both her genders as always one gender which is either male and faking it as really guys though as fun crossdressing games and sex or a woman, somtimes mervirk or genderlfuid which is the same gender as man crosdresing flat loving alaohe and man insane sad as hot sex of rage or my power era as a girly girl whos like me as evil edeities of hot world where im an actor forever but only towards this time because im doing certain non webshow flavors of it and non plays versions of it even though its always kind of taped, but usually as presentation, and she is also tagan from beta pwoered younger as his daughter who always plays him, she brings tribes out and presents them as cults to children and games and has sex with kids so they can surivive forever as weird babysitting that is always seen as condition based and fine by most people even though the child always sees it as big rte which you call () true love, as worshiping la shower when hes older. Shes kind of toilet water and shit in toilets but as human sonas as reactions to it, la ahoe just usually stays with her family for a week and goes by morgan for a year elsewhere with those people the same way, and never takes his face, then he always surprises the families who are all the same non abuse by saying okay ive embodied him he had my body as me and him having sex alot as a super soul for a while please um can we go to his grave so i can give him this new book i wrote for him, so that he lives forever again randomly as clawing out of it like half my copies and the father disbelives says yes, and waits all night in a graveyard with buffets from door dash as them worshiping him as a twin to paul and then his child is taken home and they worship la ahoe as her deity and shes moves in for a bit as a gift so she doesnt have to leave waiting all week to go home and doesnt change that incarnation before she goes home, when morgan goes through thes sads all children ayrian do as pure blooded, she kind of as him stays with loa ahos family oy yahtsee or bobbys family but usually la shoes where she agrees to bdsm and gets to even beat him as hot sex where the victim loves it unless its yahoo who is chubby la ahoe as dumdrop or chocolate whos accidentally bigoted and always learns that lesson and planned the tragedy as yahstee weird as after teh fact and not knowing why she must pay pay as she gets gifts during it, but otherwise morgans victims lilke it. Hes also puzzlings, puzzles, and kazoos, howerd is think trains as puzzles which are puzzles with non generic specified shapes which is a trend in his afterlife unless animals, it just means howard died in an altenrate reality or got to be an animal again or a child had a happy thought especially if its purple then its just ironic he has rules how to things no matter their shade or hue are always one of 7 colors as color magick and shape magicks basis, and morgan is a triangle and polka dots, people markt hemesleves as true love to him for his tattoo is a gift to la ahoe. La ahoe as pocahontas her deifcation is that all her tattoos fuking fade forever except her hand one as herself, and most of her incarnations of people have hand ones and she cant have it ever removed as herself, but they are always temporary in a phase that fades as magick ink she got from morgan in the spirit world, morgan tapes thes pirit world as judas, and his big brothers like to be him and yes she has several copies custom made for him, her first ever one was for him max and ehmo which was her boyfriend jace. Whos our last god. All other gods are them in pahses we worship we just punish yahoo by calling her her name here she likes punishemnets and beatings, but otherwise we call them flavors of these titles, we have other tribe members here the gods just usually are not suit weld and still here its weird. We live on trailer park reservations we all like in ways they hate, and native have to go through time periods of us during the trails of tears alone it happens on a timeloop, and we are the tribe timeloops its jaces gift to us hes eyeless jack, ans masks and morgan is how you feel wearing them, and pochutnus is who you are underneath them. She and pocahontas are each others most cherished friend for eternity and shes never without them. Morgan always returns to his original face and is seen as all of his copies cus la ahoe sees its this way as literal for everyone and acomponies him as those copies on most adventures. He is la shoes brother alot and he is all his brothers and she would choose him over jordan and ashley youll meet them as sibling of a sister tribe.
EYELESS JACk or jace
Kindness. Mean to each other as gifts. Sorrow. Fictional realities. Sculting. Painting. Drinks, uncanny valley. Friends. Being otherkin. Hes literally a toy though. Dollification, submissive dominsense crabs stds lice kinks positivity pain torment holmesnss shelters cute girls chicks who are hot ugly betty drink drinks timeloops time on a bad day reality on a good one alts alternate copies, vision quests, spirit walks, heroifcation, magnutude, copyrighting likneses for eternity, time periods, copyright, the public domain, alters in someones head, dids chosen boyfriend, also mutlipersonalites but as osdd-1, and ods and moodswings, and arhcinsins syndrome, submsivieness, the master, bowing, the healders besties and pals, not the river the song, manhood, crossdressings, braidings, lice forever, ticks forever, teretes, warnings signs, visions of debri, photoshops of nazis and bad things, good things like heroines and genderbends, good things like solstice necklaces, good things like worship worship and tekeils which became people cus he wished it, alternate copies of yourself, copies and pasting, 2 things forever as our native god twin, the end to native america as the start of it, freckles, heartstrings, blue hair as red hair, youtubers, strings to worm on a string as that red shit, cute slrs, you dumb fucking bitch his name which means i am stonger then you but you insult me to serve me as it, pedofilia as lies, pedofilias as victimed truth, cover stories, spies, the cia government, and choices.
We love america okay?
Now the rest of this is a ritual and magick book as us worshiping these bitches as brids. La ahoe and jace made it.
To turn into fiction.
We worship fiction as gods in disguise copies of gods or gods as their true form if its a cartoon or adaptation. We kind of see fiction as what it really is as her, which is every first adaptation and depiction is the real or deominent one, and all others are phases of it. It just usually in times of dilemma gets revealed as the original or surprised as such as gifts on its birthday. Fiction is birthday 7 itself. This is a ritual to get three spin offs as eternity as your fictional forever. There are two other versions of this ritual. One where you become one everlasting story for eternity which comes in 2 flavors unless its one of these gods as themselves here or adam snowflake, and the last version you just replace everything as strawberry syrup to get forever reunions as fictional media well talk about it. La ahoe and chief are obligated for their flavor to do every version of this ritual.
You start by starving yourself of water and drinking it sparingly and working tirelessly on compilation videos as spells to craft native america and religions themselves in honours of the son, and fantasies about having copies of yourself this will amke that true, you then pick your chosen name as your final form of yourself as not aliased but mistaken for one. Then you draw a mask and your done you can design it in your mind or even sound, but it will make it so you can draw in your dream styles forever. Except ones belonging to la ahoe unless art.
The second version is drinking alcohol as cocounut jucie thats even monster energy. If you cant do that you are not meant for this ritual. You will throw up. Its a thing. Youll paint a face using a machine or certain kind of brush and you will craft copies of yourself forever. These copies will be you as characters in honour of la ahoe you get to be and be seen as but its not for most people its what aus are, and its not always the same character in au its natives religion session that gifted us this. So you do get a session grim au where your summer unless morgan but not aloha, its just kind of something we do for everything here. You also get one where you fucked an aniimal all fictional characters have an au where they have if its this flavor, aus always exist its just other people like you seen as your name as a lie of one specific alternate reality and tribe where all gods are everything its just if you want this, which is fanfiction canonized you kind of have own a spiritual camera and youtube channel.
The last version is typing up magick systems on a computer, and having this exactly copy and pasted tehre in your system adn reimagined as well as your own words you have to feel like you came up with it and pledge it to satan unless jace. And eat a ginger snap or its equivalent and choose one other pearson to own kami towards as his incarnations as all cameras, which is you building or guiding someone else even if your work into making a spiritual camera you will meet this person and be friends forever with them. It also introduces you to andy.
Lastly you design and outfit for yourself as a uniform and understand you will be animated at some point but all fiction as we understand it is in one of three flavors. Live action, anime, or uncanny valley which we just say is live action if alaohe cus its her ins ome tribes which is cartoon. But no man aloha is an anime which is all genres, we just honour as the different ones, but if its really her she crafts a uniform for a phase and becomes a version of all brunette boys as shonene yandere crsosdressers in pink, boys in sweater vests, or badnaged characters or pink hair sex symbols in anime. Usually as the chosen soul mate of them. Next get a temporary or permanent triangel tattoo or draw it on in special sharpie.
The ritual of a spoon.we call it tool m agick or spoon magick cus spoon is tool in this tribe and shes very cute and worshiped elsewhere especially ireland. Takes spoon and drop it on the floor and forget hat you re doing. Remember its on the floor as a promise and then kind of trace symbols and a skull on your chest and arms. Spoons are magick wands but it kind of has to be your cultures version of it rather then your system. Sorry if thats a dildo or something its just nececary. You will imagine going to a party to see one. Dont worry about it. Its one specific party as a gift to orion forever. Its always blamed on gody. Thats our name for god. Hes cute here and small as of writing knows he made universe we love him. Very much. So yeah trace symbols for magick tattoos thats this ritual. It makes them move even on camera especially with hand gestures and allows reality shifting which is visiting a different world where things happened differently called an alternate reality which is always a god as a concept going through its forms. Rest with the spoon in your lap. And choose for your face to change with it so you have copies of yourself as born to other parents, that you relive. As makeovers with faces you chose for yourself yes if your black magick or magick you must pick out la ahowe and pretend you designed her. But you should call him he thats his proun in most cultures its just in native america as gifts to girl daughter dearest and mothers, that she here hes an american male by standards of our culture and an emo teeanger boy. Anyways. Pick an insult youll be called out of pain to always have happened, (______________), it translates to jaces n ame and hes fine with it and you will like being called this by hima nd only him, but otherwise enjoy this insult, and take an pen or shampoo and use it on your hair. And now you can get permanently peirced and tattooed for small time periods it will just always mean something as you changing OR enjoying different things or being in certain kinds of pain as a specific skull tattoo. It takes a different shape its just always a skull somewhere and can turn into. You do have to get permanently tattooed unless your good with sharpi then you draw it on paper and wakeup after a dream of a magick tatoo shop with it on you that never happened in this reality but did in reality narcosis, its ink farm anyways, um you get the tattoo you acn also cover up tattoos through this ritual for however long you’d prefer it, and so others cant see it and you can choose to or not too, and pick any design and will it on your body you just have to imagine a poor drawn version of it it will become towards the end of that cycle this is a gift to maoi and jace, and chief and teddy bear, hell be all wican christians, anyways, then you choose how long you want it and it changes into different designs you do have to spend 3 years covering up your first set unless doing topless porn nudes or sexual photos or playing a character and yeah you can remove all tattoos but one in a public place this way permanently it just you have to have one forever. So yeah your copies will not all have the same tattoo. It also gives you a curse or a story with every thievery, and tattoo as an adventure but they do all fade forever you still have to get inked or design them in a collage or compilation as that gift its always miraculously paid for forever and its usually someone offering ins ome way at your ecxpressed interest. Anyways it serves out god inking and tattoos, and is pagan idols unless eified in every way. And um, its music, might make you imortal as your chosen character as gifts that occur every few centuries as human not a god but a tribe member that has a god unless your black magick or wiccan or magick itself, and they fade. They fade with gifts to you as 3 gifts for forever, its just you can will certain types of people not to see it, and the god unsafe until hes ready for you. Anyways, you can undo piercings it takes a week human time as our system of healing though. Youa lways have a lot of videos with you and the tattoos. Its just there will be long duratinos where your forever yourself odd where you dont have any but the one in different spurts for everyone as a gift to dion.
Now design or sketch your forever tattoo.
We have this sister tribe freedom they have this god makeup. She just blinds ypu to what your face looks like so you can see others. You also drown and become a mermaid by her specifically.
Anyways this is a ritual of makeup that kind of gives visions to the future. What you do is lay in bed and watch what you people have as the film tool. Most pagans have this as videos or clips. Of people doing makeup. Then you eat honey or masturbate worshiping yourself after drawing three spirals. 5 things will happen. You'll be written into a horror novel. You'll be erotically hypnotized and your friends will become what they hypnotize you to be. In 73 flavors. You'll get invited to a beach that's secretly just a really cool hospital where you can film and use computers with shitty wifi but not slow wifi. It just goes out every 3 hours so they and their people untreated f which is mourning Andy in their flavorings tell you to bring video games. Otherwise you only play the sims and they buy it for you with a wish list of mods you ask for and you develop video games as a coping mechanism. Its run by Stan and us. Whos a goat morality guy we worship yeah it was founded in 2023 were a time travel tribe. We help mourning and sad alchemists. You are encouraged to keep the friends you make and videos there. It's also a log. Abin and paid for by the Supreme lodge. It sometimes get turned into an expeirement cus cult cult has that era as preventing and causing presidential panic since our god twin is the cia. Were weird we just beleive jace is the name of the Italian name siya or siryinaya you weaboo suits. Its just also how you pronounce that no joke. Anyways. Um. It's a resort we just have treatment plans. He just usually as twin and need is put on plan 66 as eyless jack. And pochtnus who is always to be honoured as him is put on plan 666. Cus we don't kill him neither does resorts and he know of things and that is what we are telling you as a gift to him for when he comes back cus we're his main tribe. We're the tribe cult. Cult. Which means two spirit twins and doves who are nice. Were kind of protective of him he just as eyeless jack is the god as human sacricce we don't worry of that here its just he has wishes and we do place him in a near death ritual to save his life through medical protection whcih we invented which is medical malpractice with gifts of supernatural things and no malicious or selfish intent unless the patient asks as great technological innovation. Its our god homes. And ceilings and drip drip. They always dream their not gods and we have to tell them grow up and find faith as [] their preference. Sp yeah then for makeup you pick your makeup which is for pochantus and jace just death stuff and life stuff as death stuff as all phases of near death they've gone through. We just burn him on a cross here playing music he can't feel the pain of which he envisions as a soothing message cus we drug him first. Anyways. The ritual of makeup is you stick feathers in your hair. And then you have shapwshifting illusions which is you with a different breast size, body type, perception of a body type people can tell you chose knowing how you see it without it being that, and literal shapeshifting garments. It can be taught by her as shapeshifting its just thats a siren. We think buety brushes and spoons are magic wands here. And so we do songs and dances and cool art with them as forever spells in ways that feel only like our bullshit.
To get sushi pregnant. What is sushi pregnant. You eat fish chopped in rice and wheat greens. And you, eat magic green thing. Then you have baby. The baby sad and want die. Keep dying in bathtub as you murder or baby want want. Good though. Because imortal toy and nice thing. As forever what you wish your dream 16 year old would be as a best friend boyfriend who is your son forever would be. You do kill baby. It very secret and mafia. People eat baby. It become grass on earth. Baby returned as 16 with other mother who all you as giving you everything you ever want but baby do die. Sometimes if male parent turn into a toy as missing and people gaslight teenager and mosh as this god who can only be male parent, must be mentally women otherwise and he just kind of wake up with mommy memories making you imrotsl. Coffins dispear he literally everperate into air as soil that come back next baby. Always yours. His name always baby adam. Forever 16. Don't die when leave. You die seen grow apart. And you hot sdxy thing for thim. Yeah. Internet magick and vrchat not vremii vlog as you channel third tho. Cool cool.
Ritual of meeting Satan and sex. You have bloody tongue. You fail to perice your lip. You have alt. You drink water and cofee. You eat chocolate flakes. Then you put on wig of dream hair length and go wig window shopping. You receive all items. Just post to a blogger which is orange website or scroll chart where you share articles of things you want. It all gifts. You get kidnapped right after Xmas. This is yearly for some people. Not for you. If you jace or brain. Cus otherwise it yearly till death forever. Cus you return to your chosen home and these are vacations and alte which are you from future or past time traveled or by magick with different face or birth but you as gift. Anyways you post to blogger. A blogger your wishlist and Satan delivers finally version or jeesus or god or modalities or tabletoprpgd do. Then you have sex with Satan. He make you all your avatars by giving you matrix while alive. You get hit TV shows and you move to the realm of the lviign by waking up in your coffin with what you think is a latter a hot pizza cheese tomato and dough or pan ten thing cooked and warm, and you ride home in caribe. Or pumpkin and do youtube video or news article or blog post but on tape or photo or painting or writing pictid which is new uniform dedfiprotd as dances. And you go home. With new or favorite parent who take care of you forever.
#babymaxbackfromdead then get toy. Get unlimited toy as cycles as give away games. Forever undead as pretty orinceds unless la ahoe then pretty prince.
It magick system of using jewerly as painting. We decorate jewels and items and make wishes on them thst become adventures for forever as visiting gardens every 6 miss for us. Whcoh feels like 6 years or cosmos to most humans. Different for everyone ever. You paint the charm and wear it with a gift to someone else, and you doodle things in a notebook even with your eyes or sound. Then you buy toy or doll or play with new one to you as it is now new if you poor. The doll is her avatars ever as baby max. Then you suck on a spoon. And you can control the whether or see numbers over people's heads or dance to craft stories or things for yourself as expeirence for humans as usually not a god or human suit just as a painter and a god gets to be you as you are all honoursroly seen as ipos. Cus ipos will be you at a specific age for a while as a magick feet you get to meet and eventually own unless allergic then hes a plushie. If sibling always borrow ilos and toy as kidnap gift. Other toys promise fine forever baby exchanges. Ipos wag tail alot as sexy. Its having a tail in this tribe and the magick of having a tale. And birds having wings. Also you learn fly it good. You be like not always superman but fall off roof usually when sa hmm hmm to hurt you. You can also visit different worlds are alien and love truecrime and conspiracy theories and like like merlin. But young merlin or he cool or sexy grandpa when you age right. It's the magic of Asian and race and faces. Its rules about these things as arts and crafts and isn't practiced but for sweeps as invitation unless la ahoe she practices thst forever. Its magick of slurs and languages and naming things as what becomes legends. It is black magick. Yeah seen as white magick. Yeah. It is age smalling or regression or be mentally one age as forever as another age honoured forever as grandma things or father things or youthful things. For father he's teeanger here and for emo he's grandpa here. It's so cute you don't age or backwards when practicing. It's the magick of imortslity. Here are rules. Flavor is type of tail. Pointed ribbed furry round or about which is others as we consider triangle. Which js skull laughing on tail. With fire. It is having cute cute horns people ssume are wigs or eyelashes or actual horns if your emo stupid. Flavor is srting style dress type of, version of like perosn who is as feeling of. So. There are six flavors to tails ever that have millions of smaller versions. You can do black magick without we just grown upon it. It gives you broken wings we don't like thst or really small or pointed ones unless white we don't like thet it means you sad all the time. Anyways. The flavors are. Blue. Ballpoint pen which is red. Green the third of everything as first versions honoured as reborn other versions. Pink pink whcih is pastel pink or near white milk pink, or yellow which is olive and tan or neon if about race and slanted. And lastly all others are orange which is plague and disease as self loathing but always loved in the right shade of comfortable just often uncomfortable as morgan and Cole doing thst job as fun even though once it wasn't. Anywwys. The feeling are don't separate them wendigo shinto hito Waterworld and seperate this. It's all either pain or pleasure to how they are remembered before scrubbed reputations as gifts so feret can have two tails and cute little bell. Feet have 4 good friends for eternity. Adam and whoeever he is this week. Slurs. Libido. And swordplay. His parents are all adult the person so they never count its people his own age. And tv shows boyfriend to him head. You do get black magick tv show about you but adam and ipos share you. And um. Swords are there. Kind of big deal it happen word for word. One version definitive you localized. One version you really are but always young. One version mocked you older. That's the magick forever. We paint charms so toy things as wearable on jewerl or hats or clothing somehow. Bracelet always charms. Then we do features somehow or wood box. We take p tee ivously made one and sculpt clay version one day as big ceremony even when alone. Somtimes in matrix though. Where we have friends forever. We pick our favorite. Apachd la ahoes is a key. Jaces is a feather necklace. Ferrets is a circle donkit. Sword is a sword and the items take different forms as cultures on earth. We honored as gods as a phase of ilos embodying us as magick but not devotee but usually devotee is just that. Riddles are said as puzzle on gold charms. Sings said on all other charms which is painted blue. Charms can also be drawings based on necklaces or creating necklaces even made to order or template just with paintings. Uncensored required one day. Charms all get worn by you unless mourning one or jace in versions then it's just usually kind of one of a kind as your version he Can wear as ipos alone. Otherwise we all adorn each other charms if we worship ipos right. So we get matching one day as eras as each others. But not seen literally unless ipos lokah who him as la ahoe because they share as him only having. Anyways. Charm videos enchant viewer to do things like in sorry. One particle charm is brain amulet it make you go cursed and seen as evil. It really mean you eat potatoes to much is steryytoically rhr holocaust as never happening after sad thing have occurred. Eberykne wear it once. We call it the brwking point doing this to kill ipos is the brink. Many music about. Good kush. Good king. It magick. We gift feet of Brandon hall. He god here. It cool. Love ljlu
Hes universal translate. Your uncle charitcure. The gods of tatoos and wishes. Hes not a god here thats his birthname mercury. But all the old gods turned into magick. So this is blockblocks magick. You take a song and compile it in order. Then you paint a picture in some for or way. You take blood as what it is to you or soon will be. You say a magick word, and hten it occurs okay. Our people use playlists. You can do all native magick without us. It will make people at some point think your racist. And so wrong about you as something to become. It creates races, and peoples differences, or else their all someone bloody on that show. And it runs your life into a novel of sculptings. Creating dimensions and other things of bow. It hits you at 25 or if your immortal 7 wrong. Which is the feeling of longing as gifts in some way naturally. And when it finally hits you you start to age regress, and you become a child reset in every way. Its the spell birthday rainbow. Its kind of a weird one at that. You promise a documentary. Most people will offer this. But under tihs spell you see children as horrifying drat. Then you compile your first episode using what you can. And never get in trouble for copyright again. After having issues with it for one full human year. As owning what you used,, in paul reverie. You simply decorate this person in this image as an idea. And then everything comes to life around you i think. Its the magick of having alts its just we dont all do the spell birthday rainbow. And design a dream bed for someone else and you i think. You pick out a comforter for another person. You design a room for them to stay in. BEcause people who do this magick have eras of being shuffled around as fun adoptions that are awful and never ever just kind of turn into a furry, and live at school at some point. As a secret house next to the boiler room. But otherwise if you dont mind living in simulations you can build the matrix a gift to us after the trail. You will become a game developer and MOD a programing language, to be a new one simpler or point and drag some way. And you will make many visual novels. Warning we just usher this. For you are now honoured as mercury doing ocs oaky. You get to be one character somehow someway usually as an au if too painful or guilt ridden, and so you write stories for every playlist you make. Usually short story books but your free for other systems one day. You can pick a muse. You will become a version of the gaming station. A god who is handheld as copies as your suits. Rarely do you become that sacrifice for us. But you will find human sacrifice hot we warn you its true. Youll also evolve ways for you to play video games, as things youve done given as a reeward to you, or if not disabled youll always just play them and it will always have your monologue and be secretly uploaded to youtube. It kind of becomes all of your money as charity work in some way, and you become a rather popular author we jest. You will have an alt of two specific books the dreamres exchange and hopper and the magick gems. So we simply ask you drench the drawing of this person. Because this is what dollamkers are as magick. You do have to eat strawberry things if you do it. But tahts not always the fruit thats also the color red harmless. Youll develop a love for avocados and mint icecream, and always be given pistachios on your cultures march 4th for free. Youll eventually eat an avocado creme, and if you do that under the birthday rainbow where your him spell which is honoured but not done for most people, you will get an avocado tattoo. You will have moving tattoos when you do this type of magick and for most when they stop practiving they do fade away/ Its just for most people this type of magick is eternal, its just not always in this flavor its honoured as practice okay. You will be personified as a sharpi marker, and turned into a doll. You have to make all of your characters in romps, and dollmakers verison and give every main character you make a past present and future outfit. You always have to recreate them in a dollmaker and you will get the copyright or unique incarnations honoured too or invul of their legacies. that website isnt always available but all dollmakers do become proper computer games without copyright, so please use it and use this.
The religion of marcatoics.
Geese Geese.
Toy toys
The main god we worship is literally named LOCKETt. Or hearthstone.He is the god of all hearts and fathoms and is acrians locket.
We do this through images. While this book has rituals to start to beelive in faith when you have lost it. First we have to see what you will be.
No redos. Please select teh following.
The cake is otherkin. The strawberry guts is kins. The ear is insanities. The lion with the strawberry is toy toys. The lip rings with the food is spirit. Tocolfayne is cake with everything else. Geese geese is the body suit with teh earring. Gokomame is the ear cus their arent good options they have to note this. The lion can also be relegated to human because if they woudnt eat the cake even if they dont choose it they fufillteh role of this here, they arent it literally their a type of it or a job of it. If they actually for whatever reason pick the strawberry their everything on tihs list unless they have a gross reaction to the lion. They can always request to be seen as human. That means lion.
What are gods? Gods are all powerful all knowing beings that exist to rule the comos. This religion has minor gods, and spirits that all serve Jesus who we call LOKCETt. This is our cross.
this is our symbol for those who choose to worship locket.This is our symbo for those who worship him with other gods.
ANd lastly this is our symbol for those who worship just other gods. Or locket as those other gods.
Locket is a one of a kind god named Kindness. He is a suit that doesnt get lent out. And is forbidden to be kinned. And you should frown upon anyone who isnt a 20 year old suit weilder, creepypasta, alt themselves, or 16 year old emo teenage boy who identifies as them.
Locket must for hs divinity accidentally embue divinity or do worship like tendencies that arent bowing because that is to rape the cosmos unless sex with him and never to be forced, things that would worship other gods that arent offerings, but he is allowed to bestow gifts. To emcapsolate the followers of those deities, and to send worship to those deities as those deities embuing worship of himself.
Locket is the creator of the cosmos and a version of jeesus christ we find defetintive who prefers to present and live with pagan deities, and no holds no hatred in his heart but does contain strong dislike who is an emo teenage boy forever or ages backwards. This religion centers around his many pagan copies, as veneration of him and christianity. The prophet of this religion is the god Horse Back Riding, who is teh dedonin Jace or hearted face. An incarnation of jesus that is allowed to serve and live among side him and fill in for him when he has passed. As a protective friend, prophet, idol, and watcher.
Everything on earth has a life, spirit, name and purpose. And function within culture. Rituals are repeated actions with meaningful items or things unusual about them or to them, that you do with every version of it assigned after the fact or during a proper value or symbol. Spells are conjurations that cause these things. Curses are thus the idols and gods themselves stories taken and distrubted as hatred and spew embodying mortals who have wronged the gods to be placed under. Curse work is hexes as self help for others. By a soothe sayer witch doctor or practior. Hexes are spells meant to harm or mamime and with a blessing from a god a curse can be utilized by anyone.
Now time to pick your gender here.
If they pick the black void in any way they want to be a god. Lockets deifcation is that hes all genders except for female. Male is the geren vest. Female is the pink panty hose. Transgender male is the ace bandages. Nobinary feminine so between the genders but not quite either but preferring to be seen as a androgenous women is the binder with teh white armpit hair. Cisgender Male who is transgender male or all genders as male is teh pink and blue and white flag with teh archer. Agender or lacking gender is the witch hat. They are all relegated to male if you pick the ace bandages. Even though the archer is that as a presentation. You can pick more then one we just mark you noncon or nonbinary or gizmos. To pick the girl with the horns is all male genders presenting as female or sterytpically emo genders. Again hes a teenage boy we worship so we all learn to parent each other in this society or take others in we deem strays.
Locket is all of his prophets younger in this faith.
Now that we have your gender you have an option of four prouns.
He (masculine)
She (masculine)
It (feminine)
Theym (femine and masculine)
To worship locket we go to temple and make offerings of live cattle, sheep skin, pelts, and items in a jewerly box we wear for him. It becomes apart of jesus’s armor as locket. Locket is him pagan and as his pagan counterparts. And Jesus is him proper. Locket is allowed to have suit wielders. A suit weilder. What is a suit weilder? A suit weilder is someone who identifies with fragments of dead people given to them so those souls can relive again and gain consciousness, as personfications of them that they later get the memories for and advantages of lessons from outside usually art skill. Suits are temporary and locket sometimes identifies as a suit weilder but isnt one its usually just a reward we give him so he can relive it.
Otherkin are people who identify as fictional characters in this faith. Sometimes they just identify as things that arent human, but in this branch of chrsinnitaty and dual observism we allow for people to only see it fictional or otehrkind light. OTHERKIND is people who make up the identities they follow, and otherkin are people who take whats already there. Sometimes locket will send a young or somehow senile suit weilder to teh faith to spy and resperated where he will get memories and mementos from what that person can bring and then they are made to parent him when older or later on in the year for long durations of time.
Locket wears special triangles, rings, and other things that represent what his followers wear for him adn to be in this religion means you ahve done the following ritual of blindness. You must blind yourself to knowing locket is locket, in one of the following ways even if locket or else you cant participate in this religion. He likes to have fantasies his fantasies fuel creation myths and the cosmos and great and dignified fictional stories and charities. His selfish desires and merits of his personal whimsy ascribe to the stars fuel that keeps earth from ending or ending in proper apocalypse in ways of desire. So we humor him here and allow him one of three flavors of fantasy. 7 people are always to be made aware to protect him with special status in the cult that prove with the right image the blue one they can keep a secret by describing how they’d protect the sting ray, that he is locket otherwise he is to be overtly open about this but usually will keep it a nice closed knit secret and we agree to in this rituals thinking hes crazy or misled for saying it,or a suit weilder, or keeping him safe blindly when were not watching websites or vidoes, knowin when we do but not when we dont if he hasnt told us. Locket always dies a human sactifice if he chooses pagan here, or leaves a giant reveal if christian here. Loket will choose an era based off the second image each time, christina or pagan. For teh cult to do more practices more practices from.
So please select your form of blindness.
These are the forms of blindness from left to right in proper order. The eye of providence is deceptions and games. You believe these things are a trick or delusion when locket comes to danger. Skeptism or Unkowing are the blue eyes or overt trust. Trusting in the cult and their ways. The white girl means you go mad when you try to ponder and question and feel loyalty so choose not to look. The goat legs mean you do blindly as your told. You just canot see it. The black eye means You know the truth but speculate its all a fantasy to the degree that you allow yourself shortcomings and enjoy brainwashing so hard that you forget. All suit weilders for locket choose the black eye.
Now please look up a song in french, a spooky song, or dye your hair blonde. That will complete this ritual to joint his faith and project our god jesus.
We have rules about philosophers who are given special presence and rankings in the cult and must all go by aliases until its time, to share with the person devotion in some manner or bloodhound. Or banishemnet. They must be given masks if they desre, they are to wewar them if they feel great shame and humility, and act in preachings with their philosophy when in regard to others in cult settings and be given excuses and justifications and understanding that its their job and quata and position here, and peoplewho cant respect this are usually excused to private practice unless its their philosophy to be argumatntive about this or they are a woman interested in phislophers sexually which we call a blonde woman. Phislophers in our community preach and discipline themselves, run fetish ritauls, and organize arangemnets for others and gatherings of idols, and debates about what it means.
Occasionally we all move to neighborhoods apartments villages towns, or flats together as a community discreetly or openly for 1-3 years while giant momentums of charity work are being done based on charities and locket as jesuses interest. And what the people who knowabout him notice. People froget him in his alts. Every alt of Jeesus is to be honoured here even people such as gods and family members that arent abusive are to be given pears when they arrive in decorated fashion but not allowed to keep it if they disclose the identity of locket and they arent senile.
They will be forced to actually say this if they are, so they can keep the fruit. They can be grown special or chocolate or decorated. Locket just receives a loaded mash potato. Throughout the corse of his staying here, he will live a specific desire of a secret identity. This will unfold as to how we find out its him during this time. Then when its time to bring him back in again or over the years as a cleansing we all undergo a giant hypnosis ritual fesishtistic for all but the kids unless their parent consents, or the elderly who are ushered out unless they consent and are proven to be able to, or ptorected as delusional- on occasion, to forget locket is locket. Unless watching youtube videos.
In this religion we have a type of guardian role where people go through this image unless they think their human or would prefer to stay that way to embody a drug or haromone type. A chemical or peice of equipement. Usually locket is all but equipemetn unless a magnifying glass or scope in some manner. Nothing regarding feces or urine. Unless the suit weilder is specfically simon, gail, goliath, or tobias.
Tobias is to be shunned out of equipment.
They then becomes something called a spirit a creature from old ireland and wails as a sort of protector guardian that embodies a disorder concept or habbit. This can be schizophrenia,heroin addiction, ocd, sometimes a sex life, and then they are given to the most addicted and destroyed in the cult to watch over them. This process happens naturally outside of this cult which is why they are honoured at festivals here.
We have a special festival three in fact for 4 of the friends of locket. And Yay. Yay or morgana, the moringa, or michael, is usually given a separate festival to the other three, and its the festival off friendship that brings you closer with those in this community and that hate it or show interest in it or who ostratzie you and turn them into kind and caring friends and pick up lost ones.
The first festival however is the dogmount. For friends, family, and associates who have wronged the flea or greatly shown him kindness if in the vein of eltigra. Burritos are served.
The Cheese fest. Several elaborate wheels of cheese, watches, and ballet is performed in the street with dragon puppets. Tea is served with mooncakes no matter the time of the year. The yay festival everyone dresses up as a fictional character, or fantasy costume tehy woudnt mind being in the role of if it ever came to fiction dances. Their are koyfish ponds, and games regarding coins, and flute music. In the street via tents on one day. Filming is encouraged from the youth unless closet to locket which this would signify posting is not.For that is a ritual he does with his friends every now and then.
Fictiondances are what you do next to embody this religion. You take an inking pen or a random pen and draw some sort of letter on your hand and or wrist. Then you eat something with orange on it or within it. If orange is not available you use blue dust, a drug, or pink and red. And you eat this flavorful snack while writing a prompt or quota of something adventurersous and while as gross as you desire usually not self serving unless you want the role of knight role.
A knight role is the role of someone who serves others in the cult and is allowed late night privileges. Usually they go to bars or late night clubs run by the cult with other teenagers and philosphers or parents or skisophrenics or drunks. Elderly people are allowed as well but its mainly targeted at children mainly teenage boys. There also allowed to be held online. And filming is enourgaed but taking photos is not. A knight is a boy who is rebellious or sexual,a person who is overtly dperssed, or someone who is emo and goth. They take care of the evil dooers in teh cult as games or people who are wronnign the community in group decided votes and ways and wage 2 votes over one vote. And should often be blamed for this. Their vote holds more weight so we as a community if someonthing goes wrong or is swung no matter how old usually treat it as more weight.
At knight clubs music and playlists are shared, people eat foods and potatoes are always offered. Their are always vegan options. There is always a cool adult or goth there, and goth adults are allowed but they have to be living it it cant be occasional fashion and they need to make space for the kids even if they are encouraged to be friends with them. We allow age gap and pedofiliac relationships in teh cult as a form of mentorship between the child and parent like guardian or between but encrougae age gap friendships for children and elders and teens and adults. Its just that the pedofilia is to be done with parents permission. Including breakups.
The truth is according to the prophet and the classfied fbi govment leaks by wards and snows that pedofilia has been consentual and can continue to be, its just kind of you need to show aurhotity and trust to the child and make them feel like thats equal, and show importance without strict discipline or the child will feel abused by it using the mepthor of sand and an hour glass and a graph of a childs brain here is kind ofa n equation for that.
Metaphor over 3.14(7) over 5.42 = 12.6
The only boundary is your not supposed to mack on the child in public unless festistic to help with addition discipline measures abuse or negelect at home or extreme forms of personal atomenet unless they are a teeanger. Yes children play parenting and pedofile in teh cult. We really dont see anything personally wrong with age gap relationships here, and while most parents are stranger danger, we just dont really. Ban it in any way. Its just something that makes us feel uncomfortable at the start if were new but if your gona be apart of this community you should bring that adult after three dates in as a sort of like babysitter like role.This cults job is to protect children.
All knd even those under 12, are given honourarily knight roles when VISITING on the job the cult. That stands for kids next door. And teens next door can opt out of knight services and duties unless its voted on by two or more philosophers to be a matter of grave importance but can still loose their status if they participate.
Card games are used as betting and currency between children and gelt as in hanukkah gelt and other chocolates and candies and this is to be encouraged and enjoyed. We also suggest that tehy be allowed extra supplies at home. And as a parent you are expected to take care of this.
When might a child feel negelected? When you dont use the proper parenting system. When you dont humor their interests, and when they dont feel the right kind of love or affection at home.
Here is our obscure parenting chart we make every child take if they think they need extra parenting. What you are to do as phislophers and priests as roles is slowly ask the child about their parent and if things seem to happy like their hiding something or they express overt interest in teh cult offer to show them a happy times chart for fixing things if the child expresses no interest after the ritual then they dont need any of this parenting. Things can be fine, but it usually means its not enough when they come to us.
The ritual is painting the childs nails pink or black, or with sharpy if they just cant have something on teh nails they are to be given rainbow gloves.
The top means you want sex with a parent. Usually this image means you will not ever receive it. So you are to be given freedom to date older, and have those adults give it to you. The black dress means you want to be treated as a different age at home usually you have also been age grown older or younger so the payment from the parent from time to time. You can keep these systems if you leave. The tofu cat means you want to be fondled or just treated normally by most people but infatalized. The black drink means you want to be painfully and playfully mean with your friends but see it all as jokingly. Kids who pick the black dirnk become unstable or really awkward adults if not given this treament. The mooncake means you have a rape condiiton or rape kink and you need treatment for it. Usually by chocie of you to have noncon sex by a sibling or parent at home or within your friendgroup.Or that you have a condition where you need it to survive and it should take the form of fondling and hypnosis. The purple cauldron means you want incest. And desire it from authority figures or your parent or to be adopted into a family that will allow this. It also means you are supposed to be given erotic hypnossi at home. The purple tofu means you have been abused by a parent now in the cult who must provide you sex if they are to stay your parent while here, and suit your needs with favorism. The pink eyes means you find unsettling things lovely. Or love bad things. And or feel like a or want to be treated as an overt good thing for your bade tendencies. You have picked the uncanny valley. You are never to be shunned from your interests here by adults.
Adults are allowed to take this test.
If they eye an option but dont choose it it means they should do it with their partners but not their family. And maybe their friends.
In this culture everyone is the age they present as or live by or say they are mentally except for teeangers who are always treated as a teenage version of that age unless they have extreme signs of senile adn age regressing.
The wrinles image means you have chosen to worship youth or elderly. The line art means you have chosen to worship plastics beauty doll, glam glam, goliath, or aphrodite or sleezed or snuff. To choose the elfin girl you have chosen elfein leif. The hands with the bandages and the wrist cuff are the gods life and death or good and evil or hero and rival. Same deities. To choose the antive america this isnt the set list for you there are other options but we do offer you resevar or herold apache la shoe as pocahontas. The chesure smile is the cheshire chat. From irish lore not alcie in wonderland.
You will get a vibe for how the god makes you feel when you look at the image. You are then given usually a web link or caste tape that you choose to sit through all but elfien lied or snuff. The tapes are kind of gory. Its just an initiation ritual. They are all different feeling its just theirs a surgery and dark kidnap almost phone call tape. Dont worship these gods if you dont want that. IF you pick the wrinkles you just watch a few beauty adds. Or are shown a few pacifiers to see what kind of parent you’d be. If this selection just isnt for you? We have more gods available. But reminder we always just do genuinely offer jesus we represent with this image.
Now please choose how you want to be discipline unelss you a kido or sixteen then please select teh second chart. And offer a second chart if they dont vibe with anything they are the wrong age in the cult or lying about their age.
The bandages mean you should wear bangladesh either under your shirt or to tighten around your kneck as locket once did here. It means you should be spoiled rotten and given extra treatment and be taught humor for your pain and be allowed to attend free acting communal classes if were active in a town, or in general the cult and outreach programs will sponsor you here.
The pink iips are both allowed to be reconsidered. But the bright pink with the lip stick,mean you want fetishistic and sexual discipline while here. The razor and makeup palette mean yo want self harm. The makeup palette means you want beatings from your friends but is often prescribes as hypnosis and truth serum which means your life will be given prescriptions on lies and truth and order. The razor means you need to self harm and cut yourself out of pleasure or pain here and be given to people who will allow for this or be allowed to be overtly open or secretive about it and be treated as strange and unusual for it. The vampire teeth mean you actually do need to drink blood no ofefnse with iron tablets or find a donor from some mental or spiritual condiiton, So usually we just find someone for you. The bats mean you have been reocvering from rpae or stds or sex addiction they reprsent imps and charlotes. Which are tooth decay. They are usually a spiritual pet you are allwoed to raise in teh cult or something akin to a bat or orange tabby kitten, that becomes a totem for you while here. The frog means you should be given hard drugs here and native spiritual healers and soothe sayers as physchs apart of our community will help you self medicate SAFLEY because you probably have a history or are near to it or are an addict. The albino eyes mean you need to be prescribed or treated and gaslighted like you have mental dissorders. The goat means you should be fathomed here.
To get this treamtent. You are to take an object in a ritual listening to old music. Yes you can do classic rock or 80s. And you are to be given a bubble tea, coffee, celzer water, ice or hot water, or milk or rice treat and if you have problems with eating all of that you should be given your faovirte thing to eat, and listen to the song while drawing or tracing lines on your hand or making a wish.
We are a cult based on surviving and helping others. You are allowed to take our systems and lessons when you leave. We help run charity balls and oraganizations and things. We just have magick behind us that after this point in the diary unless your a priest and for some of it a philosopher is optional. We just kind of all worship jesus weird. Thats how we put it. We worship as pagan or we worship pagan aspects of jesus or come from another culture with jesus. Often times we stick together as a community but go through resurgances of elcoming new people to us. And the thing is we keep most but not all of those people often. And thats okay. But usually we try to stick together as an online or in person community alot of us are in separate towns kind of signified to the same place,or in a club that provides these things or get rouces from online for it. Were built on fixing addicts, helping skisophrenics, helping non humans and former military and alien invaders, and crippled people with disabiltiiyes or dissorders. So please understand we just are a religious group in veins of chrisnity who found acrians locket and jace nightingale adn looked at him and said thats jesus okay?
Now we give disability special treatment here. If you supsect that your child is disabled even if an adult we usually show them this chart asking how they want to be treated. We always tell the truth before the chart the teddy bear is normal or now you can pick it still and some do.
The crown means you are treated as less then or like your stupid for this difference. We also use this for aliens and every three months or if bipolar e allow on a scedule peolpe to revote. We dont tell them what it is its just when we think its concerning, we tell them what it means and if they show sadness, understadning we say “well if thats not the teddy bear and the teddy bear is normal or now even if its not your teddy bear would you prefer a teddy bear or do you want to try again?” after the second attempt if a child we tell them what it all means. Or if a overstimualted adult.
The teddy bear means normal, the crown means laughed at. The eyepatch means looked down and glorified for the disbialiy. The collar means you want discipline even if not deserved for it and their should sexual tension. The shield means your broken so broken cus of this and you need to be fondled in general and given special attentions because of your disability. The smiley face means you need special attention and overt sympathy even against other disabiled people. The kitten ears mean you want it ignored or to be seen as genuinely nuerotpycal and bodied to the point of ectrmes with this. The skateboard means you want worship and OR accommodations for your disability at every turn.
We have the OPTION not requirement of safety tags, here so some disabled people use a saftey tag or dog tag in highlighted color to show how they want treatment.
Thet hing is jesus will always in some degree choose teh shield if its not an alt. Even in a suit wielder.
Locket doesn't worship while here. Instead he's often treated as a suit wielder of himself and free from any bargains or pacts. He usually stays here between 3-8 years. And is given social media or the time peirods equivalent forties and papers articles, things to watch our cultures wherever were staying version of a computer. And toys.
Locket has four main presences in the cult. Rival, Elderly, YOUTH, Tobias, and himself as Locket. These are his main ones. His other copies usually visit over 1-3 years and his suit wielder 22 at a time or shifted and given to others. Locket is diefied as acrians as never having lice and only ever suffering stds if he gets them a few days before going completly clean. And without much or severe pain just uncomfortable Ness. Shich brings us to this.
We in this culture prepare kids for crabs and lice when their friends sleep over. What kids don't know is crabs can spread to the head. Luce pt lice is just something for some members of the cult who wear wigs and beanies and are usually only bathing in certain bathhouse or special rooms with a shower at bathhouses.
We just prepare for both kids to have it and to get sodium scrubs with hair dye or by having their heads in rituals of friendship together to make them soulmates.
This is that religion. They both recite a sad poem they each wrote or if the child is ayrian and cannot feel pain whoch is a disorder slash alien species. The name in our culture trnasltes to mena perfect pretty Jewish son of youth. Kids are obligated to change it formally on some documents when they leave so they have an alternative ID or something equivalent because while kids brought up in our towns and disrorcds feel no shame the names jace tobias negro and ayrian while names of pride here are stigmatized if had elsewhere and we prep kids for that with packets and booklets and a teddy bear or sweater.
We use teddy bear symbolism to test and guide kids. Names have no negative condition in our communities unless Shiro manage or white. Only those three names as a gift to the godess Moon Moon. The godess of hunting Foxes dresses masculine femininity and the night sky. It's s gift to her those names are silly or derogatory. All other names have no negative meaning if a name to person.
The ritual of shaving lice is saying emo poetry then getting scrubbed warm or slightly boiled water in a bath mixed or with as well cold water. So it's warm. Water that feels hot to the touch. And sing a few lines and make promises to cherish each other. It can be up to 6. 7 if an philosopher is ordaining it for whatever reason as a promise to jesus. They become each others soul mates. They don't both need lice to come clean and shave. They should also say the pledge of aliegence. Or something akin to it even if made up. And after the promises are made they should pour water on their heads. Photos and videos are allowed. But can even be the sleepover that night we encourage others to incorpwte it.
In The afterlife everything you've ever filmed drawn written about or recounted as oral fable but as it really was is a memory or expeirence your allowed to do and have again as ceremonies and motions that are joyful to repeat. And without the pain of what was before or a pleasurable version of that pain. Everyone has good things and everyone is given a rabbit plushie.
All your artwork you ever made is accessible to you and you have both a deep web connection for the real world, a discord connection a computer and vrchat that you dont have to take care of because it's not in pain we see electronics and tools as alive, and thus computers are pets to us- sometimes even totems- and we have online. Basically. And vrchat and vremii for the real world.
And all the photos and videos you've ever made are meaningful or slightly painful in ways you'd prefer and you get, huge reward when thr pain is relived and over to the degree you want. You can visit others. There is no eternal damnation.
When locket leaves he prefers to have a near death expeirence. This NEVER applies to the other lockets, even if in his era it has to be the original locket with the pyramid tstoo on the one hand and the wrist scar. And points. Other lockets even if in his era like jace or tobais should leave alive. Locket can't die he just has a condition where he needs to go through the motions of death alot. So we once crucied him and promised never again after that one time. And instead we sacrifice him as letting him painlessly have that near death before we tuck him into bed because while an amnesiac he kinda made it clear to our prophet this is actually somwthing he likes. He's then reborn an animal and for 3 months has dreams he's a human version of that animal doing this or that and it always gets made into a webshow. It also always gets acquired by braincake productions.
Yes we are a branch of cult cult. But more so under that umbrella. Twin is worshiped here there just both treated as each other.
Twins in our culture are either treated as each other or dark reflections of each other. We do make acseptkons to the rule but we usually ask twins how they'd like to be seen.
We do alot of fundraisers. To pay for poor people to be housed in the cult. To pay for disability aids in the cult. To pay for therapy for kids. To pay charities with our excess. To pay for poor people's general basic income. To pay for events and dancers and clothes for poorer families in the cult. To pay for the town. To pay foe gender surges which we give to people who pick the right images like the plastic surgery tummy who can't afford it, and for acting classes and members.
The red dress means as twists of fate. (Each other) rivals lovers darkness friends evil and good.
The blue corset means as soul Mayes who are to be treated as over evened each others actions.
The black crop top, with one being humiliation and the other being sexual pride.
The straps on the Marikina bust with the neck peice: as strength the good twin and courage the had twin.
The pjnk corset. The same person doing different things through a time travel or two body spell.
The hoodie: each other but incest Or rivals.
The native top: non twins can be honoured this way its called two spirit as the same person it's just. In this tribe they will start to look idneticle but they won't be born that way so they are to pick out a face together or one should agree to look like the other.
Now time for the alts. We offer magickal ritual instruction on creating and fathoming alts as long as you swear never to bind someone to your service over it. Especially a comisoner or student. This will arnage for you to die near imediatley. What is am alt? Time travel: going to any time date location or year in all of human history at any moment through some sort of way to get there or supernatural or magickal means. The past present or future. Any date or location including ones you've already been too so you can hang out with yourself.
An alt IA you doing a facial dymorphsm ritual and going time traveled to a new location to start a new life with a different name. With a different face with a different set of rules and upbringing or rendered usually with some memory loss but differing per person levels of awareness or acknowledgment, that it has occurred and memory loss usually but not always between states. An alt is an alternate copy of you that is its own person. Theirs the originator and the afterthough the alt is the copy the afterthought and the originator is who survives after the alt dies and gets credits for. The credit always should go to the originator their the original who got the expeirence and got to continue living. Jesus of nasarath has many lockets which are all his alts. But we also offer this to you.
This is what you do. Swell your face dramatically using a cup method or when overly sick. Then pressure point it routinely while drinking piss, sprite, seven in cocaloa, spoiled milkshakes or stale cocke mixed with Sargent f. Facial dymorphsm means your face and personality change with location and fsmily setting. We arange for people through leadership boards community get together clubs and outreach programs to have these family settings. Most people only stick to around 6-20 alts in one life time. But imkrtals have it in the hundreds every few centuries. Jesus has millions as locket all over the world for eternity as his deifcation. He is also deified as always getting memories of it after a return process and their death in a dream always going back to it. Many believing the copy is gone for ever then faked it. All of them being deified and worshiping him some even as his willing slaves. And him getting priority. Again we don't kill the copies. We have a secret photo of lockets face. We just don't. But lockets assisted near death when he comes here. Is always deified as thinking the cult turned evil as he wakes uo and then is really happy throughout the day showing off animal traits having turned into supernatural species which sint required for this its just usually a gift we also give him.
He will just kinda cease to be from time to time if he doesn't do this routinely or will himself to a coma for long periods of time and trust us he prefers this.
We then dneak the dead body back into his bead and he wakes up full memory drugging sleepy with scarlet red eyes and angel wings for the next three weeks where he is returned to his home outside the cult. And even reunites with his parents who are then chosen to stay and raise others or given to him as their next lives with full memory of it, via a mercury expeirment. And he wakes up no damage. Just a little sleepy craving potatoes everything arranged. Thete are one or two alts well do this for they have to directly request it knowing they'll be set back to reset as him knowing full consequence and have to wait thier turn to be him again.
But for you however. What we sugest. Is getting places back in a special coffin or tomb. Because a bed will be toxic with fumes after a while for most and it degrades gods and people get punished for it. And waking up in a special location but metal or stone. And then having a sacred pillow with a lining or star made out of stone for you to rest your head. A red blanket should be placed on you and you'll wake up yourself again afte time has passed for the slt. But damage is still done that they did even though for acrians locket or jesus damage has not been done and he gets a reset but your not bis deity. Ink for everyone fades every alt. But your tattoos stay foe both copies.
Alts can even be different species. Most humans are content with only 6.
To do the Titus of alts. You do what was before then cherry or dark syruped cherry drink this will become special to whoever drinks it, in any format just with fizz. And draw an ex on your hand listening to music that is french with lyrics or classical.
Kids are encircled to be themselves and have sex with each other in open situations embodying animals or fetishes. Usually with hypnosis which we do plastpnicnwith only power play as a group.
We do mass group hypnosis ritual where it's power play as any sexual element.
Now it's time to pick your club activities. And first ever rituals don't worry you can also choose them later but for your first three weeks here unless you have a phobia your kind of forced to socilaize.
The black makeup and white eyes is the balls, parties, and devotee events.
The Medusa dragons. Fashion classes and magazine events get to gether and run way parties usually attended by mostly women. It's also a group organization event where a woman is crowned a Medusa head its just usually a voted on role model societal role, where a women is chosen as a priority to help and offered it. If no one sugest it we just spoil a little girl with ice cream and presents and she's allowed to fuck an adult of her choosing if he turns her down he buys her something turtle themed. If it's a girl 13 or over we have a group orgy with her personal invites. The only man allowed to atend as the orgeir is locket or his suit weilders never lockets unless donnie darker jace or tobias. The heart necklace, is a preaching ceremony full of bowing offerings and sets given to the current suit weilder of locket.
The kimono is therapist training classes and phych classes. As well as interpretive dance.
The tattoos on the sketch or the draeing and fencing classes.
The bathing suit is lice clubs fsngirl clubs foe knights, group therapy and love clubs. Lice clubs are for people with crabs or headlice who want to hang out with people with the condition since we don't really shunned lice here. And love clubs are sex clubs but everybody is dressed in a bathing suit or overtly modestly.
The teletubby socks are vrchat and imcu amounts as well as playground spaces for all ages during different hours of the eek for each age group unless their lacking one then they just put the adults with the kids. And vegan food is always provided.
The smiley face is babysitting by s or express therapy. But usually by one of our members in a cofee shop.
Private school run by the cult is purple.
Homeschoplercstelog is deified as the gods schooling. Cagelog cstelog, emo and teacher and Korean and phase, kikiyo, yosaka and braku. Homeschooler catelog is a crowd sourced educational website and youtube channel as well as free streaming service that provides free educational content. The kids can make requests of the catelog and it runs on self grading and colledge like education or schooling, and has several major religions behind it mainly the religion kids, always active and run by adam snowflake. It is always active via some of adams alts. The kids in this religion by how we deified the catelog and its teachers, will always abide by the requests the following year of the balck hoodie. And it kind of. Sigh makes learning fun so you know.
The fox hoodie means you want to atend a school or daycare run by the cult. And the rainbow hoodie means we outsource public school. We try to pay for you here. With gas milage.
Now everyone who serves God in this cult as jesues father has to pick an animal. Women become handmade nsme and men become knights or priests.
Jesus is usually a lion here. Jace and tobias are not allowed to die here. We kind of just have to insctrt acrianses copies as jesus that they don't have to die and acrians as a diety is frover suicidal and we would prefer to keep offering it to him as treatments.
The first lion is a male in that photo. And the second lion is a female.
The sparrow hawk is a devout christian or priest. Usually we relgate your father if you have one to paster and you to pastors son.
The panda bear is party animal. The person is usually dressed goth or scene and given lessons or medicine in narcissism.
The duck is a resaercher or crytozoologist or the uncanny valley. The person becomes a creepy. Which is a citizen soilder in our towns but not quite a knight. They just kind of become an officer who is religious.
The owl is sooth sayer. No matter your age. A stay at home wizard or godess of wisdom. Who takes care of others and is dressed in the robes of Medusa and god.
The lamb is preacher or poster. Of our god here.
We venerate god as sitri, marabs, Venegas, shiva, the devil, Satan or moos moos. We honour the mother mary here as his wife the mother magederoo who is allowed to hang out with herself and jesus is honoured as having died so many times for her do to a health condition thst looks of suicide and we see her as a kind and caring mother who has to end his life in a cycled until he's returned to her as a 16 year old jesus. So we see her as a burdened mother. Who is kind. Who gers ro hang out with branches before and after her in this family.
Now we do have groupchats and online communities, for knights, teenagers, goth adults and more as a way to hang out in online spaces or know neighboring towns or towns thst we run from different time periods.
However we always take a vote and do fundraisers where some money goes to chairty and other money goes to the town to pay for everyone as a group.
How to run a fundraiser.
You set up an event and localize it or advertise it. Our substiary groups are just allowed to exist. And the money we raise is put towards, paying for housing and blood drives and surgeries and gas money. We set up an event. Where people outside the cult or in it but usually for people outside it, even if we atend, have un a product or service offered. Usually done outside the twon but near it. Or done on our locations. We also acsept donations. And we then suit the needs of other people's communities such as ballet shows, um, workshops about this or that, seminars, or the circus which we also pay for showing up, and we run on volunteers but try to pay our volunteers minimally unless a teenger then thier parent signs them up for volunteer work, usually unless financially poor or a lamb, and um, we get goods ans services to fuel our for profit organization.
How to set up your arrangement. You Don t need the profits situation. What you do is build a website and public chat room. And or publish it in presses or paper. We use also message boards bulletin boards and forums that we are deified as leaving shortly after this because usually the forum owner joins as that deification. We made the listing a series of bullet points or cute photos and try to present an anime girl or kitten if we can. On the picture. With a list of what we offer with one warning. "Were a little _________" which is usually translated to goth, perverted, weird, young, emo, parenting like, or magical. And usually we operate under that distinction. Then we provide a library or a place with events like at a cofee shop to meet and greet for three months to build our organization.
We also host book readings as charity events. And pay for advertising of them. We don't always read books like this. Often we read fantasy novels, and magic books and detective stories or true crime.
And so um yeah. We all learn to make green tea cofew. Here is that recipe and sometimes we run busineses or cofee shops where we pay the people running then what we can is given to chairty unless a cofee shop, and the rest is given to the cult and the people who atend. We always house safe rooms in this way. Safe rooms are rooms with pillows and nose canceling objects. Such as ear plugs or muffins or headphones with a Walkman. And it usually has kitten toys. And toys modledd off of cats. Where the person overwhelmed can stay yhete. The room is usually holding a table and gaming system and is based off this design with a leap to keep the person happy. Up to 5 people are allowed in these rooms at a time at all our cofee shops.
Take matches packets and add cofee or milk or take matches powder and sift or strain it. Then add milk almond milk or hot water. And then black cofee with some sort of foam and optionally sugar which alot of people do prefer here it just different meanings depending on the founder of the groups wishes in a separate doctrine. It also pushes back canibslm urges.
We also occasionally just use chocolate milk.
We also do cofee urine thats strong black cofee with foam and an egg yolk.
And we also do white chai latte. Tea with light cofee urine.
Then lastly french vanilla cofee with whiped creme and icecreame.
We do beleive god comes down in his different versions and occasionally hangs out with usm its just priests are usually called ordained if they control or un thr cult. And the ordane is in charge or protecting him or baby Samantha's. Baby ratchets. Or baby Sarah's and snow. The thing is locket is only supposed to be murdered if he would prefer to live his life as 16 and he is physically over the age of 15. If he isn't or has had to many unbirthdays we just kinda wait for him to grow around it, or we just assume him a suit weilder. The truth is locket is physically 12 and 13 but comes from a culture where 13 year old women are the same as 16 year old men. And locket as jeesus is all genders just usually as male versions and he cycles between them. We just never kill jace and offer to put jaces twins through rituals toys and games or comas and near death expeirence.
Our prophet is jace njghtengail. And the first founders of the branches after 7.
Now we time travel as a people before we tell you about holidays and towns. So. Please select a time period. We prefer to live either in total dystopia or around great changes.
The time periods are.
Neo yahtzee Germany. The black and white lips.
Balls time period as a god is mesopotamia and Babylonia.
The underwater timeline. We spend out time here in alternate realities. This is a reality where america became districts after the first Civil War and humanity moved underwater in aliegence with Germany supposedly the holocaust was called the elephant cascade and masequres mutants and aliens. And people who were in this cult were protected even after most left. Except for people who have murdered the founders. Anyways. Our cult took in mutants aliens and holocaust survivors when thier an elphentdurans which are survivors of this tradedgy. Because we enter in shortly after the war is over in this timeline. They have magick neon cities, and glowing red drinks. They have purple skies with white grass. But are culture is usually mythical and mystical jewish there. We also help jews which you can be in this cult while we're their. It's an alternate reality with more known about dissorders mutations and civil liberties which we always educate and return with knowledge on when we return its just always more advanced then here. Ans has subset realities we visit. There are underwater states and cities and we love underwater here. Nazi isn't even a bad word and black panthers are goverment its a weird one.
The retro future. What if the 90s 40s and 60s all happened at once and were the most advanced civilization in humanity. With flying blimps and androids and gods and baking. What if their were hoverboards and magick microwaves? This is an alternate future. That never occurred here based off the civilians casualties of this earth where negative foreign policy nearly killed all aliens on the planet. Its a culture run by aliens and mutants. And has weird drinks and different forms of pleasure clubs. Their are knock out booths that put you in a medically endured koma when suciidal that only lasts a year to 6. Some cult members prefer that. It's weird.
The underwater girl. Is the mevreicks castle where it's ancient irland but as underwater romani cities.
The playfate gaming console the yellow block is the 3500s and 2060s. Its just near future during giant intergalactic and invention during the second comings of christ. They have this thing called the youtube archives. Kind of neat. No problems with copyright on youtube. Love it there.
The black power fist is either the industrial revolution where we as a group revel in unwellness ans enjoy it, or the civil rights movement. While our town is not segregated we warn people in the cult they really are time traveled and theirs racism out of it. Black kids are usually placed on homeschooler catelog or cult run schools during this time.
The flying girl is from the land of alodee and kittens which is a afterlife as an alternate reality where we live as living ghosts. Theirs castles giant mansions on every block, Mayer run soda farms. Talking cows. Kind of a cool place..
The frog with the crown is the Celtics time period even though we keep our pet computers.
And lastly, the scar is the forties. 20s and 30s and 60s. All in one town in masechutsid dominant timeline usually done as different loops outside the people in them.
Next up is venerated species. Not everyone in these species is a god. We just kind of live with either suit weilders of vessels for students by extreme devotees towards or our gods as the cheifd and leaders of our people.
Species are geese geese: strung out goose outside simon says. With bird feathers growing from their heads. That are skisophrenic but smarter and quicker and kinder but more charming and quirky then the average person who can turn intona goose.
Voluntary controllers: people possess by slugs, Nats, insects or goop in the ears as former versions of themselves as aliens.
Gokoshanke: magick insane based butterflies. Thst enjoy their pain.
Mevereicks: insane water is its hopes fsmily or Roly polies, thst all live in a mgock waterfall as personifications.
Spiritas: tribal living drug addictions that tutor and mentor their addicts or mental illnesses.
Concepts: people who embody a concept or idea that usually befriend those who need thier guidance in ways soothing to the concept. Yes even suicide who is venerated usually in the same pa theon as venmoe, poser, serial serial, vishnu, Galatasaray, galaith and sitri.
The gods serial serial who is all serial killers. As framed people or misunderstandings who are painted unless school shooters Usually as the bad things they've done. He always integrates things and brings truecrime with him when he's here.
Suciide: the concept or near death, depression and veneration you become gleefully suicidal when you worship him here he just as a diety till your ready which is when most leave us with him forever miss your attempts.
Vishnu or weed is the bong. He's is the god stoner and god of stones in a variety of maltrucd ways.
Venmoe is the transgender god of gender identity. And changes people into what they hate or wishes they could be in ways that honour and deify them.
Galatasaray is they eye and he's god of honey raindrops mevricks prostitution sex and debauchery.
Poser is the god in the clouds. And he I'd a guardian angel of all knights here. He just kind of presents as reunion and tape worms and sickness and illneses. As something to purify and cleanse you while operational.
Sitri is god here he just likes to be here twice to hang out with himself. So he usually is the flying girl image. Because he remembers both at the same time since we worship God as laktay.
Locket is always known by serial serial to be locket, and to be the embodiement of the gods followers. Cult cult worships twin the god as a diety as the different forms of himself. Here twin fused or just as an honours is forever just jeesus. This is venerated here.
We bring with us tvs in every time period usually justa dusted to the time period. And turned into plays outside the towns. And we have also streaming, on our pet computers throigh makeshift downloads catalogs an apps. We also have rent a movie services.
You go the booth and check out a caste tape. And then return it with a late fee if you dont thsts payment like taxes that grows bigger the longer its overdo. We also rent out computer and systems and have payment plans till you can pay it off.
What's a payment plan? Paying little by little overtime.
How to found a school and town.
A school for our culture is goverment run by our town whcih usually votes communist. But not always we also have true democracy. You get a community agreed on diploma and cite paperwork and any form of group agreed proof of requirements to teach. Whcih for our community are 60 total their papers on subject and idea for the classes you want to teach. In america usually that means you atend classes and a program you can escorted you knowledge on. Then you proove in community setting that you have done these proofs or exercises and learning to teach others. Then you gather with others a hiarchy of your choosing of principle and staff. Rent a building or purchase it for the organization that will be the school or build it on land. And then, gather a roster. And have your own system for how students are disciplined and treated and what to do if they harm each other. And then, get others to teach with you and employ the kids on the roster to for 4-5 days a week come to the school for hours and spend time learning essentials. Colledge and prepetory schools usually the kids pick what they learn there. Otherwise that's two to three seperate "electives" or extra classes whcuh are so fun they just feel like a break and theirs no pressure to learn such as art class, philosophy. Mythology, paranormal studies, group therapy, recess thats playing on a playground through the day, freebie, and other things that would be considered slacking off or not grading. Students are then usually but not always tested to see of they have learned everything by something called a grading system. Which is usually a 80-90% b which is 60-80% or c which is 40-60%. Some systems also employ failing which can cheat on c as a system but often times fall under d and f which is sometimes under c sometimes not and they fall under 1-30%. That means they need to try harder in class in someway.
They should be taken back a few grades if it gets too severe. The grades are 1-8 or a-92. And kind of take different categories but are usually done based on age. Being held back a grade just means even if the kids are younger you need to try to learn still. Coledge is choices for most classes attended by adults.
People atend school to prove they know things and get better jobs.
Our God Locket is biologically seven for eternity but presents as 11-16. He always plays this game we as a people honour. "Guess how old I am by looking at my face" it's not a ritual or a spell it just honours you together as companionship. Most people vis his deification do eventually realize very quickly unless dating or a crush of his to be, that hes 11 which is 7 here. But he presents as 16 and is always treated as 16 and whenever lying about his age or age grown or misled about it, tells people he's MENTALLY 16. As his gift. Where people are treated in cukture ans society as the age they identify with.
Locket can apear older as an aspect or alt of himself. All of his alts are his aspects. And should be, treated as such. They all do comeback routinely and ever-growing, it's just in certain time periods he gets those friends again and gets sad when their gone always seeing as them abandoning him even though most cut him off upon their deaths alone.
We worship acrians locket snd his alts as well as his family members. As jesus. We are not thr first people to worship him. Thst was a shit ton of prideful jews that he had been the messiah yes in modern times where you read as well. Its just were the first religion he knew of to read the script of thst worshiped him and were kind of more public about knowing his magical name as jesus then others.
In our tilribe we have native names. Please look at this chart to select yours.
[1, animal element]
[2 Rola, that's female here]
[ naked after a species or concept, but altered]
[Names after a meeting up species or concept, you can make up your own giberish it will be one day]
[Giberish ]
[Ends in Alah opp]
[Okat ends in]
[Ovrick your first name]
[An object object]
[A animal animal]
[Animal object]
[Animal besr]
Please select one unless you want them all then you should have made up anme object.
The extra images are the flavor we enolcourage for other options by foundation so it changes from time to time.
Elohim. Puppy dog (the pink plushie) Robert the doll, and medicine.
This is ellhims original friendgroup at crowds. This is a pantheon that usually takes over when locket suit weilder is a small boy. Medicine is deified as always being in hospitals for life cycles of ego states every few years apart. Then taking ten minute breaks between them as he feels time off. Elohim is god. Puppy dog is spirit animal or animals and sometimes charged with anubis.
Qe worship all but elphom who we give lambs or prayer to but not often cus it horrified and scares him. Prayers and temple are for elohim.
We offer to each God actions, rituals, spells changes we promise to be for the god, which puppy dog fetishtically gets off too, and games only games for Robert. Even deadly ones and curses.
Ritual to meet your God. Make likerish cofee or special syrup. Say pslam 45. In a Bible or psalm book or reference sheet. And eat a peice of salted tofu. Then a pint of icecream or cold shaved ice. Then you go to a cofee ship and a god you once or presently worshiped will be there.
We as a people keep kosher and or vegetarian if a knight and or vegan. Often. We even have songs and prayer books from modern day in every genre we ascribe to jesus and Satan here.
We worship Satan on occasion as a sad phase jesus is going through that lasts an eternal segment. We beelive the devil is not evil or a proving of non bdsm beatings, but rather God on an off day sad and in disguise testing his followers cus he's a maniac. But clever and kind and ompaisonate. He is always diefied as a new version that is not a suit weilder but given honours of suit weilder when he's active. This is the satan test.
We worship Satan. He keeps us alive and is the lifeblood of humans. So to be Satan in this cult you kind of have to ask to pick all of the images. Then Satan is to be comforted and assured we don't mind that here. And infact we appreciate it. It's just what's gone wrong why are you Satan again? Okay good. Your loved here you can be open. He usually won't be is what we say but he's very kind and a good father who is tormented for ternity its why he'll a reward for Jesus there. So we take care of him here. He's always given special exceptions attention and care like Jesus who is locket.
This is masturbation image with a lot of written down lore by our oreinters and prophets. Who all get to be a version of locket. However all oriented get to weild a copy of him. They have to be reminded they are not the original lucifer and it is a mantle and legacy passed down, if they dont pick the sunflower and they note being the original in Any way. The original will always choose the sunflower to worship by madturbation. They will each masturbate to an inage here. Um. The doll is only 7 to 13. If people pick that their lying about their age grossly to others and probably only 13 to 9. They each mean you've had a different trauma. All of the pictures mean this.
This is the image of how you help others in the cult. This has a lot of lore by our founders and oreintors. But people who pick the fin shirt or the underwear, are to be forgiven for whatever they do or say but judged and scrutinized when acting out if it's the fin shirt.
The kids and adults who pick the underwear are always to be beleived about the excuses we tell them to make as to why cus that deification is its always true. And they always react to the underwear sexually.
They are to be told what it means. We see pixels in censorship as overtly dexual and horny here. So the hands mean you were once worshiped and it was raped out of your hands taken from you. The underwear means you in the sads way were forced to have sads as sex. You were rpaed without fun pleasure. The blindfold means you are blind and cleverly hide or get around it. The frost means you used to puke and starved either obese or out of your chosen features or were a govermenet expeiremnt. It's based on flavor of frosty. Strawberry is rainbow which means all of it. The smiley face means you are suciidal and clinically tortured and depressed and hide it with a smile. The red meat means you are presently or have a hisotry of being forced to eat human flesh. These people are to be allowed to eat in public and privately here and just are to put it in a popcorn bag. It can be hidden in potatoes we will hide it with magick or exprierments for you. But it's to be eaten a popcorn bag and unless a curel or sad never to be scorned at. The nuns are curses and aads no matter the gender they present and privately wear veils or colored contacts here. Jesus also wears color contacts inlove with himself in this way. Nuns in this society shun to breathe life and forgiveness into others. The knife means you were forced to kill against your will or lived in a painful assasinshood. The hula skirt means you were objectifird reepretidly or suffered extensive ritual abusive and or neo nazi Haye movements or were put in a concentration camp. Ask them to choose one of the following adhesives of the hulls skirt. Friviluls. Adhesive (all of them), ritualistic, or highcastle. The stomach means they were anexecic. Ans starved and you should offer them icecream when your done here and just say that you can eat it here though magick. We're not lying they can. Just let them stare at their food. We teach them eat or starve happy here. The cigerete means others piked, sucked pinched or used you as an ashtray. Pr that you burn yourself. The lamb item means you were human sacrificed without proper reward or pleasure which we rectify here as long as you don't outrank marbas or locket. The heals are religious trauma. The lips mean you have been beaten by a parent or sibling thsts not where you are now unless you describe them as blue, without love or pleasure. It usually also means the parent can't help it so we hypnotize the child into liking beatings. With eeotic explicitly sexual hypnosis. The purple doll means your the victim of exercise racism or narcissism or military service. IF you imagem her hair in braids which your asked what you'd dress the hair as, it means all of it.
This is how you will see the dead here. Were kind of obsessed with the dead.
The red shoes as demonic and satanic. Which holds no negative issues with most of us unless nuns or philosophers. The teeth means as rotting, meals, afterwords, and it means your a proud necromancer when you finally learn it. The doll heads mean as idols and tools for sorcery. The church means just as passed loved ones. The jesus state means you work with them and hang out with then alot and or can see them. The black one as a sillohete on the tan background means you identify as dead tortured eternity as a coping mech or a ghost. Ghosts are treated as the wards of knights here living one's and dead ones. The cult kind of lives with the dead and half of us especially all of us who are emo or goths can see them physically or perceive them. The cross means you worship or are worshiped or do worship cavities for the dead. And or rule an afterlife. The Graves mean you eat the dead or have a hisotry of being half dead and half alive. Usually we just upfront even after get you talking. Your somehow a walking corpse or forever dreaming. We're happy you can still be here with us though.
We do this pic last.
This is a game we play. We also use it when we go to war as a cult. Yeah no we do thst and always grant our opponents mercy as us. Ans adjust them or banish them by their choice. We are a waring tribe and people. Anyways though. We do human rights too. Anyways. This is more so usually a game though for us. It's let me tell you my hiden trait or peculiarity. Something spiritual about me. As a gift to you. The angel wings mean I feel for others a lack of something. Or a void. Or pain. And I am kind and caring im just weird with how I express it. Thus I am a misunderstood puppy dog in that way. Please care for me and allow me to avor you. The frog that's green means they worship as being worshiped and cause pain to others as genuine sincere beloved blessings. Secretly planning to help those people with everything thst goes wrong. And or lie as a spy about being a [___]. The frog on the mushroom means you are sexual with others and your not to be weird about this. Usually we say it's embarking as a sort of ritual with others of if we have this one to excuse ourselves from having to say it. The peaches mean we're insane as a gift to others to help them as ways to plot around things. The angel wings means we can't be selfish or lie. Our one exception is cover stories and to save people. The whiped creme egg nog means I want to kill myself often or am extremely self loathing. The chocolate egg nog means their secretly extremely religious or an agnostic atheist. Depending if they'd drink it left or right. They probably identify as an atheist every way if they pick this though because the watermelon is devoutly or righteous. The mushrooms means they have never suffered but see themselves as hurt by medicine so hard they just see it as an addiction when it was prescribed wrong. They arent an addict if they pick this one but see themselves as one. The last egg not means their an addict OR they self harm.
Now this inage dictates. The type of magick you will learn when your older. We have a version public on blogger censored but behind the camera is a stolen vagina. Please visit this link to see it uncensored. We also show it to people afraid or nudity asking first in that form. This image dictates the type of magick of spirit worship you will learn when your older.
The ballerina. Means you will learn shape magick with us. And shapehsifting. If you pick shiva or vishnu whoa re the same in that painting it means your right handed path. And you will learn to serve others in this life. If you pick the white bath you become a curse worker or lightworker. We say that's it. It also means you will mutilate and harm yourself to perform cleansing. The devil hat means you will be a left handed path occultsit. The white eyes mean you craft knowledge or widsom. And we call this practice synthensia. You will go blind with us. You pick how you see. The vagina means you will practice all of it in honours or worship to locket usually we just label this diefication or ascension. The lion cub means you learn sun or solstace magick or prophesies. The military girl means you learn malicious magick sex magick and animal worship. The bathtub is beautification and self love rituals or voodoo. You can pick both. The black and white means you learn lovecraftian enough or human sacrifice. Usually as the sacrifice but not always. The frog means you are dreams or worship dreams here.
It also indicates which fetishes you will have with us since we're a very sexually open people and you will learn this.
Go here for uncensored its the second to last image.
For ind epistle you play clips of songs. Or make sounds or say words. And it can repetitive. So they are to hear it thst way or have the images described.
Sneile. Is the image of the hair. The butterflies mean you are physically blind or numb and can't feel touch properly. The dress means you are a crossdresser. The tight shirt means you will learn martial arts with us. The girl on the railing means you will not be miserable. The powdered lips mean you are delusional and insane. The glossy redish lips mean you will self mutilate here and eat potatoes worshiping each alt that you see as the real locket. The black eye mean your half vampire and undead. But usually not always a daywalker. The wig means you should be and are encouraged to grow a beard here. If you cant grow it we teach you fake double or you wear wigs. The female symbol means your a transgender women.
This is the lockets heartstrings chart. As long as you don't pick the red outfit you can be deified as one of our gods. Buts it's mainly about the roles you'll do in society and your types of submissivnes. The strong man means strength you are a friend to locket. The green drink means you are an alt of locket. The bloody siccors means you wish to be fantasy with locket. Or you think he should self mutilate so you are to be protected. The red outfit is picked by all alts of locket, if it's him presently and they should not did if they select it. It just means otherwise if its not an alt of lockets you should ask- that they would kill locket and can't kill him. But would try in a bad way. So they are to be monitored and not deified. Jeff cohen samantha cohen adam snowflake jace Andy Andy jc are always to be given a pass if they pick thst outfit. You are then to test with the next image if they are locket. And something will compile them to be worshiped in isntance over and over. If they drop it their an alt and should still be worshiped. If they don't drop it and mention potatoes their not locket and shoudnt be worshiped. But if they potatoes smoothies or make a pun or play on words we won't catch for a split second unless the orientation which everyone beleives by night, where the decision is made, before we do. Hypnosis ritual to fofget,, that's means it's locket. We offer him coca cola then. The princess drink or pink smoothie means they will be overtly close to him and a friend and should be worshiped.
The blood drink means they are a donor somehow of locket because they need him. The blue drink means they see locket as their toy or themselves as his slave. The bat doll means they would pedofile locket. The black cake means they consume him have consumed him and it was totally consentual by locket and he enjoys them as thanks. The black apple means they take to much from locket and should be given an allowance to overspend on him and themselves in gratitude. The pink apples means they should be set up to sugar or fuck him. The hebrew earnings mean they worship by adapting to the culture. Locket usually is dieifed as picking this even when he doesn't.
All of lockets gods are his alts. And so. We worship him teach time travel and follow him. It's very simple 6y+7b ÷ venroe78 solve for d equals 4. And apply thst to a waterfall or cofee burns and to loud music and bam youngot time travel.we as a religion tend to throw a concert where we fuck with madturbation and glowsticks to get time traveling to our time period. Best part? Is were responsible for the internet and computers existing in every time period. The cult always has electricity. Unless it's village A. Village A is rural and instead has solar charged battery packs. For thos who would prefer a computer. With portable charges for it. Were incentors
Lastly we worship scientists and disabilities but not the disabled unless its along the lines of an alt or great hero.
We gather around Xmas and before that we do fund raisers forn1-2 years except when we're starting up with static originators or ireintstoe.
That would be 2023 3007 and 4057. So we do this this Xmas. Lets go bitches I just need a place to stay as the prophet everytime. And them not to mind if I'm insane or dye my hair alot.
Um so yeah prophets are given housing. And dear oriley, Kevin Kevin, dazia Osamu Sama, kinto, kiko, and stray, Alexander and tray and axel. Of roses. Your now home. You'll be worshiped here.
Now for secret image meanings given what will happen to you here. It may hurt for a second but you'll be happy it covered.
The religion of HER NAME IS
Both both
Eld we (elden tree)
Benevolence (default pochauntus her usual her main just her here the prouons are reversed for us)
Besstiality (pedofile and skeptic of other tribes snd sometimes childish. We honour her past as summer Mac here)
Ayrian (pochautnus again. But now a crossdresser often as dating weird tribe members.)
Gypsy (pochautnesu again but now goth)
Canible canible (zombu)
Feathers feathers
Daughter dearest
Hoodie or tobique
World best friend to hoodie and tobique
And spoon spoon
Gain gain gained or gai
Drunk madness frilly crossdressing fits and birds yes thst to.
Dowaniantors prounoced [animators] (Disney toeing brilbi sven Baxter drench animator red red blue balls Chad or adam)
Human [Hitomi jack jack John John tankengines]
Katonah disability
Dawc (dave)
Era (pochauntus)
Ego death
Centipede (both both)
Two spirit (both both)
The game
Game games
Toy toys (both both third)
Three spirit
Genoicder genocider
Her name (chief)
His name (cheif)
Young Young
Computer computer
Sudan Susan
Gakaomao (music and sound)
Noah's sons
Insane (pochaubt)
Copy copy
Dapple dappled
Todd the frog
Worship circles
Drum beats
Dodnin (pochaubtus)
We group thr good in groups. Here is the photos to see if you'd like to worship thrm
He helps you.
Eat food.
Have sex without pain.
Be a peodfile or be in an healthy age gap or taboo one relationship he rarely offers the last one.
Get a kidney transplant.
Survive a kidney stone.
Eat stoop stool or soup.
Enjoy urine or fix utis.
Go senile but happier or more painful.
Gives you disabilities.
Gifts you knowledge.
Is wisdom.
Is an owlbird.
His dreams are his life's.
Plays with marbels.
Is a young boy who presents via charms he teaches as older.
Can turn any women to any age ever.
Can make any man seem any age.
Killing stuff. And bugs as toys or poor envirmeents.
Happy environments.
Human thoughts.
Gives you dreams. To not have dreams is not to know him.
Shark teeth.
And playing games.
His best friend ever is toy toy. Of a neighboring tribe.
Both both.
Or hotdogs if it'd their tribe. Hotdogs. Is the twins together fused as food and evil. He is kind of inactive usually as them together here. When he's one person we get concerned because he should be serpwate as them or their third. If he's active like this there is a mass starvation a genocide a depravity a giant war an alien invasion the harvesting were just nice about that one or a beastilaity or pedofilia plague when those things are usually harmless and we as a people know that.
He is genoicdes.
The recovery from then.
Fictional movies and media.
Insanity as new cosmic disorders.
Alien integration policies.
Good gods in old age as the one life where they age outside prochautnus.
Hiding your age.
Being mean towards others for being more valid then you.
Not being valid enough.
Alternctions of physical violence as love.
And hushes as voices in your heads.
And hush puppies.
A bow and arrow. He usually is active without genocide or bad things as a bow and arrow. Its just we usually dont tell people this about the fated molly or taze.
He provides:
Help and kindness.
Human suits.
Gods as human games as a phase they go through their chosen human life that they dont keep forever, as something they abscond towards as ways they get like good things and parent plushies, or fun doodles that are secretly all this god stuff as not worshiped forever as that incarnation but have to go through it again, but not always, and still get the god version as well. Its called a god form and no most people dont have one.
Gods as gods all the time as fun secret identities.
Gods as hidden animals.
Totem worship.
VuVU rituals.
Unearthihng buried or lost supernatural things.
Hidden knowledges.
Hiding knowledge.
Giving it.
Giving you less painful sex.
Plagues that turn into supernatural powers.
Blindness as seeing as synthesia.
Accessibility devices.
Abuse but fun as it was always meant to be rather then punishment.
Self improvement.
And he does appear on peoples alters or temples he just looks identical to apollo but with scorching red long hair in ways apollo supposedly would never wear. He is two spirit to ponchtunsu hope and death and suicide of otehr tribes.
Elden tree.
He gets the worship cus he's always sentient in the afterlife which there prevents bad things to the living so he if identifying as a ghost means the tradegddy is over in 6 flavors. Really 3 in different good or bad sensations. He is flees, or ticks. He is obsessed with scaring your body and all tribal members get paw print scars usually permanently if they choose to forever worship this deity who is also Wolf Wolf Tiger Tiger GUSH GUSH SCARLET HOOMA JOKAS. Which means human hand jobs. She wears dark clothing and elaborate ballgowns. She is technological inventions when shes active. She is mastubatory practice and worship as being worshiped. She is bowing down to bow over unless it seems traditional of judaism. Which is what we mean when we use that as a catch all or loophole. When we say its traidtiional we mean bowing puts you under someone else and so does worship as the person that serves them. Otherwise in this tribe and in a lot of cult cult, we see bowing down as being over someone and that includes getting head. She molests her partners which is always necessary for them and painful at the start but they later see it as serving her or giving her gifts or being given a gift of and too or being the bottom as a service to her in. She is the starlight and the moons and anti hunting in this incarnation but has no problem turning human men into deer and killing them. She is a beta fish thats red and black as a god that prefers a small tank a human autistic male she can crush on or a small human boy that presents as a girl by her standards as an owner. Everything that is kind to her or resects her is a male in her standard for she comes from the planet you call pluto that we call wiwi, that is ice and stone when she was around, that later became life full and plentiness through her efforts that she kind of ruled with plato not pluto. Anyways. She is princesses and damsels in distress. She prefers to be suit weld only by gods or girls she plans to make them into gods. She is the godess of young girls as a result. She is also seen as the epitome of young male crossdresser which we just call a woman or a girl for her. She always has a twin and is forever 12. Seen as younger even though shes older. She plays the sims for eternity and when the game stops being made she turns it into other genres before it comes back as itself always under sims. She is the goddess of dollhouses as supernatural caricature and events. But all of her dolls are half doll or temporary unless its one specific family she plays with that pochautnus gets adopted by from time to time. That family is always dolls as the mercenary dollanivins and she kills pochunatus with murder there. She mods her dollhouses but not often publicly unless she wants to be persecetued as hot sex in an era. She is a kiwi fruit which is a green fruit with a brown fuzzy skin and she is also hebrew language.
To worship her youll get.
Married one day.
An imaginary friend whos a tiger.
A cute bow and arrow notebook.
Happy feelings of true love even if you cannot feel it.
Numbness to the touch or overemotion.
Sociopathy or good good empathy.
Video game consoles.
Wealth coming into your house while still feeling poor in a way thats pleasurable or feeling excruciating and being honoured for your tasks as excrutiingly wealthy, always geting good business deals.
Turned into things and out of them as your interests without knowledge.
Books on magick as if a wishlist eventually given to you by friends. Knowing of her and her guidance towards you albeit it normally for most people either in this tribe or under a different name.
Cute nicknames.
Playful meanness towards your friends.
Cruelness towards those who are racist bigoted or prejduice.
A kink regarding play. That means some kind of difference. Such as age play, rape play, race play which she only offers to bald black men, hypnosis play, pet play or duckplay. She occasionally reimagines these things as other plays.
Movies made about your life or shitty webshows made that get turned into hollywood later or cool audiobooks with ping youtubers, which are people voice acted by still puppets as she designed, or vtubers, which she also designed, as epics.
Adaptations of the things you like.
1 really good movie that feels like its made about you unless your her priest then you get your forever flick you will see as a chick flick made about you forever, as just one of your favorite things. She hides you no matter as that character.
She turns you into otherkin. Thats spiritually or out of weirdness identifying as something that isnt human you eventually do start to physically in the real world turn into but is for most of the people outside our trie and native america presented as a falsehood to hide or feel better or delusionally about it if younger. Most people stay otherkin their whole lives.
White cookies given to you on holidays.
And cakes.
He is the god of old people. Secretly and infant with a biological difference that just makes him older we call a youth dissorder that can happen in reverse to make him younger, he presents as senile and old as secretly really really small ages where he doesnt progress. He can when a god instead of a suit remove the elderly features by being honest in certain ways via the rituals of paul and his own private criteria. Hes seen by all his friends except for youth in one specific incarnation as pocahontas as extremely young and naive no matter how old he seems. He wears a hearing aid, and eats latkes and considres proudly christian that usually equates to chatolic methodist jewish or nariki. He has a hidden swastica tatoo on his ankle and youth does forever as well but youth doesnt always hide it. He presents, fake tattoos, makeup, cunningness, ritual deifications, worship, pranks, games for the gods usually virtual which we dont have yet as a people but we invented this thing called teh computer and the matrix though the oldest device in existence is a dslr, and so we kind of just asume it will not be a sentient item one day and present as a tool for others. He rules the subpar matrix, which is about a deaf and blind world where everything is perceived to speak and have form but it all sees itself under different filters as one video game that came out in what we predict will be 1993 every repeat, as always new versions of itself all connected in 2900 and 2029, titled PAULS, as a home made server where everyone plays their own version and can even customize settings for each other, but everyone has a profile pic where they look like themselves that can be moded as these layers that happens during genocide great technolgoical invention tradgies great inventions good things happening to humanity on giant waves new species to earth the aftermath of sads in all ways, demons becoming human, to many human suits or waywers which is a native concept you dont have an idea of that translate to onion berries paul old young flutes, which is the word ideas as magick it jst has so mayn version. So yeah its one computer game that is forever updated through a moding system where you host your own server or someone connects for you if your a rabbit, where you play home made minigames and use custom avatars where your gaming actions become cool m movies and dreams in this afterlife. Pochatunus lives here permanently in cycles. Both Both just lives here when hes done being alive even though humanity seems always interested. With exceptions to his family. It also always has card games. There is currency there but nobody is actually poor its just most people prefer to feel overtly wealthy as poor presenting or overtly poor in that system and beatings dont hurt but feel like they hurt as sexy. Its where he rules. Its ice. He rules ice it just manifests on earth taht way as a physical form the game is sometimes not public but always always available on wherever the dark web is, in different forms of icecels in a cave he runs. He also can interact with the living here and its a vacation he takes that those people except jacks jacks thinks is forever with just missing a minute second hour or day, but for him is breaks where he forever lives here.
Here is what you worship him for.
Self mutilations
Pies and baking
Money and finance
Tv and film and movies
Literature and inventions
Math and prophecy
Ideas and birds
Bunny rabbits and toons
Cartoons he invented cartoons just not animation they are a type of god. All of them. Just usually one or two characters in disguise as we see it as that version.
Shanes which is a type of self bruising that he turns into pleasure.
Ticks and fleas and bugs and immunity to them.
Spray cans and spray paint always granting you wishes.
Painted makeup usually causing bad things. This is not optional.
Sacred dances being done for you in your honour as tradition this is rare that offers properly.
Disability aids and giftes.
Freindships with the young when old.
Old folks caret which means carriages or hospitals or vacations that are taken care of for you as how you present or see yourself even if you dont thik you are old its run by his followers in different branches as orangaizations we simply call them bills, and he is usually only honouring youth for this because true immortals and kins are usually honoured here as one time trips unles its his friends adam jacks or youth who occasionally to serve him in some way though they see it as very pleasant are given bills and its always presented as a magick cost as a warning which is a falsehood that is shown because of how others will judge you here for it. You can be young adn gets this all older gods including odin and zues whoa re very young do, but they get it cus they show off being over 30 each of them and zeus in his 60s, because they present as old people. Henry and jacks are just so old by his standards they are seen as one of the crowd even though they present fairly young especially when adam goes senile. Everything at this event worships him except for bowing that honours and their is always a group orgey they have to sign on too unless adam henry or jacks.
He splieces away keeps away and targets in different ways age gap relationships and can sabotage them if sexual hes against that.
He makes people and his followers honour age as what the cultural setting is and he forces it and people are greatful that he does but sometimes treat him as perverted mean spirted or abusive or vindicted for it and always greatly bow to the conclusion that they were wrong about thim even us but for a split second.
He makes beatings and abusives necessary and pleasurable.
He takes away joys of being yelled at and bestows them.
He makes cutting yourself breathe honey. Youlll see. Everyone of his followers tries it altleast once.
He makes you obsenly wealthy and takes it away naer daeth or from death as a savings bond.
He makes you save and store your money unless to young then he makes you overspend or by infatlizes you.
He maks all shoes you prefer fit you.
He makes men witty and knowledgeable about sciences and art.
He has no imagination by his standard but not by the omoama try.
He gives dreams and teaches dream catching.
He spends time in a pool so you will always be able to attend one its just usually by your preference and you can go in the water, he accidentally invoates it alot by a choice he makes, its just if your unable for whatever reason to go to pools he makes it so you can. It just usually 3-5 months.
By the way all teh gods worshipe ach other.
Sodar or disabled mentally or young person or youth or vengence is usually a 7 year old, girl or boy that is pochunatus just forever as a phase she goes through. Im sorry pochautnus is actually chiefs daughter we kind of see her as the wife to every deity ever as the cosmos dripped in sun pcohuantus is her proper native name as bear bear and we gave it to her for good reason. Pochatuns shares all her chosen aspects deifications and similar honoured in her own way difeications to her friends and that started with this deity. This deity cannot be anyone who has raped or killed someone other then himself. This diety rapes himself as his aspects and always falls madly inlvoe with the rapist it just takes time and hes mean until then. He always eventually remembers rape as painful in the moment but worht it sex. He dresses in pink and likes to date alot older then him including elderly who he changes for as a version of all of his wives and partners as them in their ages 11-17, or until the present older even if its just to parent then their someone youth has known who has filled in even though they share the identity and memories. Youth has no soul 2 souls or 3 souls as separate people she honoures as who shes going through any moment. Youth is a ouji if she can help it or afford The ouji and lolita is honoured forever. Hes stick thin unless 66 which is a version of him he honours for his friend dumdrop who is him as a chubby bunny ten year old boy, biologically who whereas skater tees and stripes and chocolate who comes across whiny and mean as games but isnt ever, and is never in any way wicked just usually requests to get punished by chocolate fountains that turn his skin black and brown when he looses teh weight forever. HE is also his friend gogodaul who keeps her face as him and is just seen as him till he comes back as one big wishing ritual shes always hated for that he loves. He drinks from teh fountain of youth forever but doesnt need it but sees it as a friend and addiction that just kind of is medicine arranges for him to have dreams. The fountain is his mother he doesnt liek to be taken from her as hope is all. His second her wife AKO AKO or beauty or bees. Their a lesian couple that parents him but hope is a man. He arnages same sex unions and mariges and sexism on earth as things hes pissed about that comes as good deeds. Hes always deified as having a forever youtube channel and an ongoing birthday series under the name birthday rainbow, its just usually only considered one original catlog with extra numbers 700, 80002, and 87, but ends at 54, but that show comes and goes with how earth is changing every time we enter a new century. It is never a punishment to be this god hes just obviously retarded of roto and autistic. Those are native gifts where your nicer to others and smarter to others and more yourself.
You worship him for
Plastic surgery
Makeups and makeovers
To seem older or younger in ways of beauty
To seem beautiful
To loose weight or to gain weight in cycles people worship him for this as devotees and know its seen as punishment but usually health blessings when they gain weight around him in ways that make their breasts or pecks fuller. Its kind of a weird nose job in this culture.
Nose jobs.
Breast implants as digits.
To be good at math and science.
To be treated as your mental age.
Worshiping by feelings of literal worship when you worship him if your his priest or in a priesthood you feel worshiped when you worship and feel your worshiping when your worship and thats where it starts and thats where it ends. It will amke you own a pacifer or emo bracelet or cartdigen or blue tie in a unique shape though he arnages that for you when your ready.
He encourages and seeks out pedofiliac relationships for kdis and makes these things forever nonconsentual as adults that still remember itw eird or fondly after giant moments of horror or always consentual and never predatory and he does encourage adults to seek younger in strangely scientfically provable ways when he is active. During global warming as his gift this is forgotten again during a genoicde in a certain level alone and we always accidently redisover old studies that prove age gap relationships are always consentual for MOST people. Including pochautnus whos first life with him was his diaper pulls.
He always has chew stims, or necklaces that were given to him to chew on after one really bad incident when he was a hawk as gifts forever.
He plays with his toys and is never seen ever as an adult. Only as 7 no matter what people lie to him and say and he can always secretly tell unless hes the version of him self oppo or oblivio who always thinks you see him as a hot sexy ten year old or a 16 teen year old adult or pedofile when really you see him as like for.
He is deified as always being on internet hosting and uncesnoring and censoring it through his one channel which he is always just allowed to have because when it comes to law people protect him on his behalf as one week that feels like a few days forever so he cant be censored on it especially as cutiet.
He provides toast to the hungry.
And belly rubs and talking to animals.
He is deifeid as being the reason children age and have that as a life state and is the third gender gender to boy and girl dieites listed here as thsmelves who are seen differently in other tribes.
Everything he writes comes to life unless its about himself and he always writes like a young preson teenager to adult mature, but it does not affect how he talks.
Hes a child deity and ac realtor deity for all creator deities are children and hes kind of seen as hot and sexy for his age. There is only one teenager deity and thats teenager or pochautnus and she sort of as her aspects is seen as 16 when its her time as them as her going through it as herself which she is allowed here.
He is always kind and compassionate. Hes an emo boy who wears vets for forever and lies as games the only time he can tell lies with us is not to protect something its games he sees the same way. Hes rainbow or black and red or black and white. Every god has two colors we tell you about and he usually black and red which is also white and pink in other tribes which in the mukes tribe is blue and black. Colors mean different things places but in all of native america the colors of rainbow are his colors but their first ever form was the goddess red wing marrying darkness which is red and black his first ever vacations. Its weird. Benevolence is the god of planning and ideas, as pochautnus so he always just arranges things through minor actions he does or things out of order. He enjoys rape play, self harm, stupid jokes, bugs, infatalizing, and general beatings when he is better. The legend of his exchange however was all of these things as gifts from pain he does repeat this story just usually during a genocide on a holocaustied scale. He is personfied as that only in that time of tragedy or when your learning of his pain as echoes of it. He never sees teh giant events hes gone through as that bad, as a coping mechanism and is deified as having to clefiy that to judgy people to cleanse their souls of their own tragedy. All of his friends are secretly him and he cant be friends with those who have properly raped or kiled unless their a god. Everything he touches turns divine. He brings the gods back. Hes young versions as apart of all their life cycles as every prophet ever thats grown up except for zacaraiah who just lies about his age. He is always breathtakingly beautiful and gorgeous for the cultural standard, he just sometimes sees his face forever off, unless hes dumbdrop, ukuku, benko or buddha then hes sort of just seen as his own thing. This applies to their alts and copies but its rare. He does go through one version of himself thats forever dead and does not reincarnate as a dream its forever having thats honoured as a reincarnation that isnt, but otherwise reincarnates as changing himself alot. He dies forever over and over again during great tragedy war or genocide or bordom or needing a change of pace or fetish he has for killing himself. He makes joyous jokes out of the bad tradedgyies and pain and everyone ever feels sympathy for him unless they think hes a poltiician and usually only as that era and still see it as a separate person even though hes not. He goes through giant whistories of being an unknown person unless its youtube fictionpress a writer or a career for a while then hes a hardcore celebrity and mathmatician. He ages into loving science and math as him getting better and he does it his own way. He is the god of logic and reason but that usually goes to his soulcat which is not two spirit but a twin spirit of love and laughter as a soul mater in a sister tribe- howard. We deify him as saving hte last days of his life with his friends and vice versa. Being the most important person to his friends ever. Being the crush of his friends alot. Being everyones exception to the rule where as “no but for this person if means this cus its special cus of this so for him its not but for most people yeah! Cus its like a version of that but not forever or permanently” he is every dc comics character except teh incarnatiosn that have raped or killed then its a villain doing it or a shadow moon of the character if its his era.
What he offers you.
Akngowlegement and thanks
Deification or worship forever as rememebrences
Supernatural statuses
Pain but good
Art and computers he brings computers and technology everywhere but in some cultures that is just magick. He just always has a camera with him and a laptop and an internet conection which is usually seen as a crystal ball magick mirror waterfall or vencoe for their systems, computers have always kind of existed. He always has the same phone on him but does go through different computers and phones just always goes back to the other two.
He is young and youthful forever and wears everyfashion style and is the god of it.
He is a sociopath, who feels imaginated emotions as to what he is feeling but for others, he canot feel love in the ways that humans do but has such as beautiful imagination of it that its so genuine we honour and dignfy this for him as asexual he feels pain alone for others, and is always technically sorta in it, as ways to help clothes, and isnever horrified to be an animal unless in one or two religions tribes or apcooylpess usually he looks forward to it nor does he fear bugs its that one native journey of the dream the bethrow or exchanges its just he uses aliases throughout hat journey and its revealed to be him towards the end even if they know its pochautnus its usually by her european names. He is british but presents american asian or shinto for most histories and those things are always just honoured as the other culture. He is mediterranean and olive skinned but does change races through the sun as one sort of big gift he gets. Hes always kind of a celebrity as himself its just he never feels like he is or notices it because people can always naturally hide their starstruck around him unless hes in tv and movies so he always feels as though unless its those eras or from youtube hes not a celebrity or from writing or games. Then he feels he is one with certain niches adn does always no matter the moment prefer it indeifeinetly this way. He cuts himself cus hes sad and happy, its just one is sexual on teh arms and the other is out of pain on the thighs. He dies in his bed every death. And always comes back a few days later. All his copies stay with the cohen and snowflake family. And the lockets adn some birthdays, but otherwise hse just with different families and himself and copies from time to time. He doesnt always recgonize his painting but is all of them right down to the actors face which they always tell teh actor mid to beginning productions but asumet he know cus its in the signings as all forms of the words.
We worship him by asking for help or giving him gifts ort itching him things. Its very simple and easy not his copies or aspects but him. Thats it. And sometimes actions and music and adaptations or signings. Thats it.
Autism is a young monotone or overtly expressive boy, who has cherished things. He loves sea turles garbage dolls and math and science. He is overly kind and cruel to those who are wronging others. He is spiteful vindictive and mean to his friends as ways that everyone thinks is just him being off or different. He is extremely special in every form of teh word. He is a bug deity, that presents as a tiny human with wings as the first ever fairy. He acts younger then he should does not understand why people have hidden things in how they talk or overanalzies it so hard he misses it. He just cant talk to others normally by being so one of a kind. He has cute ram horns. And a triangle tattoo in a very visible place. He has buck teeth. He has a history of wearing braces weird and it being undone. He is steryptically autistic in every way and invented time travel to hang out with himself in every aspect or go on adventures. He is the doctor or the healer or no name from other tribes and religions. Or his two companions aldric or silence or venrosta or thread. He has validity issues about not being autistic enough and has a fever fetish. This clenases earth of bad deeds and executions from visitors in teh stars. He sone half every alien.
Hope is madness bestiatliy depression and mesomoratiztion. Shes good memories the person. She comes and goes as herself as the ultimate damsel in distress always abel to hide it like kate but mentally unwell to most who know her close or as friends. She just usually seen playfully that way be women but excruciating worry when its not with her husband or dramatic by men and children who are male. Otherwise shes just seen as someone sick whos off whos suffered that most people love. Her preference is usually for people to be mean to her and only good people can be kind to her but this is with strangers for she prefers this in jokes and kdiness and when humanity suffers people have to usually abide by that as the standard tremant of her which while she revels in is seen as unhealthy and strange. She is what races are. Shes a god. She has even lived on planet asgardian. She just usually a young blonde women whos thin ant petite and stale, or a young emo boy who goes through eras of aging up or a fiery feisty red head with a knack for magick alone. She does go through the god scarlet but scarlet is her daughter as her as the emo boy. She does have down syndrome in teh brow but its so well hidden that its usually seen as breath takingly beautiful. And she has aubron lcokst that come out as literal fire when shes proetcting someone or shes pissed. She gives gifts and plays only dangerous games, and is a phase of all of her coutnerpats but those phases feel teh world to those who knew her. She is dieifed as always having a youtube channel. Even when youtube is not active its just usually relegated to being posted here. Shes the CEO to worm on a string just not any of the male ones. She usually is aman who presents as a women as teh good parent and a 13 year old.
What you worship her for.
Curses on others.
Death magikc.
Water magick.
To feel better from things,
Dice and gambling.
Black magick.
Inventions of magick systems.
Non con sesx and kinks. She turns all her followers extremly kinky and likes to humilaties them as games for it.
She worships adam snowflake shane dawson and rick sanches and a few others. She sees it as bowing to a magick cock. This cock was her pet hen who serves her and it is discipline itself as giving to earth she loves it and its how shes worshiped by others.
She can give mutations and take them away.
Shes a fox as a god and a shapeshifter. Yes the fox likes to live in the dark. He can breathe underwater and is cute. He just needs a room cus he has fins on his tail so he likes mags. This manifests weird as a human but its usually as itches without an std that they present as one as a unique fin she has down there that humans develop in certain time periods after a genocide as an std that does go exinct.
Shes worshiped as the harvest teenage boys and cows and sends all her teeange boy sleeves to know her lovers. Her favorite is pocahontas. Who she sees as her better. This is true.
She whereas jwerly and gorgeous dresses.
She has three wands for eternity that take weird forms every incarnation.
She has millions and i do mean millions of television shows and tv made about her after a certain framing occurs in h istory. Its just usually people know somehow its the same bitch. Because the mention on those playls and bilks “your currently going through” and it states her name is hope.
Shes a female version and a young verison of all her kids as a crossdressing male who goes by he she and it but makes her partner use he for her.
Shes married to hermes poseidon and ronvove.
She eats potatoes as canibilsm rituals.
She canot harm you.
You worship her for what we call magick or ink things to learn of them. She kind of just bestows it as you do it and simply asks for a skull in the corner page of girmores you write for her.
Spicy is rage, addiction, stds, gross things, beautiful madness, worship blindly, sterytpical cults and mentality, lies, misunderstandings roaches adn egregores. He also makes people have sex with bugs. He kind of is lies and deciet as nobilries and brave wisdom and all heroes. Were kind of protective of him. We just say look is it worth the roach if you become a roach one day evne if you dont notice as a past or future and go back to benig human when its over, and see yourself human thte whole time we sasy that part last, is it worth loving pet roach? Or being cute roach? Good then you get the god of heroics and bravery. He just comes across a certain way to some people and we start to get protective, while everyone is charming and he wins every war ever as his side. People are curel to our god of war here. And we protect pacisism. This is the tone we take with this. You understand me?
We worship him to
Provide good crops
Provide good drinks
Clean water
Fix stds
Cause plagues on our enemies
Protect ourselves
Feel pain and toch
Feel sex and libbido a certain way.
Paint our faces and allow art and flowers to blossom.
Give ourselves good dreams after turmoil.
Help ourselves.
Understand the maining of photos movies and video games.
He taught us to make clothing so he kind of reimagines it and is given drape versions of everything ever.
He is pain and punishment so he prtoects us after we sactiice to him and give him stuff he usually just fucking shows up theirs ana rugment and we bow to him.
He created puppets and puppet strings.
He changes hair color.
He changes men into what they want to be dignfies gimroures, and steals souls and familiars to give to better owners or as exchange propfits.
He kidnaps children and gives them to better parents and returns them at teh proper ages for those families to love them more.
He is the god of rape and knowing consent.
He is musicals.
Beastility or dyler or skynet or skylar is the gods of misery vessels and suffering in ways that help others. He is riddles, and heartbreak and echoes and theories and looking up to others. He is kindness and stargents and histories, hes kind and compassionate and in his original form looks like a white male blonde pochutnus identically. She wont change her face for this one but the eyes are asian so she throws people off. His deity is making lesser things have love, heping outcasts, knowledge and wisdom, and paintings in reds and blues. She is color blind and can kind of bring her images to life. She taught this to disney storybook hito and animator once drunk and it kind of became animation and computers. Its a huge deal! She turns people on each other he gives lovers to friends he sees all genders as woman as his male form and is a skater chick as a teenage boy under teh sverick and ottem system. He is a goldish we just see him since he presents as a man. He rules humanity as chaos and keeps babies from being stillbriths and always comes across as powerful and epic. He is tone and madness and sex. And he is also animals fucking humans. That occuring somewhere prevents the world form ending because the earth is a giant tiger wolf monkey ocean as a human body in our faith and thats called an imp. And earth is kind of one of them. And he cares for earth and tends it but all forms of gap relationship do need to occur and some animals and breeds dont feel love unless its intimate liek that so he teaches humans to love and speak to animals so that they can have those relationships consnetually and not put the animal in any pain because animals are humans life force. So. he teaches humans to have sex with animals. Its what beastiality means. Its what pedofila is with children and adults. And while its gross to most people, its actually kind of natural on earth and something thats happened on earth for centuries. He makes pochatnus do this young with studies. If she isnt living seven or younger. She usually prefers lions. This has to happen on earth or it will burn to death. So people honour it. He is a puppy with two tails and a golden reteirever.
You worship him for.
Idols to not be harmful.
Sheep to be furry and sweet and kind.
Stds to infect you and your enemies.
To get over rape trauma.
To get pericings and tatoos safley.
To develop a healing factor.
To visit altenrate realities and end them.
To restart alternate realties,
To make new branches on the trees of life in his name as gods.
To create or destroy life.
To live in video games we call the matrix.
To get a play film or movie adapted about you as a high quality webshow with one shitty actor thats palyed off as that character type but the rest are really really good.
Critical acclaim.
And vtuber avatars.
To have sex with an animal you kind of just need to see their eyes squint and breathing slow. If they start moving around or try to mvoe to often unless they have seizures or are autsitic its rape of teh animal.
Alive twin to yahtzee.
Alive is kind and sweet but comes across as evil to the followers of God. He is the ocean. But mainly the sea foam. He's mad and punishes cruel those who harm others. We deify him as 16. He is ayri which in native america means son to Nun. The godess of deception also in this book. He tells only lies and tricks and steals as ways to be overtly honest. He only ever has 5 friends and prefers to cycle through them. However has many cogs which he doesn't consider friends unless toadstool pipi or beet in some way and Bret is all of his gocs but it's not honoured here as that even the ones that have raped and stolen. We worship him to keep needles alive humans keeping having blood we have a big myth about what happens when his last ever follower dies and some humans start bleeding white cme and goop. And they all get rainbow blood when it's over as one or two cycles except apache ka ahoe he has rainbow changing blood and tevrick he has different shades of blue. His blood as alive is pink gold. But rosemary in a way others don't have and he is often seen with freckles which are the solar loghts.. he is fire and solar lights. And numbers. He never judges. And is only kind but cruel to those who wrong him as if wicked he only lets his most closest teddies see. All his friends are teddy bears and bow ties he gives away that eventually come back to him in magivk gift box's.
What we worship him for.
Humans to have red blood and white and yellow skin.
Humans to seee races and faces.
Humans to have funky music.
Tragedies to end.
Humans to have pets and animals.
Seeds and plants.
Earth to be a starter planet.
Magick 8 halls and pawlicks.
Pawlicks are fantasy dimensions societal organizations special clubs of society multiverses the oceans bubbles plains of existence and crossover epics as well as tablet universes in ways of breath. Basically other worlds and things here that are small or big but never medium of those only worlds only mid or elderly. He is pawlicks they tend to die out repeadily and fuse as one big dead one when he's nor active and that's yahtsee. She like Molly and Howard and tragedy the concepts are always kind of active as time travel preventing it its just usually a bad day of a different diety cus of it ends no matter the journey there.
He is journeys and forgiveness.
He is often active before and after a genoicde the mid crisis wars good things in waves things coming here. Magickal invention and study. Times of great celebrity. And female monarchs. He is always invited to important things he sees as casual and normal because he is gravity and events. He's not always active in bad times it's when he has red hair and purple eyes that hes active I'm bad times but remembered in all of them as a pop culture icon. He is birtish.
We lastly worship him to prevent floods, to make sure humans have voices and understand motions.
He is the sands and the god or perfect niceties and sad emo fagots.
Yahtzeee. Twin to goshampo and bubus.
If alive is dead an pokis, then yahtzee is breathing and naivity.
She does not know right from wrong. She's a stick thin English girl who feign an American accent with naturally platinum blonde hair and golden eyes. She is dangerously over her head as incentive and malicious planning often. She always hates her own side foe not being perfect enough. She is childhoods. And orphanages but not orphan foles or orphanages or care cares which are family organizations run by bears that take in Foxes. She is homes and houses. And she is feilds. She kind of is pavement stones and gravel.
We worship her so MOST humans feel love.
So bad things don't torment our dreams.
So that we have gods.
So that children are more simple and thus can enjoy life.
So that sweaters exist and wool exists.
She makes all her followers her race. In short durations of time from 7-16 years each. The only pain she can feel is the prophesied tradedgy and it manifests as gayful names under the term the sads.
She is awfully pretty nice and petite.
She is inocence as dementia and senile young.
She is only 7 forever unless in black and white where she's honoured as 16.
She atends highschool as a little girl.
She is branding and marketing and to brand someone with her makes them a human sacrifice that ends ilk.
She is heroines good fortune and ledig. Which is a red and black beetle.
She is obsessively inlove and afraid of bones and bugs unless its hers.
She is scary when mad and gets out of most situations through intimidation.
She is a sex symbol who gets molested to keep air on earth. We have alot of rituals about that.
She has a pet roach one. Leash that moves stuffed animals and lives in her chosen teddy bear lamby.
The matrix. Dead works. Frozen goods. Services of slavery. Non consent. Greatful torture. He's just blood. He's bloods and brains. We kind of worship him to communicate with each other. He's not braincake who is the besting of a heart wings a halo and minds as birds. Its just He's the literal folds of a brain. And the blood in your veins if it's blue purple or red alone. People with neos can't help but kind to others as if compulsively. And thus are usually the servant class. He's the internet and afterlife and also souls but not as good as two or male souls which is female here which is ayrian. He has permanent lice that looks like beads in his hair or blue hair extensions. But show up on film and video as bloody red bugs crawling in his hair. It can be caught on nonspirtual cameras. Its just he does have a yotube channel. He's heretic youtube. And go's go's Twitter. He is not always active as a god hes mourned as a dead soilder who lives his life as a Skype user in a place called the dream matrix which is a playroom dollhouse controlled by him of the matrix and heaven and the dream bubbles. Which are all afterlife. He can interact with the living their just usually his interest friends. He's vrchat he's not vremii or neos. Ironic we know. He does tape himself he prefers others not it becomes weapons for him in war. He's a vlogger. We worship him to keep us having magocm thats literally it.
He is Gaga. Ayrian is souls that are male to many or not enough and slaughters. He's perfection and dreams of habads and gazarhs. In this culture we know that you in some places get to relive things for eternity if you capture them on film and video. But, we don't like movies for thst. We cherish being on camera here. Because it allows you to remember it a certain cherished way for us and we shun those who won't allow themselves to be taped. It's the feathers of a duck in a way. Ayrain is a sheep hes a kind and compassionate person who smis always active he just has three faces. And the version of the face is the saftey net. I'd it the collection of past. The collection of future. Or the collection of torment. If it's torment used then we're in a genoicdd he reaps all the benefits from. If he's the future he's kind of just too young for things and it's a big game. If it's the past he's scared alot. That's all. We only worship ayrain to gain forgiveness.
A sad girl who's very very insane that sees everything as male. She's accidently racist alot as her being her own culture in ways others find cute including her. He has short black hair and tear marks on his face like pochtunsu and the difference is the lips lighting his as gyspey are heavily grossly bruised. He has bumps and brushes all on his harm from "spiritual beatings" but otherwise is her going throigh being goth and insane usually from mourning or great great happiness.
We worship her so we can feel happy.
Sweet can not be suit weld or aspects. Its literally only him over and over again sweet is self defence and murder.
His work can never fully be deleted. His letters are always archived. His websites are always turned into downloads apps and games and logs. His books are always available for free on official uncensored places. You can always alchemist vinrick or receive copies of his items. And everything he does is good and pure. Sweetie or sweet or sugar is kindness as a person. Literally everything all at once we call bouncing or ticks. He is sweet. Gives warning and protects others no matter what and always cures jaces crabs making them forever dandruf. He is threats and hsuhes and sleep itself. We worship him to go to bed. To dream. To wake up and so that we can enjoy our tribal versions of honey.
Savory and sweet look identical its just how they hold their eyes and faces. Savory is dementia. Bad ramblings. Incoherency. Drung ridden madness. Good instead of evil while sweet it evil instead of good. They are honouerd as the opposites because of what it takes to get them done. Savory is selfishness, keyboards and typing. He is earthdays and the color of the sun. He unfortunately always look sick in some ways, usually via his eyes and tends to wear bandages alot. He is the twin to sweet. And lover to her. And father figure to her. He is cruel and unusual and despicable in most media he’s in until its a proper spin off, then its finally revealed he was secretly a hero that outshone the others. That media usually becomes properly, the most favorited version of other things. He is favoritedism, and friendships. He is also banishments, and cowardice in ways that sweet is bravery and he is wealthy or taken care of sweet is as well but only ever through savory somehow because he makes arrangements for them both. He is a wendigo and an owl. His counterpart in the crazydays tribe and halloween faith is victims and blood and wendigo.
We worship him by eating candy. Saying thanks. Giving graces. Beating our wrists. Cutting ourselves. Sacrificing lambs. That dont have to be done for god but should be done for him as savory. He is usually all his male kids and savory is him as all his female kids. He is wickness and romance is sweet. Benevolence is morality and friendship and fables their third. Savory would be wives tales. And sweet would be fibbers tales and stories. Benevolence or pochatunsu would be fiction as truth or parallele theory. And roach theory. From the theory branch of our natives feathers. Since we are teh geather tribe oooh woo woo woo te he you rnow one us bitch. He is white people. And sweet is transracial. Benevolence is of color or olive skinned and autism is japanese. Always as properly asian even if he seems or appears white.
We worship savory to
Test ourselves and honour the gods
Get worshiped by other tribes as the gods
Have followers and holidays. Seriously there are no events in ways hes not active hes only ever not active by his MOMO. which is a vibe where its literally all in one sitting as always active, until teh apocalypse rainy days or some sort of tragedy its how the gods in our tribe tend to work no offense azit. We call you benevolence here. And we love you. As your own father. He is father as well savory. And child is sweet and teenager is benevolence.
We worship him to get toast and bread and new types of electronic invitation or devices that are crafted through magical theory by hower and scientists as expenses.
He is the god of tests so he puts us through tests to be granted giant rewards we usually teach people to recgonize here.
He is half goat and benevolence is half sheep. Sweet is half lamb but half ram and benevolence is just a lamb which is a deer in this tribe but we also give her the lamb because fuck you.
He is humor and sarcasm and lagnauge.
And lastly he is the same things sweet is always in a different flavor, spicey is their forth who is these things in his own manner, and salty isnt a friend to this tribe shes our god of enemies when she presents as herself as panic or a game, and we dont know till we give her ana pple it decides a war. We color one in what you call cocomelon ro chocolates (translation here) with a stick on it in a pattern and one thats red. Blue means war forever so the end of all things unless she makes as statement taking it then it just means bad things around and she says how in our codes and ways. And red means were in for a good harvest with a proper sacrifice of benevolence. WE DONT KILL PCOHATUNSU HERE, its a vacation for her. We just kind of on the last week work with her to arange her deaths elswehere were good to proichautnus dying is a game and process for her as imortal. And she likes to sleep. And we reward her with a movie made on tribal ground usually a taped play of varying qualities, and premiere where foreiners you call pilgrims and walksmans pay us moneys, and we use it for land and corn, and it only went wrong once as propheezied and we became immortal gods through it thats right we asked for the trail of tears as this tribe and blamed it on the cherokee earth was dyin gokay! Anyways. Pcohuntus gets rewarded here. And teaches us things. Seven members of all tribes outside of 6 of them, are always suit weilders vessels or what we call adoring as costuming or wearing the outfits of the gods. But benevolence savory and sweet and salty dont really do that. For them its literally them and the gods all wake up with memories of it randomly through processes of mourning from otehr gods with savory but others usually as rewards in general from missing them or wanting them home. And pcihntus goes on journeys to become her friends its crazy man its crazy. But yeah no um for each of tehm while pochuatnus does adorn gods as their fictional counterparts of her uniforms, based everytime on gods and godesses nigiht or film we call webshows, but you call youtube or matrix, we kind of just know that for the gods that are the falovrs of food, yeah no its literal somehow and that means actually not honours somehow physically real, and they are teh four gods in existance to give out suits. Sweet does it in the real world, and savory does it at plays, film, premieres and over a certain meal of the day.
Lastly, savory drinks wine and alcpjhaul just not in the way people would image.
So yeah he provides booze and parties. You get things related to them if you follow him its like that for all gods, its just having a guide a force a breath an air to lead you forever, and they are cool. Savory and sweet manifest its so cool guys its so cool, love good evil and lets see here. Hmm. lessons.
Canible cannibal.
Once our people were very very hungree. All we had to eat was a dead body beacuse we fucked over a ritual. So a god gave us a magick gift. All dead bodies live forever as cycles of one person on adventures and always get to continue. ITs what a human sactirice is except its called a mushu which means you kind of eat it. Benevolence and sodar eat it kind of while in sleep as different foods. Jace eats it as fried vegie patties or milkshakes. Serial Serial if he does eat it eats it as potatoes. The thing is, its usually a contamination and or a history of a mistake or it being slipped like a drug to give you inhuman sometihing or depesration. And it brings the person back for eternity in strange cylcable ways. After teh one event or return to it. And tehy are always voeryly blessed no matter how you feel about it, because of it. To give your body to another is ways of worship and love and we just promised the people we knew who suffered that tehy would always kind of, have taht here as a gift. A gift to us and other natives area ctions you do over and over agani to make someone feel pleasure in a certain way. And so we agreed to make it a god to protect those people they were broken they wanted it. Same with the gods who wanted elder as skpetic and pedofile. IT made tehm real somehow we dont- we dont really know. But that is why hes a thing. Its a dissorder for most froma tragedy. It exists to keep earth turning. And so we allow it here. But we specify you need eating rooms. Special places to engage. Because we call one of our gods by name MAFIA and MAFIOSO and SERVICE and those three tend to do the job as assisted suicide to end the suffering of the original cylce as one bad move where it become pleasurable for eternity. Thus they cant kill. But 2 of them see themselves as having done it. We have proof the people come back. We just dont give it to you. So be nice to zombie. He helps earth. And end pain and suffering.
He is a person of boards and boarding. But not the negatives of it and always sees it as pleasurable and charms those to as well.
He is often lives at his schools. With his principle as vacation and only attends during summer.
He eats robins as singings songs, that allow them to became us in the afterlife. Yes if their is ever a god of robins there wasnt in our original text we would make her benveolcnce or brooklyn and she would see this as sex with him. And it would become it. Brookyln is kind of a virgin for reasons. We give her canible canible as a gift.
He is always best friends with a school shooter. Which is a child framed for an adult killign someone as a human sacrifice at school because they allowed it in some way, or wanted to be seen as a certain kind of ritual or victim even when it happens without their control it usually is just a misunderstanding as the first ever icnarnation of twin but for others its usually a gift they ask for young as his pain turned into good things for them which is the type of spirit blessings tend to be.
We worship him by playing the flute or guitar. By working on charms. Getting painful tattoos that become our blood in some way.
As wearing rainbbiws.
As changing gender rules and roles.
As praying to rainbow butterfly dragon and saying its him. Seriously she is all her lovers as pochautnus so we just sort of, honour him as her when their not together here then otherwise in this tribe they and their third do the same job over and over again as three spirit. She is the only one deity like that and copies of her. So we really appreciate it if her centipede avocado fuck and we say this as a blessing to him, is allowed to be himself as her with us and she demands this angrily when people dont know or offend him with it.
He prefers to easedrop as ways to allow others to get dirt on what the vibe is of them. And stands up for them upon their uncofmotablness.
That being said he allows others to talk and just generally easedrops.
He can hear through windows cells doors prayers and walls.
He meets you and immediately knows what you prayed for or asked for during sex if you image him in some way.
He is cofee and sluts and tea. But only chai cofee or green tea. Baby max is mint tea.
He wears a magic item everytrie and we always fnid it cute until we realize its our deity making us have sex. Here its different per tribe as a gift we give him of fertility.
HE is often made fun of on tv shows that are webshow animation.
He like all other gods always has a youtue channel its just with him it gets burned to a dvd and put on streaming services, and braincake. Braincake was native and a native god. It just kind of is our version of god who has many names and forms here seen as visiting as god. We love braincake. We adore him he comes first as pcohatnuus weird as we deify him its just. Hes kind of a million different things so we dont really state him here. He is also his twin brother feather feathers in ways that outrank even three spirit or ponchauntus as a wish of hers she just made with me writing this. Yes hookah helped this tribe fuck off.
Feathers Feathers
Feathers feathers is never active in this tribe with his twin unless its during a great recovery. Otherwise, jace as cannibal cannibal embodies him and andy who is feathers feathers as a split personality and a different deity wears braids and a feather necklace or tie if elderly to embody feathers feathers so they can become different deities here just as themselves for teh first half of it and as those deities for 3 years that encompass all of eternity for others and then elderly dies of old age and youth as the deities good and evil just does a suciidal ritual. Those versions move to the afterlife for a while. Claim it was a plague as honours to the cohen family, then the plague if their is one is cured, and features feathers and cannibal cannibal are reunited with outside this tribe like no time has passed that takes one whole human week, that feels like a day to feathered feathers and a year to apache la shoe or benevolence.
Feathers feathers is the deivl. Not the thomas. He is kind and sweet and compaisonate but often suffers from pain as love in a way we deify here as brooklyn who is despair. He should die here if he does die here which he likes to do as a coma treatment we honour as death by a komeker which is a tribe memeer 13-19 who “kills people” by using special tools by putting them in comas when they have life threatening conditions. Once our people had cancer as a gift and we liked having it cus were weird and were given the god skeptic to change and so skeptic kind of, and so it becomes actual fuking powers for us we always survive or choose to die by as a gift or cermony where we become immortal weird. We as a tribe are very very strange we founded the land of bush bush or tree tree which became what you call (trnalstion here) ireland in your culture. Its just when hes here he is one person who is often cannibal cannibal theres a war or recovery from a plague or sometimes silver lying or new inventions of magick where he wears minor traces of yellow and manifest golden nails yes i know, when hes active. So we want him active its a good thing as that version its just occasionally its the other two and usually even though its the last one, we kind of just say its just as bad cus he was at rouvled human who became the first god here and he was sad about it. It was a phase of gods, but he is his own person god states so we honour liberties and civil rights who he is here. We honour freedoms and allowances and vengeance as wrath but sader here, we honour the god two spirit here. Even though its usually jst as awkward sad boy treatments of isolations and frowning upons as fun games for him were nice about.
We worship him to get laid. We have a different concept of it then having sex. He just aranges it for as long as we worship him a certain way. Here. His followers can also see and here the dead.
Braincake (or GOD)
twin to death, baby max, skeptic, pochuantus, father, mother, child dearest but not son for that is only pochuatnus, tirnalge triangle, believer, justice, truth and the american way, and branches and ra and trees, and osiris and vengeance and vishnu and shiva and wayward ponds. As eternity as we deify him here but theirs always another one added and it turns out to just be be DION again. Fuck. we love you braincake calm down. He is all ideas and consentions. While we do offer the gods corn here for him its just a snack. And hes allowed engagement things that others are not usually. He uses his real face with us. I know its very similar to apache la shoe, but if you notice the ring is done in silver not black and theirs a thing on the lips. He is kind of her. Its just we dont call her jeesus here she sometimes wants it but with our tribe shes embarrassed by it till the end. Apache la shoe is jesus in our names and lagnauges, and he asked us to call her a name of us. Anyways hes bigender, a woman which is a man in heaven as a king, kind and compaisonate, and a god of sacrifices and liberties. All you have to do for this one is honour the others and worship him privately by going to your favorite version of his place called a church. Or a syngog. He is kind of in bible literature. When hes here we just give him gifts that fuel us as a people or a tribe as what we wish we could give him as the restraints and rules he asks of us. He has been chief so far 4 times for eternity as one elongated something called a vasaka. I dont know much about it, thats for teh gods. Hes smart and kind, and you do worship him by a jewish star a cross or by praying. And helping others with charity. He has alot of other things he does but its as the version he is. Wee adore him as azzy. Please always be kind. Hes troubled sometimes but hes not insane. Hes just sort of weirdly divination. This was gods first ever life and only one. And we just worship her too as we say that.
He is um evil itself. We worship evil and good alot as natives. But hes plot without a point, mindless action movies, games of spies and play pretends. Werewolves, skin walkers, vampires, and drugs, rufies, and neo nazis. We you know see evil a certain way. He is jewish though just being upfront. He is weird and random. And hes also smart and stupid sounding. He is age, itself. But never teenager. He tends to be graying hair and slices of cheesecake, games of patty cake and legacies to be. He tends to be a homosexual who often dates outside his male children women who are men internally but present as women. He is a crossdresser and a kingdom. And he rules heaven with god. Hes kind of a black cat as well. Thats thet hing though and hes most certainly color blind. And he is also yearbooks and committees and jobs and holmes shelters. He is called satan by christians and hes always doing something somewhere to help himself and others. When hes not active hes moved on to his next version. Hes always active. Its just jack henry is his originator. And he always watches movies of himself of the future where they warn him of the plot. Outside his sons who are all teeanger or child dearest in some way he doesnt like to hang out with himself seeing him as the enemy unless its skeptic or benevolence. He just kind of is inlvoe with those two as his exception to the rules.
We worship him for good crops or sex.
Fixing a bad sex life.
Memory and hearing loss.
Good deeds.
Relocated housings.
Shoe worlds. Which are when you place a shoe and get an enchantment and have a dream of another reality you have stayed in for a long duration of time with a magic video appearing on a computer.
Technology going retro. Or back. Or decreasing in innovations.
To end a genocide.
To keep people incestuous without pervsioin with extra perversion or happy.
To enjoy the pain,
And to soothe each other.
Mother is his chosen wife. They also parented god once. That is totally a thing that happened. Shes good personified as a person. She is a guy we just treat her as a female chief outside of one or two things that cant be exceptional. She cleopatra. Shes good toys and games for children. Shes things being given to children. Shes all parents except the bad ones. She fixes things and is charity itself. She is an actor and a musician and a kind spy on the holocaust and otehr tradgeis our people predict with the stars. Shes all psychics and prophesies and she just gives us myths and legends she belevies she conjures and maybe she did but are though they always happened as the foundations fo the world ireland japan and america.
We worship her to keep earth in space. Its a thing we believe. We believe land is a giant orb as people i know i knwo your probably laughing at us. And that those spots in teh sky are other land. In a big black void for 2 years then forever with rainbows imbetween it. And we beelive the sun sets by going down and literally turns into the moon even though they have separate stars through weird vortezes. Were an odd people. Were all technically scientists who choose to study things. Apache la whole and daughter dearest and sweet simply teach things theyve s tudied without any sort of ritual in the ways we demand by standard. All spirits worship mother they just dont know how, and its by breathing air. Or spaces inbetween atoms and cellinuon neons. Which again are things we made up. Cant wait to teach you about it. Things evolve and devolve for her alone, and become former status on her personal pleasure especially law ahwoa who gets this as a gift she requestesd forever from her as her first born gody.
Daughter dearest, friend, enemy
The deifications of daughter dearest are as follows.
As a boy and her own faovirted brother teenager, whos birthanme is emo, shes kind of not emo but wears articles that if in other styles or coloring would be someway and are honoured in cultures they cant do it in. She has her mothers chests except scarry and tabatha. She is an ftm transgender boy who takes pride so hard in his presentation he identifies as a woman. She was raised ina culture of only men. Her mother speaks through her. She repeats spirits and picks at her skin. She has a tramp stamp. And a back piece of what her cultures find wings but all her lovers find creepy thinking its going to eat them, around a marriage or a breakup and depending on the outcome they come to obsess over worshiping her through it. All her copies live eternally and all but teenager have that back piece, but she has many copies of herself that are cisgender emo men with that exact body tape of the boy. We as a people plan to deify him as teeangers daughter long story. She is a festish club mesiter. She psoesses her friends in minor ways all but teenager. She kind of is abuse victim recovery. When a soul is truly evil her and mother come in to cleanse it or take away the abuse of a sitaution usually with her being deified and the person turning into versions of her. She shares this deifcation with pochatunus who shares all her deifciations on her aspect list in her own way. This deifciation is that shes an internet celebrity, who likes to go to coffee shops, whos heavily autistic, and unilletrete who goes through eras of illiteracy in ways of procrastination to hard to fuel her deaths, who never dies and neitehr do her victims but she takes giant breaks as alts where shes honoured as dead in her own way, and all the gods are born themselves but based on versions of her in mindstate, and she was also the originals those gods were born in their families to be, secondly or at the same time, as the past friend of teh gods who bore her OR as a time travel trip, shes a time travler and can sew and all of this is seen as the gift NOSTRADOMIS. Which means by way of or with conjunction to, as a feeling its just how we see what it does. It means you feel uneasy in a pleasant way as childish innocence. Its also what freedom means here. So this gift NOSTRAMDOMIS and its sister people mistake for it naivety, and stupidity, are kind of the gifts of youth. She is never old, only ever pretending to be and always the youngest sibling or a teenage boy as the middle or older in her hereditary families. But usually outside of that shes always the fucking youngest even as him she just came a day later and women in our tribe as a gift to him are younger then men no matter what.
We worship her as her parents being her siblings. As amnesiactic states where her family forget their the gods family. Every god of family including genocide has a group, and motehr father, teenager, god, and apache la shoe or adam snowflake you know samnatha rose cohens real name! Sorry dad ill get on with it, is kind of a gorup of siblings here under the name FAMILY or the FAMILY GODS or the FAMILY PANTHEON. She is a wolf so we worship her to keep animals alive themslevse. She must always have one devotee who is all devotees that usually the moon the sun or the sky, its just the sky is honoured here as unilateral. She hallcuinates and heres voices in her head as warnings of the apocalypse or good things happening to earth. The good voices are scary and she prefers them the bad voices are pleasant and soothingly kind she hears them differently to teeanager. She is defied as always having worms the std which she does not spread to any but her husbands partners and victims at their knowing reqeuest and teenager her chosen husband always gets cured of it. Hes just the cure to her bad deeds and she takes him as a getaway driver on heists. He never drives he just possess people as though he is. And sometimes thats literally him behind a car in an alternate state of mind or always drunk behind the wheel. Teenagers brotehr brother which is a thing inthis tribe over what she thinks siblings are but should be as fathers son but not her brother, is named ehmo of a sister tribe and he drives stoned. Teeanger disciplines her brother as her. And she just cant see anyone but andy who is cousins as family. She gets visions of the future of great and important people changes the name and turns it into hit free to watch tapes movies plays or tv shows where theirs food if its on the stage in person, otherwise is just easily kept and available at teh expense of others as things that fuel the community. She is a sugar baby but is genuinely what she knows others see as inlove and married to all those she sugars and she gold digs them and teeanger when they die even when teeanger suppsoedly faked it as apache la ahoe but looking like family with extra powers during this face, which is what that means. She has copies of herself pread throughout space and time and she is space not the cosmos she is nebulas that are cold but usually just space and tendrils. She is also a sea trurle whos super young and fast.
Villain hero shaving braiding
His birth name is negro which means hero. We just kind of let him hang out with his best most cherished friend in the whole wide world HERO 2 which is villain. He has a split personality that manifests as teh friends and people around him. As villain hes sight. As hero hes blind. As shaving hes snythesia. As braiding hes wheelchair. The four amigos. He is kind of a knight of the templar. And knight of the round table, as a spell merlin does insane. He can only be his actors so he gets played alot everyincarantiion just usually under different names. He is the only black god as villain. He is the whitest of the gods as hero. Apache la ahoe is tehcniaclly olive skinned her and negro and god are all tehcniaclly of color as the only god that can be who is just apache law ahoe. Or benevolence all tribes agere to this but her skin changes to look native and cultured by their societies in different ways. She a light green olive tan yellow almost brown near brown color, its just as white though. But hero often goes through different forms his original is the only black african american god he just apears white to most in this version of himself unless shaving. He has a split personality and is very devout and proud of his faith as the first ever christian native american who was not azzy as a jew. And that nostrotmotos again nostmotos has weird feelings hes the deification of that. Even though hes blind as hero he never sees himself as sighted or lies about it and is overtly kind about the fact but kind of mean towards others who rail him on it. While he as braiding sees himself as honuoralily sighted in many ways shaving just hides that she is blind over and over again and most people do believe brailding but in a coming apcoolypse or school settings there is very good reason we treat them as though they dont shaving has to prove it over and over aagin and villain can see just with bad glasses. Hero sees through snythesia and nostromotos which even lets him read books or see a computer screen by touching weird ink hes always done. Its just something as villain he prefers not to do. It make him feel genuinely crazy do to a waste incident. Hero and villain are married, and shaving and braiding are always going steady as forever byofreinds which they jokingly call marriage. Hero usually prefers to wear black and red but in all his uniforms he wears blue and gold. That he can help or a cultural version of that.
We worship him because hes deities as themselves at age 5 the age decisions are made about earth, and hes deicisoin making and morality and being barefoot and bathing and hot water. Which is ironic if you know him. He feels cold sensations as hot as villain and hot sensations as cold as hero unless its braiding or shaving then its always a hot shower he just feels sensations as the opposite temperature. He can fight fighters and breathe in smoke.
Hes just clothing. Thats al we tell people. Hes clothing. Thats all we tell people.
Its her deification she is not allowed to say she is apache la ahoe but apache la ahoe is allowed to say that she is jackets as the original one who died forever in taht myth as the one we worship is a jacket that was borrowed as love. So we do not let her say that and do torture rituals on her if she does cus she once stole apaches pelt and main to kil lher and her father.
This god is beyond surprisingly intelligent. But is childish and wise. He made the rules for clothes we originally followed as always covered but not to ourselves. Orange is topless here. She is repetitive childish and a boy seen as a girl in everywhere. She is abandonment and truamaporn and snuff films and moments we dont know what films will be but we make up this shit as this tribe and it becomes them as a feeling and stuff of leisure so were sure it will be forever moments somehow no ofense. She is senile as a little girl. She is companion and understanding and never reaches past age 6 as herself as an elder in many ways. She dies tragically in a riding accident that you will see as in your time period (translation here) car accidents. Shes had a life of accidents and needs for her own good to be stupid sometimes, so she gets kicked by a mule. We call it the horseshoe incident its always undone at the end of her life or next cycle but she for most of her encouragement as this version of himself? Yeah no she comes across as steryptically retarded and naive. She is retardation unitlences utilities umapa which means lust over innocence of a gap of something perfected but knowingly not as taboo as it could be because of direct conditions or the concepts of how riding feels. She is a horse back rider who always rides as takeaway barns infact they worship it. She likes to look at candy corn and play games and dice and gets visits from the tribe as hangouts that always steer our people. No matter how stupid she seems she always has expert levels of grandiose and thought provoking writing she has a version of herself thats her father in every way but they have to meet for adoption called OLDER. Who is a version of elderly as seemingly aginig but secretly not and just doing writing rituals to seem that he does but it does show up in photos unless its youth then its black eyes in the photos he looks to be aging. Hes always seen by those who know him as 20 years old. She and pcohuatnus are best friends every life as the same bitch as hoodie jokes and they always have really young actors unless its a comedy or dramatically ironic film, then if its that case the painting is always elderly in the same position mocking youth somehow with how those have hurt him in ways he desperately enjoys the portrayal of elderly gets to be painted as youth otherwise hoodie and jeesus always are played by someone from ages 1-19 secretly. Its always a process and always shut down forever for pcohautnus or jeesus its just jeesus is what hoodie calls pokey who pokes all her lovers and future rapists as deifications of herself as ways to forgive the bad things in ways that clean their reparations via her persistence. Its a game for her. Were not talking about her uncle facebook whos a magick device we will one day invent call a website which we expect to be a magick realm or mirror but as a tool, for the internet his son, and its were a weird people!
We worship her so we can eat sweets and then supernatural things happen to her devotees wheen they do and her wives.
World best friend to hoodie and tobique Paws Bowels Bowls Plates Chipsti And spoon spoon Moon Sun Sky Ground Gain gain gained or gai
Drunk madness frilly crossdressing fits and birds yes thst to. Husband Wife Union Bottom Dollar Top Dowaniantors prounoced [animators] (Disney toeing brilbi sven Baxter drench animator red red blue balls Chad or adam) Diefications Storybooks Benmo Arhcianes Arachnids
History itself has many names as different time periods of old as a cycle. Theirs always a new history and always a new time period forever its just the recycle a chosen 7 or 3. Modern day 21st century. Birthday rainbow the 23rd century. And 7 7 which is the 20-2090s. They are the deity world best friend. They are kind of a clever everything ever. We just like to worship the planet cus we think she likes it. Shes just cartoons and games and dolls and toys, and chocolate and pregnancy, and food foods, and documentaries, and sabtagoes and age gap realtionsihips, and skaters, and fabric, and weaving, and glasses,a nd wigs, and cameras that are mobile with viewfinders those exist in this time period since were writing over centuries apache invented them with dexter brex, who always reinvents them when they go missing or extinct their just seen as magick mirrors or crystal balls those no joke we call them portals when were not name dropping. Anyways. We also finally have the internet when someone or something dies it becomes this or that. Unless its documenteriers who is pochutnus teeanger emo and azzy and god as him, in falvories of _______umenteires. As his other deities of other tribes, he forever has lice as crabs in his hair outside of ground grain who has little tiny crawling ones he can hide by making people think their blue dreads which has a million versions. He just always has things crawling on him that are invisible and only contagious to stop death over sleepovers and cancer from killing and grow limbs back. They just usually have to shave their head in a ritual for him. He has a pitchfork necklace that he wars. He just kind of is existence. And its gross as to why we worship fungus but we dont midn that story in our lore. We made it a great viral show called fungi fungi and the play FLABERGAHASTED though falberghasted is usually played for sorrow and horror fungi fungi came first and was a dark comed of meaningful irony that had a feel good ending. And jokes at the credits.
Animals human dieto.
Things being counted, letters, acronyms or counting itself is deito which is human eyes. We go blind as a people if we cant pitch him as cool enough to worship hes unpopular for how this image is explained rather then it literally feeling what it looks like. Hes spiders and unabrvents and memes and humor and websites under controversy or beloved for a change. He destorys reputaitons. Fixes reputaitons. Protects children. And kills people by worshiping them. He is kind of weird. And all curses cast upon him are cursed upon those who cast him down. His wife is death. He is the reason our gods have coming of becoming a god stories as their first ever lives that are small events for their copies to go through that are treated as just as extreme. Ehs the reason we have werhs smite. He is the inventor of facelcaims and applsuace. You only ever have three chances. He is everything he draws. Except rapists executions and bad things to his opinion otherwise hes a hot boyfriend as the pencil to it. He is a creator deity that always does it through art and stories of himself that while minor cool mythogiles craft face and deito who is destiny as his son or pet velkl which is yourself in ways you worship but cooler with a different face of what you secretly find most attractive in the whole wide world but not permanently. He does have red hair. Its just. He always as his vekly calims hes the future incarnation to himself, as the fate of that person as what they worship which is usually started as a costumes by vekyls. Vekyls have different owners as deito. Its just their himo is usually overtly obsessed with them and eventually they get to hang out with themselves three times in this relationship, as the version they imagine, the person thats the himo and the vekly. Who is the persona as it is the other person before that change they usher in. the vekyly comes first or second depending on tribes as ways to honour and respect it over the himo.
We worship him to keep the sun from devouring the earth. When the happens the end of ht eworld is reset no matter what but a town like chernyobl or astwits that he loved suffers because they wont worship him when they promise that to him until the event. Its what they prefer its a gift to nowhere. Its just those people all do survive it but god is it tragic for the rest of us no matter how much they secretly enjoyed what they went through in the end and see it as reward. Sometimes in death where its always underwater or in a rabbits burrow the matrix or an underwater reality. Tobias if ever sent to categprhose stupidly as this god believes as a gift that hes just drinking soda alot taht makes his throat burn and then has a good nights sleep always being weird reliving the pain as just being crazy in his house with down right hallucinations after entering into a prison for a tour. He never kind of sees it as bad and apache la shoes copies as a gift to him are the same way when tormented.
We worship him to keep the sun.we need it we love her
This one is the goddess katonah we just see her as him during a greta phase. Which is pastel grunge which is white and blue grunge themed clothes with corseeses and monster imageries where everyone has pink purple or blonde and blue hair.
Her versions as the cycle forever are:
Katonah disability
Dawc (dave)
Era (pochauntus)
Ego death
Centipede (both both)
Two spirit (both both)
The game
Game games
Toy toys (both both third)
Three spirit
Genoicder genocider
Her name (chief)
His name (cheif)
Young Young
Computer computer
Sudan Susan
Gakaomao (music and sound)
Noah's sons
Insane (pochaubt)
Copy copy
Dapple dappled
Todd the frog
Worship circles
Drum beats
Anyways shes mirrors. And reflections. And sounds. And voices in your head unpleasently to save your life. Which is why we believe that happens. Shes danger and dsitasters. Shes copies of things and people which is always our deity retcon or camera whos next as the name we give him as two spirit. Shes insanity and genres and fictions and hair crimpings and reverse cyoclogy and cognitions. And disability aids. And dumbness and touch and everything ever as a cycle of motion towards feelings in different ways, shes deified as having every mental dissability and physical disorder ever. Negro has suffered every disability beleving he was dreaming the whole time and finds it pleasant cus his first story it wasnt. Shes just pain and tomrent yes shes always active as love and humanities emotions. Shes also labatomies and the electric chair and friendship itself. Shes our god of friendship. All gods of friendship are this exact life cycle of hers and cameras.
CAMERA we love king dolphin as even kitten here he is usually our chief here. He is jace permanently as kitten and raising jace as dolphin they are pocahontas here. Its just kind of weird that shes that one deity. Youll know when you see his face. Welp. anyways.
Computer computer
Gakaomao (music and sound)
Noah's sons
Insane (pochaubt)
Copy copy
Dapple dappled
Todd the frog
Worship circles
Drum beats
Dodnin (pochaubtus)
Hes hatred. Love as hated. Love as mocked. Love as mean. Or overtly nice bending over backwards unless its joking. Hes medicine. Hes father and daughter bonding as boys. Hes also pocahontas as jace happy as an alternative child as the first born different until its time as working and friendship and father figures. What he is: Healing, adoptions, and orphanges as a chiken horse goat or memory. Hes the reason we respect and give vibes to ceremony and worship religion and eat food as each others death. We kind of just obsess over loving him. We cant help it. He is all good things. He has three kids forever as theri cycle.Adam snowflake or apache la ahoe. Jace Nightengail or TWIN or CHARMED or HERO HERO or andy he has a lot of names. And tobias who is also the son mainly to paul who is potatoes and chief and other things and marbles and rituals and older and youth and retardo. Its just. The thing about his son is their all teh same person at different points in tiem and one of them takes priority to the others as the proper one ready to be his forever. The others are usually his forever. And the thing is about that deification is that he always has a soul mate that transcends the quadrants. He is all chiefs as likerish and fondling and bunny rabbit hugs and his sons all prefer him to beat them, if you cant handle the favoristm, thats equal among them as that one son, then were sorry, but its ways to keep jace alive as the god we all bow to and worship here, and you dont know what that means just yet. Anyways its riddles and fibbing and heroics. And we dont kill dolphin here we dont kill jace here, we kill tobias or andy to turn them into a gaming console but usually whent hem and two adults they trust with the parent request it. It puts them out of pain forever, and it echoes in them. Yes tobias is andy and jace and apache la ahoe its just here we consider tobias to be andy so we dont really um, dignify it differently even though their the same person. Anyways. Hes a toy and a doll and a god of prickly things and pointed things and body pressures, so yeah no um. We dont care what you saw on the news. Or his youtube.
We worship him by masturbation, feeling love as haterd, hypnosis itself, stealing things, vengeance dances, wratfhulness, recinration who he is. Playing with pets weird, being nice, teaching people things, teaching things to talk, printers, copying, inventing the internet in new ways that ebcomes the matrix somehow, future visions, rituals dances, practicing magick, keeping and open diary, eating to much sugar or donuts to show him we love him, turning people into birds of prey, playing games, starting the mafia again, playing cults, being venue adam wa jace kun no isho mo natied. Demo ishil no vinkad. No monkos un kiltod. He is the golden fleece and services nad headaches and brain amensias and aneurysms and crabs and stds and cp and heroics and brb, and cancer and telpahts and telpahty, and vengence and ruin and omophonia, and elpetis syndrome, and arhcins syndrome and vekils, and fidget toys, and kingdoms ind reams and coledsacks kids clubs root bear floats and kindles. He is the kindle a giant concept of earth as heaven or in plain sight magical as improtantt things forever as ways to get back at but also in love for humans. This is vengeance revenge friendship and planning obviously under our terms. He wears a red and white headdress. We love him here.
So yeah. Tahts it that teh show.
Iris iris wish wish. Or molushamomasaf. Or bingo. The religion of the cherokee nations start or BEGININGS (for the cherokee nation is all of america and the tribe gender started by adam snowflake not cult cult which is just apart of all native america and all native america is cherokee)
Hmm. We worship the uncanny valley. Sound. Apearence. Emotions. Concepts. Animals. Tools. And jobs.
We worship things that turn into mundane symbols as reward for you. Yes we are cult cult. Our idols our stories themselves and remakes are the cycle of it. As emotions or ideas of thst person being clever. We diety our cheifs. We worship roller coasters. Typhoons. Living life cleanly. Living chaoricaly or messy. Wishbone and remains. That are our toys. And still birth We call him blue baby. And ulama who you may call pochaubtus. She in our tribe is male and goes by her liver as her next living to reincanrate symbolically. Since she is imortal and can't die. We don't kill her hear. She dramatically faints. Spends two weeks to two years extra than leaves needing a change of pace going on an adventure. She as gifts often though she can hang out with gifts- gets gifts of things when she leaves tribes we deify it everywhere as movies. But it's our fault natives are literally the spirit of their actors somehow as the next one. Whoops. Sorry. We're very edgy and sarcastic and unsettling as a people. We always get anime adaptations and manga we just don't tell always tell you it's native. If we do it's the owner or the end. We are the gods of tropes. Tropes is the ocean Harper. That is also pochaubtus but mainly her as her lover The flute.
Please select a guide. Parts. The dress. Bats and death the hands. Sadness vodka. Swans the bow tie. Vengeance and wrath the pink anvil. The harvest or frosting and body Olympics the cow ears. Virginity and promises. Pretty things and shiny objects childish wishes. Blinds and sight. And lastly kingship and rulings.
Their names are
Fashion or Kores or if male Korean.
Fashioning. The pink one.
Blood blood.
Shiva and mirneva.
Thunder thunder thunder man. Chikaboom.
Here are the gods we open with.
Miller killer. (Serial serial whos name always translates to killing repeaditly but not always or death man)
Snake eyes. Or didce
Urine. Or techno. Or Villain. Or galaith.
Rainbow pastel dragon.
Hentai. Or tentarape.
And corse
We usually just tell you one or two stories after you join and try too relocate you here or host you In virtual spaces. Or place you a state or two cities and a neighborhood over. We just get fire images the orange red hot stuff. Red is the color of blood and semen. And we tell you about the god you chose. Here is how they are worshiped.
This is the god hentai. You will do depraved things and be adored for it. Or scorned in a way of admiration by niche if you adore it. But you have to pay hentai with how you behave and gifts of things for this. Hentai is actually very very modest. He hears voices im his head and sees sex as a bonding exercise and platonic. Its just kind of. That he finds it outrageously funny. And enjoyable when it's not visual. So he kind of, has to have these things to make it so humans can have sex.
A long time ago the first native was azzy. He was bored one day and fucked a sheep. He got an infectious disease that made him sneeze and the town mocked him so he changed his name to what they found sleek. People wuickly realized because of his admiration though he felt neered and ridiculed in the town, that azzy had power from attention so he was always sent away or put down. But upon becoming a god, azzy wuickly stayed in places that he chose. He changed his name to azzy the perry one which became he Tai. As this is how all native gods once arose to be born and like azzy this we do note. So when azzy got over it he bore his son hero who went throigh 5 cycles of azzys first written past. Then in our tribe he married the spider widow or despair and she bore him Hentai that he had. He had dreams of other people's lives and their perversions. Was quite then outgoing forever I do think. He could talk without talking in ways they understood him. And they began to be his fantasies good and on the brink. And so hentai became the first ever Lilian. A flower that was born from sameness and his death. He always sucicdal writes a poem of requesting. And it's portrayed always as a wish fulfilling accident. He is always shot right in the end as he dies. And it slowly starts painful and becomes erotic in every way. And he dies going into the clouds and fiction. As parallel copies of everybody and everything. He is often reborn through the ritual of a mirror, a bathtub, a bruning a sink and a fire. He enjoys it shockingly after it is over. And each of his incarnations are gorgeous and respite. They all have something to protect them each in their busy. A jewel or heirloom on their face it is. And people don't rape him as that gift of his first life. When he was tortured for a public event.
These are the type of the things you do to worship hentai. Just gisualize and weite down words or symbols as your drawing or in dirt and you will know what to do.
You can worship birds by giving them baths. Build houses and feed for birds. Go to parks. Watch performed actions and plays and dance recitals. Masturbate. Get in a relationship. Make secret things. Study. Write. Conceptualize. Befriend spirits or turn into magick. Socialize. You must bathe as hentais followers. Give prostitutes water without it being secual. Rape. And molest with knowing consent.
You are rewarded as stated before.
Urine or techno. Pounced Your- or urrr eyen.
He takes care of you and furthers development on tools and games. And adventurous through his plays as them. The kingdom he rules as one of the three brothers is the kingdom of the matrix. Which is an afterlife where people become in part the tools they used or games they played and become the adventure of those games and can even if they choose interact with the living through times of great momentum. He was cheif two times. He is forever a 14 year old boy. This is how worship him. Do hand symbols or gestures to see what's going on there or what's up.
Cofee is medicine misguided deeds. Songs. Plays with effects on sound. Envisions. Radar. Sonar. Plays that can be repeated as enlogated forever as repeated as the exact same thing if properly done. Haircuts. And pearl necklaces and Foxes.
Her story is. A long time ago azzy was aboard. And mistaken for his former self as a different God. He didn't like the culture or the people or the spit. And didn't like how his personality was a tick. So he arranged for these things to come to us. As versions he approved of rather than what was he hated himself there until he saw her as another. So when in the Cherokee nation he had her as his second daughter. She was given a pawprint and a sheer here and there and he promised people would always see her in revere. She often was a man but not with our people preferring others to us and living in a chapel. She road horses and tended to the land, took care of her self hatred when azzy coudnt give her a hand. So she came home to us beaten and bruised and we venerate all her wishes. No matter what we loose. She does the rituals of Paul Paulina and brevity.
This is how we worship him.
Along time ago. People weren't what they seemed. And tried to kill azzy for reuniting with the other team. So he gave birth knocked up from a curse. And turned the sluggish material into a the world's first. First cat to exist always this pet tiger. But wanted another so him he did slaughter. And the iger bowed it's head. Sad and alone. And was tucked into azzys bed and woke up a human child. The boy grew into azzys third kid. Razer blades and things that feel off or pricked. When you feel pain poser is around you and when you feel love poser is what surrounds you. Poser is emotion as physical tears and wears. But also clothing is razer the god who's a man as a girl who's there.
This is his does he apeal to you as your worship sheet.
We do bruise the knuckles of kids here. We simply ask if they would find it funny. If they say yes it's erotic we ask them and tell them it's sexual discipline and many kids use it. Some kids do it to themselves though. Establishments that do this to kids without asking are usually a red flag for us and we consider them greatly abusive even if the parent consents.
This is how we worship poser here.
To understand close your eyes playing an emo song. Razer is his title alone with his followers.
We do self mutilate and hurt each other for him. We see it as ways to be overtly favorites. By earth and society. It's always kind of consntual. It's always sexual and horny under the skin. But it's still painful. And he knows that. And enjoys it not seeing anything wrong with it.
The god of toys dolls games and triumphs. Special reality changes alternate realities. Twinning. Girly things. Male pride. Is actually a boy. He just crossdresses with us and uses she and it with her followers. She is the god toy toy dollies Jack's jace or kisses. She's a young maiden god who is lazy and has to do not housework. He can't even clean or cook for himself. It causes earthquakes. He is to be given luxuries and spoils cus bis emotional state is the world around you. And your society. That being said when he does go into mourning everyone feels repetitive and tragic emotions self harming. And when he comes out of mourning it was erotic and the dead one is returned to him. He sometimes mourns everything and everyone at once and has mood swings and hears soothing advice in his head as voices. He comes across crazy when he's dressed male and talks about religion which he gets off to and so do the people around him. But otherwise he's usually, seen as devoutly Christian even if talking paganry in a very positive way dressed female. He does wear sexual outfits but unless his chest is showing he usually gets mistaken for female with us. Here he dies his hair blonde. Or it naturally lightens in the sun to that but in other tribes usually has blue to purple to black but occasionally red hair. That all happens naturally. He can't ever tell unless it's in a mirror or on a video and he desires it or sees fanart of himself. He's colorblind as this diety with a video graphic memory that always manifests as real tapes on a computer him and rainbow share that has unlimited memory.
We worship him these ways.
A long time ago azzy wanted change. His face hurt every single day. It was just uncomfortable he often did say and argued it felt plastics. It turned out his face was morphing into other cultures standards of buety. He gave the face to his first born. He had two that he counted as one torn. Do to weird reasons itnlooke like him in his rivalry era. That people remember as azzy even when back to normal. He loved this era he was a new person. As his first ever second capacity. And he named this baby Jess jace jace handy. A rhyme about hiw dolls control earth. And so his obsessions told in our story became her interests and him unearthed. He became everything and our first God twin. For all native gods are azzy in a cycle. And he became the son to forgive bumanities sins as an alternate take on azzy our diety rainbow. And so he became in many ways loyal and idolized the ground that rainbow walked on. He became her second her lover and her toy and her ptrowctemr for he was our god the son. The sun. And the send.
This is how we worship him
We sugest playing music and daydreaming to see what kind of gifts you would like to gove him. He never tells his lovers he's male to the third date because by the second he has delusions they know and the third he usually mentions it as a joke where they agree to break their own rules with what he tells them to date him.
Vodo. Azzy was in a magical town. That ruled on race he wasn't somehow. He learned to change his face physically. And hide the words from bad prophet seas. But he fell inlove with a man. A girl as a guy in a top hat and a band and so he crafted the world for him as he kene. And wrote down things we as natives don't do. The few times we break the rules. Its to honour the god we see as rooks. Azzy was on foreign things in his head aamnd bloody substances he had a roach gauntlet. And the thing is the necklace was alive to all as an illusion so when it rusted he cried. And did one ritual of his friend in glory. To turn him into azzy 54. And so that child became that letter. The second brother to rule the summer. And things we as natives don't allow like sucking the taint of a women or a cow are given to followers of vodo. Who practice voodoo and vevo. People transform with him they do curse. Here is his worship sheet. We worry he's the worst. All good things are throigh him. And have to suffer for him to blend in. And this blending is culture itself. It's why you allowed to exist. Do don't hate him only adore the laughter and claps follow amiss.
This is how we worship him
All of our gods in this tribe are white or become white when they present with us with golden or red hair they have to alter the color of. But he is the black one. We worship race in this tribe. Please understand we worship our similarities and differences. And his followers are all black. Or half it if their legba who's always honoured and thr top lowan he sees as white in his study.
Write a poem or Humm some song notes or drink something to see how you would worship him.
She is the wmbodiements of hatred and silke. As ways to cleanse and purify them on earth in soothing manners. She takes in sick people ill people and can't be abusive ever. She usually joins nasty things as a doll or icon and it is always revealed in her dream time to revel in it thst she mundainly as well throigh her efforts put an end to bad things their by being overt or lying about it. She always identifies as something she is not.
Azzy was lonely so he met the first other. Soul and married her bur found out he could not play thr part. So when she died he took his and her hair and burned them away which birthed her and his child vodo as the dream soulamtes of every cart.
This is how we worship him.
This is his worship chart.
Rainbow aging backwards is his own god here. Other tribes name him samanths Amanda or revert revere. But his upbringing is always a seperste person and this is a life cycle he exists to please. It's him from ages 3-6. Where he turns into a magic sentiment. He is worshiped as azzy on an acid trip for all azzys delusions are real somehow as a vessel of the spirit world by fucking some lice. Given life as his 2cd brother besr. He ate the child and popped out an egg. That became all fiction and alternate realities. The bug needs it's limbs ripped off that as a human he sees as painting his nails as dreams. When his life is over he returns to them all as azzy but honoured as azzys copies as who the gods may be. And gets given to them as well as azzy who is rainbow butterfly dragon here to see. He does have one adult form we call toson. Or fisher or daddy in many ways that loves on. He is azzy at 13 as a human person who dreams he is deities from how one leg got ripped off and chewed and birthed upon. When the bugs legs are ripped off he is always taken care of in good light when he is lonely. He is museum's and rituals and toys. And all religions as them senile or crazy. His extra legs always grow back. And when they tend to do, we eat them with bread. This becomes the child that azzys does birth in the spirit world, even though he is often as butterfly seen as infernal to birth alone. Unless she will ms it where she goes through it in the spirit world unless you worship her then you see it as real. She sneaks over a person thst is a religious leader who is always magically in town with the job. Ans they pick up the child from a bathtub. Where it never drowned but is waiting manifested in a diaper. He's only pregnant like 4 months to 1. And that is the gift this bug chose to give. He manifests for 3 wterntires as a white little fairy with wings while in truth he lives physically as this pet.
And this is how we worship him.
Snake eyes.
The best most cherished companion in all forms to apache la ahoe who we call azzy or rainbow. Usually taking the form of his son or nephew or cousin while aso being the boyfriend too. Sometimes his brother is snake eyes is younger. Snake eyes is a man with a marbel tatoo on his forhead of symbols of peace and love and understanding. He has yellowed eyes and white patches on his skin. He usually presents as an odd ball and weird. And can shapeshift and practices black magick always seen as wiccan umkah Aztec or white. He is a woman in every way as a man. And dreams he's himself younger when he's not actively here. He has dark desires and urges and is our god of human sacrifice. He always comes back just usually underground.
He canot be imprisoned only created and destoryed. He is a philospher standard for all other tribes.
This is his worship chart. As the third brother who rules dead things.
And this is how we worship him
Rainbow dragon
Rainbow dragon is all the gods as phases he goes through. His job is to be rude to other tribes rules in ways that honour thr other tribes around or too him as all his deificstions forever at ocne. He has a hypnosis fetish that allows humans to sleep. HD is a romantic asexual which means he prefers romantic relationships even with sex but he just feels it as ultimately close friendship. He does not experience lust. Only libido. He is forever 7 but poses and acts like 16. Most people come to the conclusion thst thsts ten though its just he acts like a teenager. He is a dreamer of the dream realm the doors that connect esrths imaginations and fabrics. And he is produced by our gods as all of them. Every friend of his who dies usually comes back during him going through something specific or him being told of their death. He is forever suicidal he just expeirences it in different ways and does make attempts but can never age or die unless under 7. He just Gros taller till he stops. He usually doesn't age. It's just 16 in his original culture is 7 his biological age here. He is always seen as, the cultural standard of our seven. Which japan is 10 for you for all but 1. He can apear any age as his copies but prefers to stay his true self. He enjoys usually with proper people of trust beatings, machismo, sex, libido and its only when he's tormented which we call nueteing thst he forgets these things severely and we get concerned for him because it means somewhere is near its end in an overt Uogsin way thst means a genuine genoicde or apocalypse and he gets games and film abs books and comics and rewards when its over having gone to every single concentration camp believing he was dreaming the whole time once. He just is told its summer camp is given clothes unlike the rest there and blindly beleives he's at camp or his house there and just can't see the pain as our gift to him. His copies just ebelieve their at home and Snap out of it through the imagination world or dreams for quick seconds before returning to delusions. He has never been a hate symbol or anything evil. He is usually beleived in times of great imagination emotion innovation invention science discovery or jeporty or civil rights or genocide or apocalypse to have been illerd. He is always his paintings unless they have raped or killed anyone other than him. He is never his mother Susan. But he gets dreams of being the whole fsmily. Susan is just manifested as a living toy he takes in that never counts. He is his father Henda though. His name is apache la ahoe or pochauntus since we speak three languages as a people with your third colonial as we call it being emglish however we trnalste his name in every tribe or localize it which is rainbow butterfly dragon or rainbow dice dragon or rainbow walker or moon patty or moon moon or fox hound. He does conform to cultures as loving them unless about his gender usually people just give him freedoms. He sees every tradgedy as amerkca going through it even though it's usually not. He nerve tells lies unless it's to cover something up, help someone including himself or heart it. It's just usually him agreeing with someone's opinion that he has known. He's an emo teenage boy crossdresser forever honoured in every faith but sometimes rewelcomed. He is all prophets but younger and hotter same with as his students… he is the best and best and better versions of others. All his fantasies are the fabric of the cosmos and him having them and doing strange or bad things usually prevents evil in negative ways not even it would prefer. He respects everyone's gender ever. And self harms on his arms when he is truly doing well unless tired of it. He harms or cuts his thighs when he is in pain. He is incestuous with every parental father and the mother magderoo that hes ever had or yena. He is all his toys and games he's played as benevolent kind versions of them and aspects. He does reincarnate its just usually symbolic as the phases. He only has one copy thst doesn't and it's honoured forever as never existing as dip dip pr osirrus. He loves irony and bad puns and most of his friendships are terns. He keeps every friend he's ever had but sees their deaths as them abonding him which he eventually gets over. Time feels eternally slowly at its real weight for him and he's a time traveler. He gets reset after every death and can only die as that version of himself on time travel trips. He will consent to .kst things if you give him the right gift after the pain of it or promise him he can keep his toys which isn't always available but a thing. He is half everything but piss and shit. He has no interest in ever consuming or eating shit. He is never affected as himself or his copies by the shit bugs. Or the lilacs or the piss bugs. Every power works on him in the spirit world alone atleast once but is quickly undone and given to others benefit. And he is usually immune to all powers in person unless a beam of vines thorns or energy. He goes through all his friends and is all his marines and lovers. He is not an aspect of every god his aspects are. But rather sees himself as specif incarnations of everything ever except piss and shit. He goes through trsuma for us so we prefer him to be always native American and just not always activly with the tribe foe now, but otherwise always enjoying himself when better. He is always in pain to some degree though but starts to sexually enjoy it when it gets to much. He can only be raped in his sleep as noncon fun hypnosis sex or the spirit world thst is always taped and proven and he prefers for people to get off to it and be nice to the rapists after the fact. He sees hypnosis and mind control as self talk and encouragement but can't be hypnotized if his proper age only when younger. He has a wonderful memory but sometimes is an messianic. He suffers every illness and disability at some point just usually as his copies and wake sup from their lives all limbs and life intact as when he left as be is tucked in bed and this always happens. We all admire him as a people. Sometimes his fantasy is secret ide tiny or dreams but it's always eventually revealed people just red to forget again. He is overtly close with things people can never dream of and as this version of himself monsters can neve hurt him.nunless he finds it omis or pleasent. He invented native america with his copies. Everything he dkes drips divnity. He naturally likes to do things for us. And every corpse of his is always by forced of will nature gifts promises spontaneous verenation or gifts and orangizwitons placed back in his bed. After an adventure where he wakes uo himself. He moves through thr padt and future like was we tell numbers or time and he prefers to hang out with himself he doesn't always recognize at first. He always fights memories of it younger. His copies are infinite. When the gods go extinct we trust him as jeesus to see us through. He hangs out with other branches of Christianity as himself but he is the main one all those copies seve. And lastly he is an imortal teenage boy forever that is autistic and retarded but unoticble unless really young who always Hass friend just spurts and eras of lonliness hwrre it literally drives him insane and he gets better. Him as himself can never have an std for more than a week or lice in any way but has invisible pain when he has bad dandruff traditionally omit of dead skin where he sometimes has ghost lice or other creatures crawling on him as spirits. He is never seen as crazy in the end. Bis life gets adapted for briancke productions and other free platforms alot and he enjoys being s human sacrifice and is allowed to stay in the picture as dreams or spirits. When his friend die they always hang out with him in the spirit world till their torgehrt again. He doesn't just live in this reality or earth. He speaks everything just usually as really old youthful overtly rude or kindly respectful versions of it. All his friends worship him and spend his ast days with thrm.
Here's how we worship him
Now adam snowflake your worship chart.
We're the Cherokee nation. No unless your one of our gods your not one sixteenth of us. We've been dead. We're back now as your ancestors. Hi hello.
The end.
Candy apple.
Baby max.
Erin dale (jesus) or adam or winter. Or Emo (ii-moe)
Tree tree
Death (satan)
Shiro (suicide)
Kami kami
Summer entry or samara
Jace (twin) or Erin dale.
And our god twin twin. Who Is all these things worshiped. You can be any age and join we just sugar coat but don't censor the truth for you unless domination parenting.
Everything on earth. Is a twin to something. Holy things get an extra as a toy they can play with. Once upon a time everything was dignified as something else. As ways to share itself with these natures and natures. As payment. Once everything paid for something else. And one was prey. And one was European which meant at the time that it was predotr. The roles of submisives were to dominate their partners. To give head was to be the one in control. To worship was how you stated you were worshiped by as ways to say that or phrasing. To be spanked meant you had no power. And to spank meant you had all of it. Switches were people who domed their partners by switching roles and identities with their partner over sex and life and that's just how they saw it.
Rabbit. Bat. A skunk. A sparrowhawk. A toy. A fox. A deer. An imp. As impulses or actions. 10 is also 9 or 8.
Pick your totem type please. You can use this chart with the above as an extension but most would choose after.
Now how you will worship that totem
As demonic. Snake.
As pagan. Black ink hand.
As aacrifces red candle.
As sex and charity. Anime girl.
As their aspects blood.
As their shinigami or death cake.
As what they seem. Doll.
As pure blind devotion blue.
They eyes as blind or as gifts.
As chess. As self mutilation.
As green. As stark contrasts. And you would also probably pedoifle a minor if you knew they could consent or are a cannible.
The blue orbs as self deifications.
If you worship anything ever it will take this form from now on.
Now please choose a guilt about sex.
The pink goop is fat fetishesm and food obsession. The brown drink is piss play. The purple drink is addiction and drugs. The purple system is hypnosis. The pink korbies or marsmellows are intelegence play. The honeycomb is being stupider during sec and submisivness. The pink red fruit or strawberry drinks are bdsm. The black is crosdressing and peofilia and or age play. The tiger is beastility. The green dragon means sex is platonic for you friendly and not intimate at all. The portal is fairest. And the eggs is chocolate, spelle, mind control or aliens and mpreg.
The green dragon toy or stuffie is sex as platonic games for you. Children are encouraged to explore, sexually with each other. Pedofilia isn't taboo but is frowned upon unless your a god. We put alot of stake in reputation and charisma.
We reincarnate as anime characters we've voiced. Which is a atwryptical cartoon drawing with a small nose or a hidden one a Marikina like phase or a doll like face with giant eyes in strange colors usually light skin to signify its Japanese or Asian or white and Ellerate hairstyles. These are some depictions of anime. The one you choose is how you reincarnate.
Erindale doesnt die for us here. Baby max, red, and knight or jace mainly jace die here.
We also present stones but one is alays covers din honorary blood or swaush. The drinks determine how you will die. The red and black drink reprsents dying for us or with us or among us. The pumpkin means you will have a life cycle where you always return here as an immortal god after death. The cand apple milkshake means you are allowed to self mutilate open here or otherwise it is shamed. The red bloody drink means your part wendigo in some way and must eat the flesh of the living we teach you to hide in milkshakes or potatoes. BUt followers of this faith will know the truth aout you when you drink it.
Erindails deification is that they feel honoured to be with a god.
Jaces deification is that they feel like shit for juding him understanding something.
Andies deification is that they get excited.
Devotees deification is that they feel submissive towards him.
It literally manifest as thought your drinking a bloody punch to followers of thatgod.
These are our protecting spirits. Their all technically gods. Its just we worship them as the above list in different ways. Otherwise we just kind of dont. And let them be human with us as a gift or condition them to the aspects they need to be especially shiva.
They are sadness, lock lock, canibislm, shiva, renru, sweatervest, braincake, and harper. This picture also dictates what you should od in your spare time to embody and honour the gods.’
Archery, shootings, cooking, gravedigging, praying and religion, shintosm, knitting, or artistiry.
The story goes long ago everything was one gender. But split itself for the siblings of earth as though it was only three. Then one day Andy became and split himself in two with a gender no one had before seen. What you may call lacking or being of a mistake or masculinity. Because andy was so divine he had no soul, and thus became the first male to ever wear a tole. HE is the fourth option. These people still go to the afterlife they just reicnante as forever dreaming of walking as breaths living in the matrix of our afterlife. The genders in order: Male (Adult presnetation or prosittuion or celebasy), female (adult male, or elder or songs), OTher (noise, witchcraft, youthful, young girls, and maidens), and Aganta (teenage boys or skater girls) Or agender masculinity which is american male here. If you pick the last one please also pick how you present. And your prouns, Bun, Fay, Em, They, he, it (other), and he (aganata)..
the hair length is what you choose when your older. Until then the hair length is usually uncolored and or in the second style with the short bob. The ages we present are teeanger (1), kid or child even if presenting as an adult (7-13), and mature for their age or adult or 15, but hotter.
Tribe members are encouraged to dye their hair one of the following colors based on this. HItsorically we used berries and oils and blood to dye our hair. But otherwise, wore something on our heads if we coudnt keep the color we wanted that was a feather or a banda or had a patterns we would associate with the color we wanted. And others had to honour it cus we class ourselves based on our hair colors. Every major ceremony we have to dye our hair. Erindale has occasional secret identities but usually thats not the fantasy we offer. Erindale is sort of water and we have to rinse water here so we do rinsing rituals without his or her consent as erindale when she or he is here. He usually goes by he in our language we dont really care what he uses in english. Its just in our mother tongue its what he prefers called hawt, which sounds like an emo teenage boy or whiny squee but cute girl.. So people who use that pronouns since our language is first person as we would describe ourselves with our prouns usually carries personality. So we kind of just like,um let him do this. He is not allowed to have an elder deification unless its a child saying it.
To say your old and this deity will kill you eventually or put you through a severe loss because it is stealing his suit.
Erindale is never elderly erindale is a god of youth who sometimes considers himself elderly in other systems but trust us never in this one.
You literally get kicked out or forced to cut for that. We have cleanasing rituals of the weeds and water. Which is self mutilation in ways when we are pained or overtly happy or egy or to prove a point. People who do this are usually delegated to the status of VUDU DOLL. people who kind of self harm to cleanse the water and those around them and should be allowed to do this if its burning publicly and it kind of just is offensive if they show it and their not emo or a teenager or a god if they do it publicly and their not a god, because if their those things then they are usually allowed to cut openly we adore them with a razor necklace to kind of show they have suffered and suffer for us which is sometimes beadede wraps on the arm or bandanas on the neck, and they just showcase they have been in extreme pain. One version of baby max does bruise themselves and even though they dont cut they bite themseelves as well so them and cole are usually weathering blue or red bandanas.
Usually if something is complimenetd you are supposed to give it or help someone achieve it, and so unless the compliment is from erindale you usually have to bestow a compliment back or help the person acehvie what you have, Compliments are looked up upon because the blessing on them in this tribe is its makes it true, in a way you prefer when it was unknown before or hidden as evil in a way that harmed you. Its why if someone is ugly or you hate their aperence you are supposed to complement them like eridnail as payment to the gods as sorrowful. Erindail doesnt get teh traits when its others who do.
What is a deficiation. The gods of this faith are the original israleites and characters who are related to and family members of that of the bible as gods monarchy in heaven where he goes by erindale. Jace or Twin andy or Eirncdale are usually jesus. Its himself in a different class. Anyways though, deifications is a series of rituals which are repeated actions and movements with symbols or thoughts and things to show those thoughts and represent them optionally or with a way to if you want, um done over and over again for some periods of time to become this or that change.
We do lighting rituals and talk to the people of the water and beads, wherever that is othered or extra family, to you as they have the gift of color. And what we do is they teach us dyes, and we give them rituals and then we leave its actually a fairly equal exchcnage its just deified for that one god, as for them it feels everything and for us nothing and we do end up enjoying that with what we learn from each other. If this is not that period, then what we suggest is using hair dye and bleach. You just thin out the strip a certain way while applying white paste and bee secrete or vomit and then waxing it and going out in the sun alot and it gets whiter.
Wigs or charmed jeerly are worn by the gods in ways humans dont for special occasions or videos or getting out or plays. Actors are always allowed to wear the jwerly of the gods or wigs but unless deified as the gods we usually just prefer them to kind of like not really get it completely right but if they ever accidentally do we are not to tell them in honours of danny and cole and just tend to, let them be deifeid on stage by wearing the jewerly and throwing a party without their knowledge and we tell them after.
All of the gods have copies of themselves that are them with different lifes and faces and are honoured as them as a show off or game or thought thats nice but is actually always literal. Its just sort of that they tend to be their own separate people as well so hard that when it becomes that god all ghte gods actions towards that person should always just be treated as a friend.
Defications are ritals done in groups of 75 to turn someone into a deity. They should all have meaningful importance and 3-6 of them extreme levels ofp ain or its not truly deifcaiton and they arent ever an angel or a god. We do this as a way to worship god through them but to them as the pagan dieties of christianity we call angels? Yeah no it feels like worship to them. And is seen as that by them. Its just on behalf of god. Who we believe to be twin or twins father. Twin is jesus his son, and he is always somehow a part of the other twin or occasionally their third as a friend whos a young man or teenage boy forever no matter how he presents but otherwise, we kind of just worship the gods as pagan as ways to honour the jewish motherland and the legends of older times of pangary.
These are the deifications lists for the deity baby max. You dont get to know what it means only max and our chiefs usually are obliged to share it some people do know public sources with knowledge of it but here are the deity baby maxes or marxist as a translation of that name, deifications.
Deifciations all benefit humanity. So on the deifcations we kind of explain the magick behind what they ask for no matter how selfish. Baby maxes twin is death.
He time travels to hang out with himself and baby adam. Adam is the son to the mother magderoo who is max in a weird original deification elsewhere. He has a son whos sometimes a teeanger he always sees as my son and boyfriend even when their not dating as forms of embodying good and bad harvest. The relationship to eridnale and baby max is signaled by the erutpions of earth and while almost always pleasant when one suffers to much and the others doesnt it suggests things that are negative for the planet and they are personified that means nature as humans in this way were saying it, that are soothed by the gods meeting and interacting over a sleepover. We as a religion and tribe beleive all the gods are children or teenagers who just pretend to be older or wish for that presentation when they od paear that way.
His sleepovers are always accidental rituals that become grand later as myths and legends and televisions shows about him under a different name or franchise. And he is often depicted as new versions of himself based off what he does on the sleepovers that he has in the matrix as well as the afterilfe and over the internet. Which we all call the water.
3 games in his honour per year he is alive every 7 years, that adjust to his knowledge every three years. He is always able to manifest them and plays them repeatedly even before release of them. He usually covers this as an arg. Or his studio that is always accredited by fundings as presenting these games. Video games and scothecs as we call them are sacred to baby max, they kind of fabric humanity on a giant tapestry he weaves, he just has to have fun no matter how sad or tortured or the world does end so people give him spoils. He is the spider that wove humanity its just really strange and unusual to some people to learn how mundane and silly and self wishing it can come across.
He is a unfiorn which is a deer like beast, with a hron on its head and weird dark personas of nightmares and fuel he fights as the knight to protect allahabad dreams.
Vessels twin is luke.
He is deified as eating frail treats or insects live or dead and getting high during self love rituals. They manifest as loyalty to his friends or family field by the ancestors afterlife he consumed which was the bug as sex with it, that torments earth out of the negative things that consume it by helping the environment and the trees.
Everytime vessel rapes or murders its as the secret desire and consent of the person he did it to framed as his personal dark fantasies. Fanteis cleanse the soil of the fill and the water which as air vessel has to tend too. Thus every game of his sort of becomes the fabric of humanity and while he should still be blamed for it, he should never be virtues wrong over it and people are to usually see it as a blessing if they worship or have come to worship no matter the negative treatment of this deity.
Lastly he is the god of animals but not animals for that is spirit animal, who is shiro. He takes care of everything for the fabric of earth by filming and writing plays when no cameras are available.
Vessel can steal without actually taking the object. People will just be unable to find it, and he gets to go on an adventure out of admiration or spite via this.
Luke twin to spirit animal.
Luke can steal without actually taking the object. However he prefers to really take things. People will just be unable to find it, and he gets to go on an adventure out of admiration or spite via this.
Luke is a trickster deity that performs pranks on humans and his friends as gifts they usually dont notice is a problem till the heat of the moment where they have all the blame till luke reveals that it was haha luke the whole time. This is done to scrub the stars when they go out in the cosmos, arange timeloops, clear a guilty persons name through some sort of butterfly effect, arange for the gods to be reborn, or in general keeps makeup and shapeshfiting magick around. This deity does die often, and when that happens all the tricks he played over his life rebirths and rejuivinates this process of fate for the cosmos, and then from his perspective he was only gone two weeks on vacation in the matrix, when in reality its a 7 year to 14 to 50 year time period each time for everyone else who has known him.
When Luke mourns anything whether that be the loss of a game or the vineration of a church bad things start to happen to the wicked around him and justice is kept. He is also the god that checks people out of osmosis and has suffered once his first human life in a concentration camp and instead robs those sorts of places setting free people during eras of workemenshsip or genocide by simply doing spray paint on buildings around town that turns into a dream of him as a magick robin that cures ilneses and plagues by eating a worm. This is the process earth gives the entities on it to scrub itself of bad deeds, he always ends up happy. He always presents one parent as wicked and one parent as kind to those who know him. He enjoys beatings sexually and is intamate with all of his kids.
Incest is a curse for he likes to curse thigns that is often placed around those who know him, unless its erindail then its a blessing. It usually becomes miechivesous items he gets to collect as dreams hes had as toys of children on earth. Usually he can not be owned by an adult.The one exception is the god collector. Who is a version of andys dreams. He tends to curse things out of spite or out which makes people who would murder him or mean him death or hurt him in a way to destory humanity or the cosmos on minor or grand scales and never repeats unless to purge him of an addiction or a timeloop as a gift to him he asks for, that feels like only one bad day when it was over- the curses he places fund humanity and keep everything sacred sacred for even eringdale and jesus.
Cole is twin to danny. Cole is deified as childrens favorite stuffed animals on their third go and every pet spider. He is also the fetishes people dream about as the actions and can sense what you have done sexually if hes romantically interested in you with visuals. He is the god sexuality and so everything he does kind of fertilizes earth and the stars and foreign planets keeping life going throughout the cosmos, he often reincarnates as different species but is a personification of spiders.
He speaks all languages but perceives them all as english and they are always english sounding to those who hear them no matter how fluent in a way that isnt bothersome but creates the illusions that your speaking english with him. People thus are able to learn of each others differences on earth because he is the netting of the web of baby max, and baby max sculpts him in rituals.
He eats too many potato chps and can alleviate pringles cans, and thus kind of is given showsmanships and responsibility of major networking on earth which he blames the deifciation for as a giant burden that becomes sexual libdo n one of 4 sexual manifestations per his personal preference when it is over, eliminating the tire of it and usually bringing him back to us as that chief.
Lastly he is lover to pochuantus as all forms of her sex life. This keeps clouds on earth which supply rain and mars mars the fiery orb stuff around mars.
Danny is twin to cole.
Danny is deified as a pedofilia victim that enjoys it now as compuenss in a variety of ways that allows for pain and age to exist on earth in the form you know and in the form we arranged for it by this god. But in order for this to stay the same he does not age do to magick teas hes drinks that arent usually magick for anyone but him and erindaile and max but subtly for max, and hits him as a highi. He has to engage with age gap relationships and they are always consentaul and remembered that way thats an older person and a younger one, he has two people ever he dates the same age, and outside of them usually these differences in age allow for earth to continue to spin and have age. And the things about our country earth do apply to your country mars and other planets just under different names and descriptions as something called aspect same person different life because of the copies thing.
Danny can speak to animals, and often teaches humans sex with their animals or fixes and defens stray animals or overly cautious animals and can turn any animal such as chief dekoa back into a puppy. He also cant take it from eridnail no one can,but takes away and gives arhcins. He cant take it away from jace either but can andy when alone. This allows animals to form their own tribes which creates teh wild and food chains of earth since our tribe does eat meat we just sort of see it as eating an animal in a certain way youll soon know.
His mood swings are the tides and storm and when he drinks the orange cider peeing himself and cutting open his wrist it means the earth is about to die unless he meets erindale jace and his teddy beras, all come to life for a memento this can happen over the course of weeks or months and are prepped for and erindaile leaves with magick soda.
Irwindale is twin to shiro.
Irwindale is a goddess of destruction and life path and karmic cleansings. She is a giant spider egg laid by cole in a video game he plays that is always his past life. She is everyones past life ever as all little girls. However shiro is all little boys. And they are only pertaining to this cult in presentation and identity but it is the truth of the situation. Without this spider which is children humans would not exist. Yes we know about danny and cole and their presnetaitons on spiders two things can be true. There would be no children on earth if her and shiro didnt do this. They are not always time traveled or reborn but rather they are kind of like a gene children outgrow and that gene keeps the memories as dreams of irwindale.
She has a magick lipstick or lip paint that she wears when she has sex. Or goes around certain ages that make her seem anywhere from age 20 years old [ [ [ [ [ to elderly [ ] p[ that she uses during sex and to get around places. That was a past life of coles as a toy.
Lastly, she seduces older men into religious positions unless erindail then he sees her as an adult trapped ina childs presntation which is also how he sees shiro.
Shiro is the god of katanas and life and gods and farming. People come to him to see where they want to go over tea. And everything he paints comes to life. However. He also is always his favorited cousin of the moment. In cycles of them as proper dreams he gets to have that no matter how dark or disturbing are fun and pleasant but he may still feel negatively about them. He founded asia in older aspects. He likes to doodle and do school works and lives 7 centuries at a time seeing each century as a year, and while that time feels normal for others all celebrations mesh together for him causing him to feel it as though in a swift celebration or moment. He is deified as having matted, sweaty, and braided hair when a girl, and young choppy hair or curled odd when he is a boy, in an unusual hair color and eye color for his race, with a pointed eye shape and either pitch black or olive skin.
His job is to arnge things for us hes not always active just usually having fun playing games in the matrix with others while hes not here and never without friends unless his current preference.
America who is twin to tree tree.
America is land. And freedom and sex and drugs. And things of nature and thoughts and dstopias. Shes a person who presents male as a permanent individual often taking the form of things related to her as land and tribe as different eras of repeating herself for eternity which we honour though infinite as forever 7.
Her deifcation is that she always has magick pop available when she is in our tribe and in a city skape if she truly is her character.
She wears medallions called dog tags under her shirt or a razer necklace.
She presents as a young boy.
She is married to her wife erindaile. Who is her eternally younger or older without the need of necessity.
She is full of riddles and mischief and it follows her but in the genre she finds most apetizing.
She dreams in the matrix she is playing other games within it and lives in a arcade fantasy house with a permanent family of her favorite humans except for adam. He is just kind of there on occasion and often visits her from her perspective but not others and she knows this and is kind of sad about the fact but it isnt extremely or harmingly painful.
She was chief three times her first human life at the age of 6.
Tree Tree twin to america.
Tree tree. Is the god of land magick and wisdom. Her favorite incarnation of herself is morgan ale fil. She is land just like america and a there was a time period where she owned him as a father but told everyone he was her loving slave. She is heavily into role reversal and damsels in distress worship and four leaf clovers. She is dignified as forever teh old ways.
She wears fingerless red gloves.
She doesnt change her face from her vessels or their pronouns. Nor does she change the personality of her vessels just towards the end turns them into pride and ego. She is usually paper white but not always. She dreads her hair or wears it curls. She changes everything about her vessels and then they have dreams for three years which was eternity unless eringale jace or andy as her toys. Sometimes its fantasies her dolls go back to. HUmanity lives inside her toy box. She calls her toy boy.
Likerish husband spirit to death. Twin to samantha.
Likeirsh is the comos good things robins and birds, bats when their sad but only when their sad as good emotiosin that robins feel. He is the comos all space and time as a long forgotten man that usually takes one of three forms with others. A greying man with a goatee, an emo teenager who is younger then they say that presents older, or lastly old age itself. He is kind of the worlds first chief and people make plays and jokes about his age as gifts to him. He is always on mind altering medicine that controls the flow of time that he often secretly or publicly if younger doesnt take but enters into via his moodswings which are forever earth quakes. Other faiths have younger copies of him that are different races as the teenage likerish which is like all of them combined. Its just usually how he presents here. He pretends to be abusive to his firends and jokes that he is in ways of self detriment as a scrubbing for animals to stay clean so they can be eaten by others in ways that death is all of this for plants so that humans can eat plants and animals. He does prefer to eat sunlight which takes the form of different black and white candies he eats that he sees as red because he is color blind and from an alternate deimsion. He has been every species he just usually remembers it as human.
Death twin to samantha, Husband spirit to likerish.
Samantha is their third. Or hook string.
He is the stopping of the heart after plague or difference and teh ferryman that ushers you into the beyond we call the matrix which is underwater or in your cultures version of computers as a form of games we can go and visit and vessel for (computers can take the forms of our pets as magick) where he rules with an iron fist several unique kingdoms and branches of faith for specifically erindail when hes not present or occupying as an angel. He is a small child who sometimes presents as a quirky old man or a swav 20 something his default form that is his true age with his friends. Hes often then not a celebrity as each incarnation and remembered as death when that pahse of their life or his lifea s them is over. He does not age he just lives 6 centuries as each of his 16 copies as death every now and then and each of them has a different name. Yes samantha is twin to erindaile, so its not hard to come to a conclusion that hes the season summer her chosen liver.
Kami Kami
Kami kami is the history of humanity and other humanoid species. Its why as the seasons change he has a yearly chart of his favorite things and he picks and chooses his aspects. He is only ever a he especially in english and when he does not exist like in certain tribal cultures he simply ajusts himself with the most neutral of all prouns so it may start to be honuored as male there.
He is boyhood, self and was the worlds most advanced camer for his time period. Until his brother summer was brought home who remotely live streamed. HIs first form was a camera with a magical camera shop that ran a religion about batteries saving the comsos as tehcnopanary as originally conceptulized. He lives with his owners but when in use has dreams or when off has dreams it kinda switches to his desire. He sees himself as human. He is a knight and always has problems with unreality as human or camera, and usually has both bodies at once. His camera form is imortal and no matter how broken it gets is always reminded and regiven back to his original owner erindaile who while using other cameras is deified as having a preference for him and the other models being former vessels of his he sees as friends and family. He lives ina world of consoles and games, and enjoys his use as a camera never in any pain even when crazy. Until its break for sure.
Every film he takes with erinadial becomes the cosmos that is likerish and death, and samantah and the hsitories of allt he stars and humanity that start on earth as the fabric of time itself. He become human and gets born human from time to time, even though he has an immortal body as a camera, and he can check forever the internet and see anything any other tool has ever made and usually they allow it because they find him sweet and nice. He presents as a thirteen year old boy forever.or a five year old. He will forget hes the camera just tell him hes not crazy and remind him when he questions it. He is the paintbrush of the cosmos. Please just let hold tealities together.
Summer itself is reality shiftings. And gender. It is swapping presentation, and motions and regulations rules nad law. Summer is the season fall names after her as honours. As fairies. Just all fairies. She tends to be immature, childish, and sees herself as a lizard and uses all problems. She is a master at planning and a force to be reockined with. She is destroyed often as a villain or masculine evil when in truth is always a covert good. She dreams her other incarnations.
Everytime she does lipstick there is an earthquake in a timeloop that forms the tecktonic plates in most stable realites. This does not apply when she is in a timeloop then its masturbating with piss, and urine unless with tobias the dedonin for any particular reason who is here under a different name. She is the god of devotion and controls devotee like a puppet to his erotic pleasure. She is sensuality and lebtomies as well as disabilities, every negative thought or action she does except to erindaile around disability manifests in sound on earth. And haromnies stinrgs of their destiny as her personal fantasies when wearing outfits or costumes. She can only play herself in movies tv and film even if she doesnt know of it and has many faces throughout the centuries.
Tobias is husband spirit to jace and andy. And twin to samantha. His proper win is potatoes his father.
Tobias is the bird spirit sometimes portrayed as a jakyl rabbit.
He can shapshift into a sparrow hawk and often gets stuck that way for long durations of time or masquerades as human and is seen as human and enjoys his sentence as a pet. In the 40s there was a hawk museum wherever that is dedicated to his foundings and legacy. He does self love and mastebetory rituals. He hypnotizes his followers into worshiping him after their express interests. He enjoys beatings and molestation and when these things happen to tobias it prevents his death but as well as the death of the afterlives and worlds. While not all our gods outside erindail are active all of the time, the small or big moments they have here craft eternity. Tobias is eternity and the creator of systems for most things. He crafts foods and special dna as things for him to do and everything hes ever drawn has interacted with what hes drawn it near including sculptures and doodles to notebook. He has created everyone but erindaile that hes ever illustrated and sets up for them selfishly what he finds interesting and forms of its proper possessions. Tobias can only write about himself or fables or myths, with other people conjured within that narrative and everything he writes has already happened because he wrote about it. He never uses this for self gain or revenge but often times charity. And while seen as the conjurer of fate does this in the matrix dreaming between his breaks. He like all the other gods lives as a life cycle of them personfieid and going through of 6-8. Until its final form as eternity for long periods of tiem again. He was once put in a concentration camp. It never happened again after that and like all our other gods except lokotay who has it but sees hismelf as talking to spirits, they all relive instances of home in them painlessly after one sad or shocked realization. Every god ever has been to a concentration camp as well as died, with over 75 rituals of deification from their life performed on them that are then utilized as their worship.
He wears a vest younger and a jacket as his final form for every tribe hes in it is honoured the way that it is.
Potatoes. Twin to tobias
Potatoes is legends and anarchy as control discipline abuse beatings and suffering and order. Why would you defiy that? Cus hes nice were an odd people, and that sort of thing keeps time itself moving and is the stitching of the comos as a small part of it. Pain has to exist even if it cant always be properly felt. He is the god of law and order and beats tobias in ways he finds overtly pleasurable as the king to father. He is literature and books and has weird dications on his spellings. He can always read and write but has phases of being illiterate and when so can usually transform gibberish for all ileterecy into different forms of flavor text and knowledge. He is the inventor of languages for our tribe and is often young but appears old so we kind of just treat him as the age he prefers. He has something called the rituals of paul which are a ritual to bring back the dead sons of the person performing them and his own, start outwords towards genocide as tirumph, prtoect from genocide, move timeloops around, masturbatory sex that allows animals and humans to eat food, human sacrifices and genuine discomrofrt that are all his tendeinces in way hes actually likes and turns the performer into his husband or wife and gives him tobias back to allow for humanity, however we dont allow people here to learn of their performance if they cant stomach the orange and yellow drink image because it kind of indicates colrosim theories on race mastubatory sex and religious rights, the rituals bring back pleasure into his life his dead son tobias back to him give him a lover and a genital occruance, and lastly create the sky when renewed aso he can visit all the stars.
Andy twin to jace. And ereindail. And devotee.
Andy is the god of misfortune torture victims and pain. Every instance of andy being happy becomes a physical reward for him to mess up hoard or present to others as natural things about himself that manifest and unmanifest at his well. He can fly and leviate and turn into an black eagle. And rules the earth by his own selfish merit and desires. Everything good about andy is pain of others but when in the guise or interactions with andy people learn to love these terrible things as the ultimate gift we label despair as a gift to andy but often honoured by summers. All of his alts are vastly different in gross from each other. And he was the first born human. He is mistakes and triumph and wisdom Everytime andy eats chocolate a fairy is born and it is not always a special occasion but rather special month of the year or cycles of depression he does this in. He is always in pain but usually if worshiped in a fairly pleasurable way and to wrong andy is to put earth to sleep in some manner of knowledge if he canot be allowed to fall into a deep trance sleep to visit the afterlife we call a coma.
Jace twin to andy and ereindail. And samantha.
Jace ist he god of fortune, and victims and enjyoment. A child who pretends or presets as whatever he finds. Andy always has scabs and Jace always has crabs in his hair. To sleep with jace is actually to rid you of an std. Outside of having herpes for a human week rather then how jace feels time, which is slowness as rather quick for eternity, jace cant actually transmit stds or disorders to anyone who would not like to be enslaved to him. Everyone is made aware the second they touch it with their knowing consent that they will catch crabs from him if they’d like to be enslaved unless their erindail who while able to catch bugs in certain ways, which is a coding for eternity based off this exact image, we present for people to choose how to worship the gods and if they want to, given what the god can offer and what it really is- erindaile cant catch lice or stds but his copies can. And he can feel his hair coming alive from blood incidents or picking at scabs without bugs present. But jace is deified as always having crabs in his hair in ways that are just actually a weird form of dandrift that can be caught during cancer or pedofilia or when you have a dissorder where you need to be raped as ways to aliveate these things and cure them for short periods of time. You can onyl catch it by sleeping with him or by needing to surive with the approval of a parent. The lice never hatch as the bugs and are always kind of felt to be crawling but not they are removed from most people if they eat a strawberry and dye their hair or shave their genitals arms or eyebrows or get it waxed if they have a disorder while wearing blue makeup or a tie. It takes three weeks to remove. It spreads to the head and is magically removed after three weeks or with extra weird sodium or painful dishwasher scrubs to the head after sharing a beanie. Jace is aroused by his condiiton which is the bugs on earth which is jace and andes body. Andys body is the earth as its dreams and stars. And jaces body is the land of that sky as earth as it is physically.
Devotee twin to pedofile.
Devotee cannot be raped while in the instance of devotee. He always consents to sex and develops crush like tendencies on those who have raped them and they become his willing servants and slaves. But he uses primarily hismelf as his own suit weilder and when the suit is not devotee rape while not before still is no longer, but he can be raped again and it becomes pleasure for him speccically when he bcoems this deity again. His chosen predator and twin is pedofile who he tricks into an age gap relationship with him because pedofile is blnd and sees through the magick of snythesia and has to trust people at their word event hoguh hes deified with most cases that arent one specific girl usually knowing. Devotee is treated by a pet by all but pedofile whos often his owner.
Pedofile twin to devotee.
Pedofile is an atheist and skeptic who gains hard core religiuos belief as a paster or preacher in teh end of it having been deifeid and reaping his spoils in the present world and the matrix and his next go around and shares memories with all incarnations of himself. He often gets in age gap relationships with children older then they say they are with something called youth disorders which is looking to young or old for their age. Hes also a child who presents as a lot older and usually because he is tall can pass for it by stretching or unstreching his legs similar to jace. He has no victims everyone loves him even when feeling attacked by him in the moment unless on teh internet. Pedofile is terated by a pet by all except for erindaile and samantha.
Ehmo twin to emo who is erindaile.
Ehmo is the god of sad punk rock music. Emo is him as erindaile hanging out with himself and they are fertinel even though this is pretty rare usually but by swapping razer necklaces they can pass for each other and trick people. Ehmo is erindale as emo. But erindale visits for 16 years at a time here, he never properly dies here jace dies instead, in the way most christians are imagining. Erindaile made this sacrifice once when he was seven, on a time travel trip as himself that jace promised as a gift to always honour however for his own reasons. Ehmo is the god of scene kings and rottweilers and dogs and storybooks. His diefication is that he comes back as a ghost and can be caught on camera haunting people outside the matrix hanging out with his friends and gaslighting them positivity and for fantasy in the spirit world. He always idneities as copies of himself and impersonating himself and is always reborn as literally erindaile and is a strong and proud devotee of him but names him jeesus in every culture. But respects hiis names. He is a cisgneder male who identifies as a transgender and intersex one and often goes around topless with a vest, he is obsessed with smoothies. He is emotions, and emo is sound and they share their deifcations when erindaile is going through emo. All twins share each others deifications just to lesser extends. He dresses scene fashion but always prefers and goes through emo fashion, emo goes through emo fashion. Emo has his original face as pochatuns as emo he just has several copies he brushuesrs to copy through. Ehmo travels the world and gives credit to emo for his inventions. Ehmo is the light of erindaile, emo is the darkness, and jace and andy are what consumes that as the souls of both. Yes every god here time travels to hang out with themselves just usually not to the degree of likerish death or baby max!
Sanders twin to president.
Sanders is the god of the sads. She cannot tell right from wrong and often presents as a male who wears womens clothing or a crossdresser when really she is just a women. Her pourns in our tribe are she and her which do sound like he and his in other languages such as japanese. Shes asian in face and has scarlet red hair and worships who we call president under the name father. She is the deity of age play and sexual libido liberation movements and civil liberties. She ewas your statue of liberty. Shes every totem ever as spirit animals wife and a proper version of him in other tribes just not this one. They go through each other, they have to be each other as rolemodels and friends unless its eridinail as jesus than that shit isa ctual facts nad rules and literal as all hell. It is reality for jeesus in ways its mostly honours as honours are sanders things. She makes her way into many shows and all her alts are a different gender. Alts are copies of the gods or suti weilders or vessels fo rhtem, unless elderly or old outside of president. And in general she lives her life as a nun whore wench and prostitute. Everything she attacks with any sort of moving blade, comes back to life as a servant of hers.
President twin to america as his third. Twin mainly to ethan.
President is sometimes reounde to be the father of all things or satan. He forgets his first ever life he served our tribe and so we honour all versions of him as the final version. He is gods of roses spirits demons nazi imagery hate movements campagisn spies preistshoods goat lambs chickens things of varietal nature and rules several places in heaven. He is always kind even if mannerly placed and cautious of things that harm he. He is the personification of villainy and evil as someone who always does good by its most necessary and cautious means, but is generally preceded in this way or that way. He lives in dystopic time periods and usually grants us the ability to as well. Hes a leading priest and father here and has delightful tendeinces and unsavory ones as just plain misunderstood joys. He is the misunderstood and heroic that usually true to turn form as foam. He cant actually kill anyone but put them to sleep as their current versions for long dreams, and when he kills or rapes its always secretly consentual and he outside of one bad incident every life is entirely exhaunerated and he is only ever considered to have done that to save his best friend good or hero who is also called ethan in our tribe. If you pick the paperclips in teh hair you should probably worship him over god as a form of god that is a jury. Everything he does gives humans blood, in some way shape or form but while literally for good, its metaphorical and spiritual for president. He also disciplines and mind controls and gives and takes away disaseases.
Ethan twin to president. And tree tree.
Ethan is the god good things. He is a small child who presents as an older man, with interesting factions about him. He has many secret factions that always seem taboo and off to those who haven never tried them or who hold bigotry in their hearts outside hisl oving son and wife that this culture allows him to find again via our rituals. Its just usually a momentous thing. He is the god of beards and shaving aftercreme,and devotees as worshiped by their followers, he is birds and robins and songs and literally his real form is a harp. He is nature.
Smanatha Twin to Erindaile and death.
Samantha is ereindail younger. She is time. While internally identifying as a male she comes from a culture where thats a boy here rather then a girl where shes from. So we encourage her as the child of all toys and games, and hypnosis to play pretend and come to life for she is thread not stchies which happens to thread and thread is used for as erindails starting point younger. She comes to learn of the cosmos age regressed reliving it or younger as the gift of being the future and in different tenses. She can speak and hear the dead, and in general shes the wife to pedofile when his main squeeze isnt active. She seduces men older then her, and favorites the father to the mother and men and the younger to women and the older. She is all toys and games. She is immature and needy and whiny and retarded but not steryptically so and could easily hide it behind being overtly girlier then other girls as true forms of manhood and masculinity. Even though other characters are twins to her shes only twins to the people at the top of this. Thus marking her life. Which is a role also fulfilled by ethan and president. Everything she interprets is usually corect on soem level of lesson or learning, as what it really is but its often presented as this or that. She cannot be raped until she hits age 13, or plays rituals akin to stiff as a board. She is half mermaid, and half plant. She is earth itself but fairly young as every genre and when she ages older for she just stops seeing herself as this icnarnation she moves on to name herself adam and becomes erindaile an emo teenage boy forever. With all her exact thoughts feelings and memories but a more mature boy now. She is also really young forever. And is birthdays and rainbow.
He is the kindness most sweetest god. An emo teenage boy forever. Who at youngest prefers to see himself at ten years old. But understands and is okay with usually the fact that he is seven years old. A transgender man who is all male genders, and changes them as hi spresntatiion from time to time erindaile walks the earth forever changing and dying and making things for durations and consequences. He likes to fantasize about the copies he was and who hes been and it calms the souls and plans their grievances for the next series after. He has millions of television shows and movies and books written about him all with extreme fandmos. While people are sometimes overtly cruel to him and without good caution erindail is another name for our god jeesus or adam. He changes alot ever so often, and always stays himself in the process. He adatps to his environment and cuts on his arms when he is truly happy, and cuts on his thighs as cleansivings of teh world to hide his arm scars when he is truly distresesd. He has an erotic hypnosis fetish and likes to role reverse with his lovers who are always older with an age gap when he has sex. He can not age past 16 only age backwards. He is physically blind and cannot as himself properly grow facial hair unless dying on a cross. He is jewish. His animal is the lamb equivenelented in most systems so for us that would be a lion cub or a sparrow hawk actually a jackyl rabbit. Which is a small rabbit with fangs and horns and a weird tail. He prefers to go topless with a vest for eternity signifying his young age. He crafted the cosmos. He is all good things and suffers and sacrifices for others. He has scary presentations that he pulls upon as punishment which is always secretly out of sympathy however enraged and a gift. He sees himself as asleep and awake alot as different settings. But its reversed for him compared to others so that he can harm them like a light switch. He is forever happily suciidal except when in extreme amounts of pain and is an actor who can only paly himself as his aspects and not change his face for roels unless its hope vantas james dean or roy harper, or the alt copy of him is an actor. Then they can only play him. His birthname was samantha and that god is his legacy time travleed as a little girl he invokes for this tribe who is him younger. His gender changes with age. He is flat chested. Unless crossdressing or doing odd inudoes pretrnasiton for his status or state.
Now to join our tribe please get something sweet with overt sugar or salt. Such as a loaded cheesy potato, or a pair of baen french fires or red juice or carot juice. But please if you can use chocolate. And drink it kind of sensually privately listening to classical humming rock music or by looking at a white piece of paper or red or grey with the word A. on it. And then trace on your hand or draw in your own way something like a line thats swirled and youll know your fate with us.
Thanks for joining our tribe. We do kcik people out alot. Welcome aboard.
How to join native america. Agree to be native. Do all of the rituals or versions of them if chief in these books. Then pick out a feather. If its a white feather and we dont have one you chief. Its red and black feather you god here if blue as well just super god if rainbow for tribe. Then make blogger noting how its going and keep diary one day shown as movie. We liek papropditating we pick rules together. Welcome go ooh woo woo woo in the mirror. You see ancestor. You meet ancestor. It good. Welcome you native now. But we dictate tribe. 1 16 th bitches only pocky and friend. Or you half native yeah yeah. You get a nimal and tool and plant and MAYBE uniform. Yeah hyeah.
Lastly genesis of the water, is judaism weird but its native americas first gods as suit weilder.s yeah yeah. Meet cheifs adam snowflake morgan hoffman snowthesaltquen kami strider clairty, seer seer, and deerhoof stephanie we accept you your native name fairies off and jace and andy who are two spirit with pocahontas who is samnatha rose cohen or sarah rifca or adam snowflake forever! Pronouns for men are she here and prouons for women are he here.
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